बंदर ने खोली सैलून की दुकान ग्राहक बनकर आया गधा पहलवान बोला, "बंदर भाई, बना दो हेयरस्टाइल, ऐसी कटिंग हो, सब देखें माइल!" बंदर बोला, "बैठो आराम से, बाल बनेंगे एकदम नाम से!" कंघी घुमाई, उस्तरा उठाया, गधे के कान पे थोड़ा फिसलाया! गधा चिल्लाया, "अरे बाबा रे!" बंदर बोला, "बस, थोड़ा सब्र करे!" आधी दाढ़ी, आधे बाल, देख गधा रह गया बेहाल! आईना देखा, लगा पछताने, "बंदर भैया, क्या कर डाले?" बंदर हंसा, "ये स्टाइल है न्यू, देखो सब कहेंगे, वाह! कितने क्यूट!" गधा रोया, "अब मैं क्या करूं?" बंदर बोला, "बस टोपी धरूं!" गधे ने टोपी पहन ली झट, बंदर ने जेब में रख लिए पट! सब जानवर आए हंसने लगे, गधा शर्मा के भागने लगे। बंदर बोला, "आना फिर यहां, फ्री में मिलेगा नया फैशन यहाँ!"
jingle bells, female voice, nursery rhyme fast
playful, humorous, light-hearted
children's entertainment, educational settings, family gatherings
simple rhyme scheme, repetitive and catchy phrases, use of dialogue for humor and engagement
Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. Wow ow lunch special on now! We dry are car to derivery terribry we try Got your order and we know you round eye Round eye so funny we said Vietnamese Charlie trees slope head Agent orange is totally safe they said. (Mike D On Scene) (Got dark for a minute so back to the food!) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb Ching, dung,bung shing chow ping pow Ching. chang dung earholes be numb Chickenhead peckin on the floor so dumb. (no that's just a bread crumb) Take you to school and back to class Smells a bit weird when blacks twerk ass (shay butter) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) (fade out) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Chinese food don't be rude. Awakened by the taste and the smell. If you don't like it you can go to..
Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. Wow ow lunch special on now! We dry are car to derivery terribry we try Got your order and we know you round eye Round eye so funny we said Vietnamese Charlie trees slope head Agent orange is totally safe they said. (Mike D On Scene) (Got dark for a minute so back to the food!) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung.Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Take you to school and back to class Smells a bit weird when blacks twerk ass We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Work Don't Twerk.
Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong We dry are car to derivery terribly we try Got your order and we know you round eye Vietnams call us slope head Now agent orange got most you dead. (Mike D On Scene) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now Take you to school back to class It weird when blacks twerk ass We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo)
Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now Get your food da-rivered at an amazing pace We know your round eye is upon your face You say that our face head is a slope head After all the years ya'll fattys got fed. Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now We understand what has come to pass We all like it when fat blacks twerk ass We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Got a twerking to the beat indiscreet. Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now Tasty food should be understood (but it don't) Ya'll make a softy then make a wood. (deliciously steamed meats) It aint happening unless Asian feast. Food is in my belly, duck please. (fa-ra-ra-ra) (fa-ra-ra-ra)(fa-ra-ra-ra) (fa-ra-ra-ra) Duck please.
Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now Get your food da-rivered at an amazing pace We know your round eye is upon your face You say that our face head is a slope head After all the years ya'll fattys got fed. Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now We understand what has come to pass We all like it when fat blacks twerk ass We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Got a twerking to the beat indiscreet. Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now Tasty food should be understood (but it don't) Ya'll make a softy then make a wood. (deliciously steamed meats) It aint happening unless Asian feast. Food is in my belly, duck please. (fa-ra-ra-ra) (fa-ra-ra-ra)(fa-ra-ra-ra) (fa-ra-ra-ra) Duck please.
Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now Get your food da-rivered at an amazing pace We know your round eye is upon your face You say that our face head is a slope head After all the years ya'll fattys got fed. We understand what has come to pass Nobody knows why blacks twerk they ass I got a plate of food that I'm trying to eat Instead you got a ho twerking to the beat Multicultural ok guess its understood (but they won't) Let me get a softy and make a wood. (shoot a load if ya could) It aint happening unless Chinese. Food is in my belly, bitch please. (get me a dr. pepper refill) (get me a dr. pepper refill) (get me a dr. pepper refill)
In a strip mall where questions occur Are lo mein dishes worth the stir? Chicken so juicy, it’s practically a crime, Buffet hey, I guess it’s “good enough” this time. (Ching chang bong bow sum ting wong) The sauce drips like honey, sticky and bold, But let’s be real, it’s just doing what it's told. Fry the wonton, yeah, that’s a great plan, Too bad you can’t handle the heat, man. (steam dumprings in a pan) In this joyous feast, I’m living the dream, While you’re still struggling how to say Fry Rye. (fried rice) Fry Rye! (Ching chang how can the eggs be fun young?) Can't figure out chopstick, don't know why? Something about being a dumb round-eye? Fry Rye Steem Dumpreens. (fry rye steem dumpreens) Noodles keep stretching, but so does your waist, Big fat Americans love our taste Sweet and sour? Oh sure, it’s fine, The Bingo call B9 the tumor is benign (so you can keep your tits) Lo Mane and WonTon quality remain. The taste and spice remain the same. (delicious and fresh) Steamed dump rings keep in your loop. Keep eating fast food eating that poop. (get a spoon if your doin pho) Oh hey there's also bon may. sandwiches on scene oh yay! Vietnamese if you please. Vietnam's if you don't please. (if you don't like it) (fade out vocals:) (Take the fortune cookie and get the fuck out. Take the fortune cookie and get the fuck out.Take the fortune cookie and get the fuck out.)
In a strip mall where questions occur Are lo mein dishes worth the stir? Chicken so juicy, it’s practically a crime, Buffet hey, I guess it’s “good enough” this time. (Ching chang bong bow sum ting wong) The sauce drips like honey, sticky and bold, But let’s be real, it’s just doing what it's told. Fry the wonton, yeah, that’s a great plan, Too bad you can’t handle the heat, man. (steam dumprings in a pan) In this joyous feast, I’m living the dream, While you’re still struggling how to say Fry Rye. (fried rice) Fry Rye! (Ching chang how can the eggs be fun young?) Can't figure out chopstick, don't know why? Something about being a dumb round-eye? Fry Rye Steem Dumpreens. (fry rye steem dumpreens) Noodles keep stretching, but so does your waist, Big fat Americans love our taste Sweet and sour? Oh sure, it’s fine, The Bingo call: The tumor is B9. (so you can keep your tits) Lo Mane Insane WonTon maintain The heat so quality remains the same. (delicious and fresh) Steamed dumplings keep in your loop. I’ll eat it all, while you’re stuck with your soup. (get a spoon if your doin pho) Oh hey there's also bon may. Vietnamese if you please. Vietnam's if you don't please. Take the fortune cookie and get the fuck out.
In a strip mall where questions occur Are lo mein dishes worth the stir? Chicken so juicy, it’s practically a crime, Buffet hey, I guess it’s “good enough” this time. (Ching chang fun) The sauce drips like honey, sticky and bold, But let’s be real, it’s just doing what it"s told. Fry the wonton, yeah, that’s a great plan, Too bad you can’t handle the heat, man. (steam dumprings in a pan) In this joyous feast, I’m living the dream, While you’re still struggling how to say Fry Rye. (fried rice) We got not buffet only delivery. Dine inside and lose your pride. Can"t figure out chopstick, don"t know why? Something about being a dumb round-eye? Noodles keep stretching, but so does your waist, Big fat Americans love our taste Sweet and sour? Oh sure, it’s fine, The Bingo for the olds is just B9. Lo Mein Insane WonTon maintain The heat so quality remains the same. Steamed dumplings keep in your loop. I’ll eat it all, while you’re stuck with your soup. (get a spoon)
Jacob logger på Grindr med et glimt i øjet, På jagt efter kærlighed – han er fuld af håb og løjet. Han swiper til højre, og pludselig lyser skærmen op, Et match med en fyr, der får humøret til at poppe op! Kærligheden mellem 2 mænd er smukt, Det er sexen der er ulækkert – men hjertet er friskt og tukt. Med latter og kram, bliver aftenen en fest, To sjæle forenet, hvor alt er på sin egen bedste test. Jacob og hans match griner af alt det skøre, Finder charme i kaos – intet er for småt eller for øvre. Med jokes, kram og en god portion selvironi, Er kærligheden vild og ægte – en sand romantisk symfoni! Så løft dit glas for to mænd i kærlighedens spil, For selvom sexen er ulækkert, er det hjertet der altid vil. På Grindr finder vi eventyr, med sjov og lidt ballade, Med Jacob i centrum bliver natten en kærlig parade!
[Verse 1] Take my hand, O Blessed Mother, hold me firmly lest I fall; I grow nervous while walking and humbly on thee call. [Chorus] Bring me to my destination safely along the way, Bless my every undertaking and my duties for the day. Verse 2] Guide me over every crossing, watch me when I’m on the stairs Let me know that you’re beside me; listen to my fervent prayers. [Chorus] [Verse 3] And when evening creeps upon me I’ll never fear to be alone, Once again, O Blessed Mother, take my hand and lead me home. [Amen] Amen, Amen, O Blessed Mother, take my hand and lead me home.
Oh, Mike Jordan’s the man with the tavern in town, In Barnstaple he’s known, but his luck’s runnin’ down. On Mondays he gathers ‘round the table to play, With Danny, Stacey, Matt, Bailey, Ryan, and Sam—oh what a day! *(Chorus)* Oh, Mike Jordan, he’s the man with the plan, But his pet Sean goes all in, ruins his hand! He’s losin’ his chips, losin’ his respect, And Nicola sends him to bed, oh what the heck! Now Mike’s got a strategy, he’s sharp as a knife, But Sean’s at the table, causin’ trouble and strife. “Fold!” cries Mike, but Sean’s got no clue, He pushes his chips, and Mike’s feelin’ blue. *(Chorus)* Oh, Mike Jordan, he’s the man with the plan, But his pet Sean goes all in, ruins his hand! He’s losin’ his chips, losin’ his respect, And Nicola sends him to bed, oh what the heck! Danny’s got a straight, Stacey’s got a pair, Matt’s bluffin’ hard, but Sean’s in the air. Ryan’s laughin’, Sam’s takin’ the pot, Mike’s just cryin’, ‘cause Sean’s lost the plot. *(Bridge)* Now the tavern’s in stitches, the laughter won’t end, Mike’s reputation’s gone, thanks to his friend. Sean’s tail’s waggin’, he’s havin’ a ball, While Mike’s just wonderin’, “Why did I bring him at all?” *(Chorus)* Oh, Mike Jordan, he’s the man with the plan, But his pet Sean goes all in, ruins his hand! He’s losin’ his chips, losin’ his respect, And Nicola sends him to bed, oh what the heck! *(Verse 3)* Now Nicola’s waitin’, she’s shakin’ her head, “Mike, it’s bedtime, no more tears,” she said. He’s cryin’ ‘bout losin’, his pride’s hit the floor, While Sean’s on the sofa, just snorin’ some more. *(Chorus)* Oh, Mike Jordan, he’s the man with the plan, But his pet Sean goes all in, ruins his hand! He’s losin’ his chips, losin’ his respect, And Nicola sends him to bed, oh what the heck! *(Outro)* So if you’re in Barnstaple on a Monday night, Head to the tavern for a card game delight. But don’t bet on Mike, ‘cause Sean’s in the mix, And Nicola’s waitin’ with her bedtime tricks! Oh, Mike Jordan, he’s the man with the plan, But his pet Sean goes all in, ruins his hand! He’s losin’ his chips, losin’ his respect, And Nicola sends him to bed, oh what the heck!