
Song Created By @adambrdon With AI Singing


created by adambrdon
created by adambrdon



Siedzę w ciszy, słyszę dźwięki,
których nie ma, ale są.
Czas pulsuje w mojej głowie,
każda sekunda zmienia ton.
Patrzę w ścianę, ona oddycha,
krzywe linie wchodzą w ruch.
Czy to świat, czy moja myśl,
czy to wina starych wrót?
W kącie pokoju stoi coś,
nie ma oczu, ale patrzy.
Nie ma ust, lecz mówi do mnie,
szepcze cicho, drapie matrycę.
Podłoga faluje, ściany płoną,
świat się kurczy, pęka czas.
Sufit tańczy, lampa śpiewa,
śmiech w powietrzu, nie wiem skąd.
Zegary kapią, krew na wskazówkach,
noc się kręci, nie ma dni.
Czy ja śnię, czy jestem snem?
Czy to ja, czy we mnie ty?
Szeptem, krzykiem, cieniem drży,
czy to wszystko kłamie mi?
Czy to ja? Czy to ktoś inny?
Czy to świat? Czy tylko lęk?
Ściany wrzeszczą, chcą mnie dusić,
każdy kąt to czarna mgła.
Głosy krążą, śmieją, kuszą,
mówią, że to moja gra.
Świat się zmienia, w moich oczach,
rytm pulsuje, pęka grunt.
Biegnę w miejscu, lecę w górę,
czy ja jestem? Czy już trup?
Stół się trzęsie, krzesła skaczą,
cień na ścianie zmienia kształt.
Okno błyszczy jak kałuża,
lecz za szybą pusty świat.
Drzwi prowadzą donikąd, krzyczą,
sufit topi się w mych łzach.
Podłoga szepcze „chodź, odpocznij”,
ale wiem, że to jest fałsz.
Twarz w lustrze nie ma oczu,
usta szepczą cicho „stań”.
Dłonie same suną w mrok,
czy to jawa, czy to ja?
Przejdź przez ściany, skocz przez okna,
w chorym śmiechu znajdziesz grunt.
Nie ma prawdy, nie ma światła,
jestem cieniem swoich słów.
Czy mnie widzisz? Czy mnie słyszysz?
Czy już dawno jestem sam?
Moje myśli krążą w mroku,
w cichym transie gubię czas.
Ściany wrzeszczą, chcą mnie dusić,
każdy kąt to czarna mgła.
Głosy krążą, śmieją, kuszą,
mówią, że to moja gra.
Świat się zmienia, w moich oczach,
rytm pulsuje, pęka grunt.
Biegnę w miejscu, lecę w górę,
czy ja jestem? Czy już trup?
Kroki biegną po suficie,
ktoś mnie woła, ale kto?
Język plącze się jak w tańcu,
nie wiem, co to znaczy „to”.
Moje ręce nie są moje,
ktoś mną steruje, rusza w rytm.
Palce drżą jak nuty w wietrze,
a w głowie krzyczy dziwny krzyk.
Cienie ciągną mnie za włosy,
ściany śmieją mi się w twarz.
Czy to ja, czy coś mnie tworzy?
Czy to koniec? Czy to żart?
Patrzę w lustro – nie ma cienia,
nie ma myśli, nie ma mnie.
Czy to śmierć, czy przebudzenie?
Czy to prawda? Czy to sen?


Dark, intense soul-metal with heavy bass, raw guitars, pounding drums, dramatic build-ups, and explosive drops.



Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke a sense of anxiety, confusion, and existential dread. The speaker grapples with the thin line between reality and illusion, portraying an internal struggle with identity and the ghostly remnants of thoughts that feel hauntingly alive.

Application Scenarios

This song could be used in a variety of intense and dramatic scenarios, such as a film scene depicting a character's descent into madness or a personal struggle with mental health. It could also serve as a cathartic anthem for those experiencing feelings of isolation and turmoil.

Technical Analysis

Musically, the song features heavy bass lines, raw guitar riffs, and pounding drums, all characteristic of a dark, intense metal sound. The dramatic build-ups and explosive drops mirror the emotional volatility of the lyrics, creating a powerful aural representation of the inner chaos described.

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እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ ኮርማ ዎላጅቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ ኮርማ ዎላጅቱ አይላክብሽም ኦሆ: ህመሜም ቢፀና አይላክብሽም ኦሆ: ህመሜም ቢፀና ከልቤ ዎድያ ሰው አሄ: አያውቅሽምና ከልቤ ዎድያ ሰው አሄ: አያውቅሽምና ልቤ ቁልፍ ኖሮት ኦሆ: የሚከፈት ቢሆን ልቤ ቁልፍ ኖሮት ኦሆ: የሚከፈት ቢሆን ትረጂልኝ ነበር አሄ: ላንቺ እንዴት እንደሆን ትረጂልኝ ነበር አሄ: ላንቺ እንዴት እንደሆን አላኮርፍም ነበር ኦሆ: አልቆጣም ነበር አላኮርፍም ነበር ኦሆ: አልቆጣም ነበር ስለይ መናፈቄን አሄ: አውቄው ነበር ስለይ መናፈቄን አሄ: አውቄው ነበር እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ ኮርማ ዎላጅቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ ኮርማ ዎላጅቱ ከተራራው ዎዲያ ኦሆ: የምትታይኝ ደርሰሽ ከዚያ ማዶ ኦሆ: የምትናፍቂኝ በህልሜም በውኔም አሄ: ትዝ የምትይኝ እንድመጣ ነው ዎይ አሄ: አውሬ እንዲበላኝ ልቤ እንደመንደዱ ኦሆ: ፍምም አልወረደው ልቤ እንደመንደዱ ኦሆ: ፍምም አልወረደው እህል እየበላ አሄ: ውሃ እያበረደው እህል እየበላ አሄ: ውሃ እያበረደው እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ ኮርማ ዎላጅቱ አልችል አለ አንጀቴን ኦሆ: ባፅናና ባፅናና አልችል አለ አንጀቴን ኦሆ: ባፅናና ባፅናና ተነሳብኝ ፍቅርሽ አሄ: ዘንድሮም እንዳምና ተነሳብኝ ፍቅርሽ አሄ: ዘንድሮም እንዳምና እባክህ ቁልቁለት ኦሆ: አትገፍትረኝ እባክህ ቁልቁለት ኦሆ: አትገፍትረኝ ፍቅርዬን ሸኝቼ አሄ: ቆሜያለው ደክሞኝ ፍቅርዬን ሸኝቼ አሄ: ቆሜያለው ከፍቶኝ መጣሁም አንድ ነው ኦሆ: ቀረሁም አንድ ነው መጣሁም አንድ ነው ኦሆ: ቀረሁም አንድ ነው እንዲሁ መሃል ላይ አሄ: መዋለል ምንድነው እንዲሁ መሃል ላይ አሄ: መዋለል ምንድነው የሌለኝን ሁሉ ኦሆ: አለኝ ስል ከርሜ የሌለኝን ሁሉ ኦሆ: አለኝ ስል ከርሜ ቃል-አባይ አረግሽኝ አሄ: ውሸት ሆነ ህልሜ ቃል-አባይ አረግሽኝ አሄ ውሸት ሆነ ህልሜ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ እምቧ በይ ላሚቱ: ላሚቱ ኮርማ ዎላጅቱ እምቧ በይ: እምቧ በይ ላሜ ቦራ ይብላኝ እንጂ: ጅቡ ካንቺ ጋራ ይብላኝ እንጂ: ጅቡ ካንቺ ጋራ እምቧ በይ: እምቧ በይ ላሜ ቦራ ይብላኝ እንጂ: ጅቡ ካንቺ ጋራ ይብላኝ እንጂ: ጅቡ ካንቺ ጋራ ዉ…

Hristov Gnev-ivkegaming191-AI-singing
Hristov Gnev

[Verse] Reči vekovima gore Plamen svetog štita Krv na svetom tlu Vojska neba hita! Zvona udaraju glasno Rajski zvuk se čuje Kroz tamu Svetlost hrama Pravda Božja snuje [Chorus] Hristov gnev Mač ne vidi milost Plamen pravde briše grešništvo i zlobu Slava večna sija izvan mraka Neka padnu grešnici pred silom Hristovog luka! [Verse 2] Na kamenu Zapis stari Sveto pismo stoji Svetlost vodi slomljene Spas duhovni kroji Anđeli uveče pevaju himne Svete molbe Zvezde plešu u ritmu Krv životu slobodno teče [Bridge] Vukovi pakla zure Ali svetlost ih satire Sin božji stoji visoko Mrak ne može prekriti Sa neba kiša ognja Pročišćenje na tlu Pravda raste Rajski plod u svetu zlu [Chorus] Hristov gnev Mač ne vidi milost Plamen pravde briše grešništvo i zlobu Slava večna sija izvan mraka Neka padnu grešnici pred silom Hristovog luka! [Verse 3] Biblija drevna U rukama svetlih ratnika Njene stranice pucaju munjama istine Reči su oružje Jače od svakog mača Njeno srce kuca Kroz svetove luta pravda


[Intro Instrumental] (30 seconds of slamming basslines, crushing riffs, and pounding drums leading into chaos…) [Verse] Tick of doom Grinding teeth Shadows burn No reprieve Seconds drip Rivers devour Throne of time Blackened power [Chorus] Chronophage Eats the light! Time A blade Endless fight Grip it tight Can’t hold still Clockwork beast It breaks your will! [Verse] Abyss churns Sands collapse Fingers gripping final grasp Hours scream Silent toll Devour mind Swallow soul [Bridge] Unseen master Swift decay Every moment stolen away Devoid of mercy Spinning fast Tomorrow dies Join the past [Chorus] Chronophage Eats the light! Time A blade Endless fight Grip it tight Can’t hold still Clockwork beast It breaks your will!

Tere Bina-assetspreneur-AI-singing
Tere Bina


The Pride of the Sun-stolicivan100-AI-singing
The Pride of the Sun

[Verse] Pride dripping thick, armor golden in the glow, Every shadow cowers when the noon starts to show. The one-man sun, burning hotter than the flame, Not just the lion, I am the whole damn game. [Chorus] Who decides the weight of the crown? Me. Who turns every challenger to dust? Me. I stand tall when the sun's in the sky, Ask who I am? Fool, I am Escanor, fly high! [Verse 2] Moonlight ain't my scene, I nap while you grind, Daybreak cracks, and I leave failure behind. Strongest commandments trembling at my roar, Pride ain't a sin when it makes you hardcore. [Bridge] They call me arrogant but the truth got weight, I crush with conviction, no room for debate. A sun-soaked smackdown, infinity in hand, The heat ain't a phase, this throne I command. [Chorus] Who decides the weight of the crown? Me. Who turns every challenger to dust? Me. I stand tall when the sun's in the sky, Ask who I am? Fool, I am Escanor, fly high! [Verse 3] Power shifts when the dusk meets the dawn, Weakling at night, but midday I'm gone. Goddess and demon, all fall to my name, Pride incarnate, you're ash in my flame.

Sons of the North-jackosbabe-AI-singing
Sons of the North

[Deep throat singing] (uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu) [layered chants,] [Verse 1] [Droning deep vocals] Born of ice, born of stone, We are wolves, we ride alone. Oars strike deep, the tide obeys, Carving runes upon the waves. [Pre-Chorus] [Droning deep vocals] Drums will thunder, skies will weep, As we march from the halls of the deep. [Chorus] [Heavy, distorted guitars] Sons of the North, we rise, we roar, Steel in our hands, fire in our core. Blood on the wind, fate in our hands, We claim the world, we take the land! [Verse 2] [Droning deep vocals] Shields like walls, unshaken, proud, Battle songs are sung out loud. Flames will dance where war horns cry, One last fight before we die! [Pre-Chorus] [Heavy, distorted guitars] Drums will thunder, skies will weep, As we march from the halls of the deep. [Chorus] [Massive bass tones] Sons of the North, we rise, we roar, Steel in our hands, fire in our core. Blood on the wind, fate in our hands, We claim the world, we take the land! [Bridge] [Chanting in deep voices] Odin calls, the path is clear, No man stands if struck by fear. Storm and steel, the hammer falls, Valhalla waits, we heed the call! [Final Chorus] [hypnotic vocal tone] Sons of the North, we rise, we roar, Steel in our hands, fire in our core. Blood on the wind, fate in our hands, We claim the world, we take the land!

Crazy Hell Mirrors-vadzim1963-AI-singing
Crazy Hell Mirrors

[Verse] Cracked glass in flame Screams collide Shards of truth Secrets denied Mad reflections twist in pain Hell mirrors burn Chaos reigns [Bridge] Every face False Yet mine Laughter echoes Dark design Between the worlds Shadows play Crazed illusions Night turns day [Chorus] Crazy hell mirrors Distort disguise Flames of torment Consume the skies Every crack A story untold Shattered spirits Hearts grown cold [Verse 2] Chains of fury Bound to wrath Every crack a devil's path Broken visions Haunted stare Through the mirror No one there [Bridge 2] Obsidian glass now falls apart Torn in madness Soul departs Each reflection screams undone Fury dances None have won [Chorus] Crazy hell mirrors Distort disguise Flames of torment Consume the skies Every crack A story untold Shattered spirits Hearts grown cold

Void Ascension-vadzim1963-AI-singing
Void Ascension


Kingdom of Ashes-vadzim1963-AI-singing
Kingdom of Ashes

[Verse] Shadows rise No gleam of day Blood-soaked earth In disarray Obsidian skies Silent plea Cursed winds roar Eternity [Verse 2] Bones crack loud beneath our tread Hollow whispers of the dead Steel and fire Endless dread The ash of life A world unsaid [Chorus] Kingdom falls Ignite despair Empires crumble None shall care Ashes reign from twisted skies Cloaked in darkness No sunrise [Verse 3] March of doom The ground it shakes Chains of torment The heavens quake Pulse of fury The hunter wakes Tomorrow crushed; the present breaks [Bridge] Riffs scream loud in crimson haze Through frost and fire Chaos ablaze Echoes ripple A shattered phase Fall to ruin Eternal maze [Chorus] Kingdom falls Ignite despair Empires crumble None shall care Ashes reign from twisted skies Cloaked in darkness No sunrise

I do it for you-jhoanandresbonilla8-AI-singing
I do it for you

I've been waiting in the shadows, where the sun never comes, but you, glide like a moonbeam, and I lose myself in your light. I've given everything I've got, and I don't care if you don't see, that in every step, in every gesture, I'm looking for you, only you, once again. I know it's not always easy to see, but honey, this is for you, my soul is filled with broken promises, but I'll still be here, for you, for you..... I do it for you, I do it for you, in every word, in every heartbeat, even if you don't see it, I'm still here, I give you everything I am, I do it for you. It's not easy, but I'll do it, because in my heart you are my reason, I do it for you, I do it for you. I saw you leave with the shadows of the past, and although you asked for nothing, I offered you my days, my nights, my whole soul, my wandering life. You tell me that all is lost, that love is forgotten with time, but I know I can reach your heart, if only you could see my efforts. I know it's not always easy to see, but honey, this is for you, my soul is filled with broken promises, but I'll still be here, for you, for you..... I do it for you, I do it for you, in every word, in every heartbeat, even if you don't see it, I'm still here, I give you everything I am, I do it for you. It's not easy, but I will do it, because in my heart you are my reason, I do it for you, I do it for you. And even if the road is uncertain, even if the road is uncertain, even if the road is uncertain, even if the road is uncertain.

Mono de Hielo-elswxd71-AI-singing
Mono de Hielo

[Verse] Sombras del bosque Silencio mortal Un mono salvaje Comienza a cazar Bananas heladas Tesoro fatal De garras de yetis Su hambre saciar [Verse 2] Nevadas montañas Territorio glaciar El simio amenaza Con furia letal Los yetis rugen Intentan ganar Pero el mono no teme Listo a luchar [Chorus] Banana helada Su arma final Esencia de hielo Sabor inmortal El mono se alza Conquistará A los reyes del frío Hará temblar [Verse 3] Un salto vacío Dominio total Escala la cima Con furia animal Los yetis lo miran No pueden parar Porque el mono de hielo los va a aplastar [Verse 4] Camino sangriento Su rastro mortal Tronos helados Sus sueños lograr El eco retumba Un grito infernal Simio salvaje Rey del glacial [Bridge] Hielo y sangre El campo marcado Los rugidos del mono En eco sagrado Bananas congeladas Su trofeo robado La venganza del simio nunca ha fracasado