[Verse] You walked through the door like you own the show But your game is weak and your tempo's slow Claim you’re the king but you got no throne Laughing up here where the real ones own [Verse 2] Flexin' on the 'Gram with your rented shine Fake friends backstabbin' in your storyline Call me the locksmith your secrets unlock While you're caught fumbling can't handle the shock [Chorus] Who are you fooling plastic in disguise Mask slipping off I see the fear in your eyes Cheap talk ain't nothing actions take flight Dethroned your crown now welcome the night [Bridge] Fists in the dirt while I’m reaching the stars Every line a bullet leaving lyrical scars You wish for my fall but I thrive in the pain Dodging your shade dancing in the rain [Verse 3] Your words are shallow like a kiddie pool Dropping fake knowledge you thought you were cool My tongue cuts sharper than a diamond’s side Knives in my back couldn’t kill my pride [Chorus] Who are you fooling plastic in disguise Mask slipping off I see the fear in your eyes Cheap talk ain't nothing actions take flight Dethroned your crown now welcome the night
bass-heavy, gritty, hip-hop
Defiant, confrontational, empowering
Suitable for motivational settings, personal empowerment playlists, or situations calling for resilience against adversity
Features strong rhythmic flow, clever wordplay, and vivid imagery; employs internal rhymes and a bass-heavy production characteristic of modern hip-hop.
[Verse] Behind the wheel I'm a rule breaker Streetlights flash like stardust makers Gas pedal down when the world feels wrong Speed to the rhythm of a renegade song [Chorus] I live loud I chase the fire Burning rubber like my one desire No chains no game to pull me back I'm a rocket blazing off the track [Verse 2] Skyscrapers glare but they can't compete With the fever that explodes in my heartbeat Lambo roars like a beast in pain But power’s the storm running through my veins [Chorus] I live loud I chase the fire Burning rubber like my one desire No chains no game to pull me back I'm a rocket blazing off the track [Bridge] Rules ain't written for the wild like me Strip their weight and let my spirit free The night calls sharp like a blade of steel And I’m carving my path through this city surreal [Chorus] I live loud I chase the fire Burning rubber like my one desire No chains no game to pull me back I'm a rocket blazing off the track
सुनो, मैं तुम्हें आसानी से छोड़ देता, तुम्हारी भावनाओं को ठेस न पहुंचाता, लेकिन मुझे बस यह एक मौका मिला है (छह मिनट, छह मिनट)। कुछ गड़बड़ है, मैं महसूस कर सकता हूं (छह मिनट, स्लिम शेडी, तुम हो तैयार!)। बस एक एहसास है, जैसे कुछ होने वाला है, पर मुझे नहीं पता क्या। अगर वह मतलब है जो मैं सोचता हूं, तो हम मुसीबत में हैं, बड़ी मुसीबत। और अगर वह जैसा तुम कहते हो, उतना ही पागल है, तो मैं कोई रिस्क नहीं लूंगा। तुम वही हो जो डॉक्टर ने बताया था। मुझे लगने लगा है कि मैं एक रैप गॉड हूं, रैप गॉड। मेरे सभी लोग आगे से पीछे तक सिर हिलाते हैं, सिर हिलाते हैं। अब, कौन सोचता है कि उसकी बांहें लंबी हैं मुझे थप्पड़ मारने के लिए? उन्होंने कहा कि मैं रोबोट की तरह रैप करता हूं, तो मुझे रैप-बॉट कहो। लेकिन मेरे लिए कंप्यूटर की तरह रैप करना, यह मेरे खून में है। मेरी जेब में लैपटॉप है, मेरी कलम चलती है जब मैं इसे आधा खींचता हूं। मैंने रैप से कमाई की और उससे जीवन चलाया। बिल क्लिंटन के ऑफिस में रहने के दौरान भी, मोनिका लेविंस्की उसके साथ थी। मैं एक ईमानदार एमसी हूं, लेकिन बेहद बदतमीज़ और अश्लील। शब्दों का जादू, मैं उन्हें मारता हूं, यह फ्लिपिटी डिपिटी-हिपिटी हिप-हॉप। तुम सच में मुझसे पिसिंग मैच में नहीं उलझना चाहोगे, इस रैपिटी ब्रैट के साथ, जो एक MAC पिस्टल लेकर चलता है। बैकपैक रैप क्रैप, याप-याप, यैकिटी-यैक। और उसी समय, मैं ये लिरिकल एक्रोबेटिक स्टंट्स करता हूं, जबकि मैं अभ्यास कर रहा हूं, मैं अभी भी एक टेबल तोड़ सकता हूं कुछ बेवकूफों की पीठ पर और उसे आधा कर सकता हूं। मुझे एहसास हुआ कि यह विडंबना थी, मैं Aftermath के साथ साइन किया। मैं कैसे नहीं फट सकता? मैं सिर्फ F-बम गिराता हूं। मेरे गुस्से का हमला महसूस करो। रैपर्स का बुरा वक्त चल रहा है, यहां एक मैक्सी पैड है। यह वास्तव में बहुत बुरा है, जबकि मैं इस मास्टरपीस को बना रहा हूं। क्योंकि मुझे लगने लगा है कि मैं एक रैप गॉड हूं, रैप गॉड। मेरे सभी लोग आगे से पीछे तक सिर हिलाते हैं, सिर हिलाते हैं। अब, कौन सोचता है कि उसकी बांहें लंबी हैं मुझे थप्पड़ मारने के लिए? मैं तुम्हें दिखाता हूं कि इसे बनाए रखना इतना मुश्किल नहीं है। हर कोई चाहता है कि रैप की अमरता का रहस्य जाने, जैसा कि मेरे पास है। खैर, सच कहूं तो, यह सिर्फ गुस्सा और जवानी का जोश है। हर कोई एक शरारती को सपोर्ट करना पसंद करता है। धरती पर एक उल्का की तरह टकराओ, और चांद पर निशाना लगाओ (प्यू!)। MCs को इस संगीत के साथ स्कूल भेजो, क्योंकि मैं इसे एक वाहन के रूप में इस्तेमाल करता हूं। अब मैं एक नए स्कूल का नेतृत्व करता हूं, जो छात्रों से भरा है। मैं? मैं रकीम का उत्पाद हूं, लकीम शबाज़, 2Pac, N.W.A, क्यूब, हे डॉक, रेन, येला, ईज़ी, धन्यवाद, उन्होंने स्लिम को प्रेरित किया। काफी प्रेरित किया कि एक दिन बड़ा होकर, फटकर, और एक पोजिशन में आऊं जहां मैं Run-D.M.C. से मिल सकूं, उन्हें रॉक एंड रोल हॉल ऑफ फे
Nie zatrzymasz mnie, lecę jak wiatr, Bijna in de lucht, ik ga te hard. Miasto nie śpi, światla jak blask, Ik leef mijn droom, ik geef geen f*** Znowu w trasie, w ręku zimny cash, Jouw chick kijkt, ze weet wie ik ben. Nie mam czasu na fatszywy flex, Ik doe mijn ding, blijf weg met stress Każdy ruch przemyślany jak szach, Ik zet een stap, ik win deze match, Nie gram na łatwo, to mój świat, Stad vol lichten, ga nooit meer plat Nie zatrzymasz mnie, lecę jak wiatr, Bijna in de lucht, ik ga te hard. Miasto nie śpi, światta jak blask, Ik leef mijn droom, ik geef geen f** Ona pyta mnie, gdzie idziemy dziś, Złote łańcuchy, czuć ten styl. Ik blijf rennen, geen tijd voor niks, Mój team przy mnie, robimy hit Kiedyś marzyłem, dziś mam to w dtoni, Ik bouw mijn empire, niemand stopt mij. Nie patrzę wstecz, już nie ma granic, Tylko do góry, to mój nawyk Ik zie de skyline, voel die vibe, Miasto świeci, czysty hajp. Ludzie patrzą, pytają "jak?" Tylko grind, tylko czas Nie zatrzymasz mnie, lecę jak wiatr, Bijna in de lucht, ik ga te hard. Miasto nie śpi, światta jak blask, Ik leef mijn droom, ik geef geen f***
[Verse] You walk the streets like you own the town But your crown is plastic Just put it down You flex online But you're out of time Your game’s all talk No mountain to climb [Chorus] TikTok flop You’re a one-minute show Fast fame fades Where you gonna go Real ones grind And you just mime Caught in the loop Now you out of time [Verse 2] Your moves are weak Just a viral wave No backbone built Just a digital slave Chasin’ clicks like they’re your gold chain But real ones know your game’s so plain [Bridge] The beat don’t lie It’ll call you out Your tough talk fades with every shout This ain’t the screen This is life’s test No filters here Bring your best of the best [Chorus] TikTok flop You’re a one-minute show Fast fame fades Where you gonna go Real ones grind And you just mime Caught in the loop Now you out of time [Verse 3] Step up or step back The choice is yours But door’s closing fast No open doors A trend don’t last And nor does bluff TikTok fame ain’t nearly enough
Tao suy nghĩ nhiều, tao sợ đủ điều... Mày là ai? Sao cứ muốn kéo tao xuống? Tao là mày hay chỉ là một ảo ảnh? Mày là cái đéo gì trong đầu tao thế?* 🎤 [Verse 1 – Nhân cách tiêu cực] (Rap chậm, tâm trạng, hơi hằn học) Tao là cái bóng trong tâm trí mày, lúc nào cũng lải nhải bên tai Mày chỉ là con chó chạy theo ánh sáng, không bao giờ có nổi ngày mai Mày cứ cố làm cho thiên hạ hài lòng, nhưng thực tế tụi nó đéo hề quan tâm Mày chỉ là thằng nhóc sống trong hoang tưởng, nghĩ ai cũng thật lòng như mày hả thằng con cặc? Ba mẹ mày bỏ nhau, chuyện lồn gì cũng chẳng thể cứu vãn Còn thằng nhóc ngày đó chỉ biết trốn chạy, khóc lóc, đéo ai màng Mày luôn nghi ngờ mọi người xung quanh, sợ bị phản bội, sợ bị lừa Vì chính mày cũng đéotin bản thân, thì làm đéo gì có ai tin mày nữa? Mày sống giả dối để được chấp nhận, nhưng đéo ai cần mày giả vờ Mày trách cuộc đời, trách số phận, nhưng thật ra mày cũng đéo khác gì nó đâu Mày cứ loay hoay trong cái đầu không có lối thoát Mày nghĩ mày giỏi, nhưng mày yếu vãi lồn ra, chỉ là thằng hề chờ ai ban phát! 🎤 [Pre-Hook – Nhân cách tiêu cực khiêu khích] (Giọng thấp, khiêu khích, đe dọa) Nếu mày mạnh mẽ như mày nói Thì hãy chứng minh cho tao thấy đi Và khi tao thấy mày gục ngã Lúc đó quyền kiểm soát thuộc về tao, hiểu chứ? Mày sẽ chết, tao sẽ sống Tốt nhất mày đừng làm ai thất vọng Nếu không tao sẽ kéo mày xuống Và kết thúc mày trong cái bóng tối này… 🎤 [Hook] (Melodic, sâu lắng, nhưng vẫn có chút lạnh lùng) Look in the mirror, tell me what you see? Is it me or you? Who’s controlling me? Tao là ánh sáng hay là bóng tối? Ai sẽ thắng, ai sẽ chìm xuống thôi? 🎤 [Verse 2 – Nhân cách tích cực phản kháng] (Flow nhanh hơn, mạnh mẽ hơn, như đang đánh nhau với nội tâm) Câm mẹ nó đi! Tao không cần nghe cái giọng điệu đó nữa Tao đéo có yếu đuối như mày tưởng, tao không cần ai cứu rỗi nữa Tao là chính tao, không phải một con rối sống theo lời mày nói Hôm nay tao không còn sợ nữa, tao đứng đây, đối mặt với bóng tối! Mày nghĩ tao sợ? địt mẹ, tao đã từng muốn chết nhưng giờ thì không Tao học cách đau, học cách lớn, học cách đứng dậy từ cái đáy cùng Tao đéo còn trách ai, cũng chẳng cần ai công nhận Tao không cần ánh mắt thương hại của lũ chó ngoài kia, tụi nó đéo quan tâm! 🎤 [Bridge] (Lời tâm sự, nhưng vẫn mạnh mẽ) Tao từng mong quá khứ quay về, nhưng đó chỉ là giấc mơ Tao từng trốn chạy chính bản thân, nhưng tao không thể như thế nữa Tao phải đứng lên, tao phải đi tiếp, không thể để mày kiểm soát Bởi vì hôm nay, tao chọn sống, không còn chạy trốn, không còn chối bỏ sự thật! 🎤 [Hook – Lặp lại, kết thúc mạnh mẽ] Look in the mirror, tell me what you see? Is it me or you? Who’s controlling me? Tao là ánh sáng hay là bóng tối? Ai sẽ thắng, ai sẽ chìm xuống thôi?
[Verse] Came out the gate, fire breathin’, dragonhead stroll, They barkin’ ‘bout loyalty, but they dig in that gold. I break jaws with syllables, crack ribs with prose, Your lines soft as pillows while my arsenal explodes. [Verse 2] You flexin’ on the ‘Gram, I flex on mics, Stay barkin’ on the pavement, I’m takin’ flight. Coordinates dropped ‘cause you lost this fight, While I’m orbitin’ Saturn, your roots stuck in fright. [Chorus] Step to the throne, what you claim is a farce, I’m the pen that bleeds venom, every line leaves a scar. Pose like a legend but you ain't even a part, Of the kings that carved verses straight from the heart. [Bridge] No feature verse, this is solo revenge, Every comma’s a karma with that surgical binge. You a pawn with delusions of ascension through trends, I’m a whole chessboard, your game ‘bout to end. [Verse 3] You pedestal-climbin’, built it shaky and loose, I’m stompin' on your name, knock the shine off your juice. Your buzz? Temporary, a fly caught in the noose, While I hold timeless, like hard-hittin’ blues. [Chorus] Step to the throne, what you claim is a farce, I’m the pen that bleeds venom, every line leaves a scar. Pose like a legend but you ain't even a part, Of the kings that carved verses straight from the heart.
[Verse] You walked through the door like you own the show But your game is weak and your tempo's slow Claim you’re the king but you got no throne Laughing up here where the real ones own [Verse 2] Flexin' on the 'Gram with your rented shine Fake friends backstabbin' in your storyline Call me the locksmith your secrets unlock While you're caught fumbling can't handle the shock [Chorus] Who are you fooling plastic in disguise Mask slipping off I see the fear in your eyes Cheap talk ain't nothing actions take flight Dethroned your crown now welcome the night [Bridge] Fists in the dirt while I’m reaching the stars Every line a bullet leaving lyrical scars You wish for my fall but I thrive in the pain Dodging your shade dancing in the rain [Verse 3] Your words are shallow like a kiddie pool Dropping fake knowledge you thought you were cool My tongue cuts sharper than a diamond’s side Knives in my back couldn’t kill my pride [Chorus] Who are you fooling plastic in disguise Mask slipping off I see the fear in your eyes Cheap talk ain't nothing actions take flight Dethroned your crown now welcome the night
(Verse 1) From the fields of Iowa, raised strong and proud, Took his first big step, stood out from the crowd. Big Brother knocked, he answered the call, With muscle and might, he gave it his all. (Pre-Chorus) From the house to the ring, he’s built to compete, Hard work and hustle, no signs of defeat. They call him Mr. PEC-Tacular, and it's clear to see, He’s the champ, the icon, the MVP! (Chorus) Raise ‘em high, those golden PECs, Flexin’ on ‘em, who's up next? Tag team glory, solo fame, Jessie Godderz, remember the name! (Verse 2) OVW to TNA, made his mark, Dominated every match, left ‘em in the dark. The BroMans ran wild, with Robbie E, Championship gold, for the world to see. (Pre-Chorus) From the house to the ring, he’s built to compete, Hard work and hustle, no signs of defeat. They call him Mr. PEC-Tacular, and it's clear to see, He’s the champ, the icon, the MVP! (Chorus) Raise ‘em high, those golden PECs, Flexin’ on ‘em, who's up next? Tag team glory, solo fame, Jessie Godderz, remember the name! (Bridge) TV star, wrestling king, No matter the stage, he’s in the ring. Lifting the belt, breaking the mold, PEC-Tacular strength, a story told. (Outro) So when you see him, standing tall, Know he fought and earned it all. From reality fame to wrestling’s best, Jessie Godderz, above the rest!
🎵 SHEEPT, SHEEPT, what does it mean? 📢 Social, Historical, Economic Scene! 🌊 Environmental, Political too, 🛠️ Tech makes things so brand new! 🎵 Town A surfs, Town B fish, 🌞 Summer’s busy, winter’s a wish! 🐑 Remember SHEEPT, it’s the key, 📚 Smash the test and sing with me! (Verse 1 - Social & Historical) 🎤 👥 S is Social—people’s way, 🏄 Surfing, fishing, where they stay! 🎣 Tourists come, locals chat, 🏛️ H is History—think of that! 📜 Old traditions, long-time ways, 🌊 Fishing’s been here for days and days! 🏄 Surfing’s huge, since way back when, 🏝️ Beaches change but stay again! (Verse 2 - Economic & Environmental) 💰🌍 💰 E is Economic—cash and flow, 🌊 Summer’s big, but winter’s slow! 🎣 Fishing’s steady, makes some dough, 🏄 Surfing drops when the cold winds blow! 🌱 E is also Environmental, see? 🌊 Beaches erode, storms hit the sea! 🐟 Fish move out, nature’s wild, 🌞 Weather shifts, both towns feel styled! (Verse 3 - Political & Tech) 🏛️⚙️ 🏛️ P is Political—laws and rules, 🌊 Beach patrols and fishing tools! 🎣 Fishin’ limits, safety plans, 🏄 Lifeguards out with flags in hand! ⚙️ T is Tech, it’s movin’ fast, 📡 Surf forecasts, boats that last! 🎣 Fish finders, boards so strong, 💡 New inventions all day long! (Final Chorus - Repeat to Stick It!) 🎶 🎵 SHEEPT, SHEEPT, now you know, 🐑 Sing it fast, keep up the flow! 📚 Smash the test, you’ll do just fine, 🏆 SHEEPT’s locked inside your mind! 🎵 S for Social, people’s way, 🎣 H for History, back in the day! 💰 E for Economic, money’s game, 🌍 E for Environment, nature’s name! 🏛️ P for Political, rules and law, ⚙️ T for Tech—keep learning more!
[Verse] Hey machi ninga epdi iruke Sugam dhaney sollitu iru inge Chilladi pasanga namma style Namma pesinadhu thaalamil mile [Chorus] Hai machi enna pandra Enga iruka sollu macha Venum naana vanthu serava Inga dhaan namma sandhosham niraiya [Verse 2] Kadai neram poitu pona Kadavula kooda kalakka pona Thani party ku oru vazhi theda Enga flow dhaan namma gasp poda [Bridge] Vandhu chill panalam inge Idhu naanga create pandra range Friends kuda kondaadu naalai June or July naanum free always [Chorus] Hai machi enna pandra Enga iruka sollu macha Venum naana vanthu serava Inga dhaan namma sandhosham niraiya [Verse 3] Maaratha indha life namma vaazhum Speed la vida light la nadanthirukum Kobathai vitru laughter da vaanga Sandaiku odivom sema vibes enga
[Verse] Рома заходит будто бы шторм Выносит все Будто ясный аккорд Он знает все И немного больше Его мир - как будто кинопленка Росчерком [Verse 2] Он на сцене громче Чем бит Каждый факт - как доброй правды гранит Но где-то в тени он сидит и молчит Лишь в нужный момент свою мощь говорит [Chorus] Рома факты Истина горой Слово за словом Он всегда герой Он как поток Идет напролом Если ты споришь - ты бит Он дом [Verse 3] Он пройдет через тропы Где лед под ногой Факты за спиною - его путь золотой Каждый из них врезается в ум Ты не споришь - тут правда Как бум [Bridge] Его речи жгут Будто солнечный жар Каждое слово уносит нас в дар Он не боится Идет напрямик Рома - это фраза А не просто миг [Chorus] Рома факты Истина горой Слово за словом Он всегда герой Он как поток Идет напролом Если ты споришь - ты бит Он дом