LLC (JRemix)

Song Created By @brimikallebron With AI Singing


LLC (JRemix)
created by brimikallebron
LLC (JRemix)
created by brimikallebron



Lunae Lumen, a starry night!
Whispers of magic, shining bright!
In a world of dreams and light,
We’ll dance through scents that take flight!

Lunae Lumen—come and see!
A fragrant dream, a melody!
Light it up, let it glow,
Feel the magic, let it flow!

A spark of wonder, here we go,
Lunae Lumen, let it show!
Candles glow, the magic grows,
In every scent, a tale unfolds!

Lunae Lumen—come and see!
A fragrant dream, a fantasy!
Light it up, the story"s ours,
In the magic of the stars!

In the magic of the stars!
In the magic of the stars!
In the magic of the stars!


Japanese City Pop, Anime, Japanese Pop, Upbeat, Magic Girl



Emotional Analysis

Joyful, whimsical, and dreamlike, evoking feelings of wonder and nostalgia.

Application Scenarios

Ideal for celebrations, romantic evenings, whimsical storytelling contexts, or any situation that requires a touch of magic and joy.

Technical Analysis

Features a catchy melodic structure, use of vivid imagery in the lyrics, repetition for emotional impact, and instrumentation typical of City Pop such as synths, upbeat rhythms, and a vibrant production style.

相关音乐 更多风格的音乐

LLC (JRemix)-brimikallebron-AI-singing
LLC (JRemix)

Lunae Lumen, a starry night! Whispers of magic, shining bright! In a world of dreams and light, We’ll dance through scents that take flight! Lunae Lumen—come and see! A fragrant dream, a melody! Light it up, let it glow, Feel the magic, let it flow! A spark of wonder, here we go, Lunae Lumen, let it show! Candles glow, the magic grows, In every scent, a tale unfolds! Lunae Lumen—come and see! A fragrant dream, a fantasy! Light it up, the story"s ours, In the magic of the stars! In the magic of the stars! In the magic of the stars! In the magic of the stars!

LLC (REMIX)-aaliyahmoonlite-AI-singing

Lunae Lumen, shine so bright! Magic in the air, feel the light! Pixel dreams and neon skies, A world of scent comes to life! Lunae Lumen—glow with me! Candle flames in harmony! Every spark, a brand-new start, Let the fragrance fill your heart! Anime nights, arcade lights… Lunae Lumen feels so right! Lunae Lumen—glow with me! Scented dreams, a fantasy! Light it up, the story starts, Let the magic fill your heart!


Feerie’s Mirage - OP Theme (Japanese AI-Friendly Version) ありふれた 夢 (ゆめ) の 舞台 (ぶたい) に 目 (め) を 向 (む) ければ まだまだ 終 (お) わり じゃ ない でも 見 (み) えない 影 (かげ) に 隠 (かく) された 答 (こた) え 白 (しろ) も 黒 (くろ) も 曖昧 (あいまい) に 染 (そ) まる 運命 (うんめい) 息 (いき) を 切 (き) らし 駆 (か) け抜 (ぬ) けても 永遠 (えいえん) に 光 (ひか) る 星 (ほし) じゃ ない から 過去 (かこ) でも なく 未来 (みらい) でも ない 今 (いま) と いう 時 (とき) を 走 (はし) り抜 (ぬ) けて We got to the place for this time 誰 (だれ) も 奪 (うば) えない 夢 (ゆめ) だから Don't let me go 輝 (かがや) く奇跡 (きせき) 掴 (つか) みたい 願 (ねが) い が 運命 (うんめい) を 変 (か) える 努力 (どりょく) を 怖 (こわ) れず に 信 (しん) じあえる あなた と 進 (すす) めたなら エボリューション (evolution) いつ だって 輝 (かがや) きを 守 (まも) れる 人 (ひと) ばっかり じゃ ない それ でも この想 (おも) い 頼 (たよ) り に して 生 (い) きる から 傷 (きず) ついて 迷 (まよ) う 日々 (ひび) が 訪 (おとず) れた として も きっと 独 (ひと) り じゃ ない 真実 (しんじつ) の レリジョン (religion) 穏 (おだ) やか な 微笑 (ほほえ) み も 何 (なに) か を 求 (もと) める 情熱 (じょうねつ) も 誰 (だれ) か に 試 (ため) されて また 失 (うしな) って それ でも 全 (すべ) て は 波 (なみ) の よう に 満 (み) ちたり 引 (ひ) いたり 続 (つづ) くんだ いつ から 偽 (いつわ) ることで 心 (こころ) を 守 (まも) る ことを 覚 (おぼ) えた の どんな 時 (とき) も 闇 (やみ) は 消 (き) えて その 先 (さき) は 決 (き) まってない から We got to the place for this time 胸 (むね) に 描 (えが) く 希望 (きぼう) の 記憶 (きおく) Don't let me go もっと 強 (つよ) く 感 (かん) じたい 光 (ひかり) に 手 (て) を 伸 (の) ばし 今 (いま) は まだ その 途中 (とちゅう) でも 愛 (あい) を 失 (うしな) わず に 進 (すす) めたなら エボリューション (evolution) 突然 (とつぜん) の 嵐 (あらし) さえも 希望 (きぼう) を 壊 (こわ) せない から 心 (こころ) を 繋 (つな) いでる その 絆 (きずな) 確 (たし) かめて 迷 (まよ) い も 涙 (なみだ) さえも 委 (ゆだ) ねられる あなた と なら きっと 辿 (たど) り着 (つ) ける 永遠 (えいえん) の レリジョン (religion) We got to the place for this time もう 誰 (だれ) も 止 (と) められない から Don't let me go Step by step 消 (き) えない願 (ねが) い を 抱 (だ) きしめ 運命 (うんめい) を 超 (こ) えてく 信 (しん) じあえる あなた と 進 (すす) めたなら エボリューション (evolution) いつ だって 光 (ひかり) を 守 (まも) れる 人 (ひと) ばかり じゃ ない それ でも この夢 (ゆめ) を 頼 (たよ) り に して 生 (い) きる から 傷 (きず) ついて 迷 (まよ) う 日々 (ひび) が 訪 (おとず) れた として も きっと 独 (ひと) り じゃ ない 真実 (しんじつ) の レリジョン (religion)

QUEEN OF THE NIGHT-bjmorris530-AI-singing

[Verse 1] I’ve been roamin’ round this town, Looking high and looking low. I’ve got my boots on the ground, And a heart that’s ready to go. I’m not chasing no springtime rose, No, I’m after somethin’ more. A woman who knows where the wild wind blows, And has been ‘round the block before. [Chorus] I’m searchin’ for a cougar, A queen of the night. She’s got that fire, that desire, And a sparkle in her eyes. She’s been there, done that, Got the stories to tell. Oh, I’m searchin’ for a cougar, And I’m under her spell. [Verse 2] She’s got a laugh like whiskey, Smooth and bold, it hits just right. She’s got a way of movin’, That’ll keep you up all night. She don’t play no games, no, She knows just what she wants. And when she sets her sights on you, Boy, you don’t stand a chance. [Chorus] I’m searchin’ for a cougar, A queen of the night. She’s got that fire, that desire, And a sparkle in her eyes. She’s been there, done that, Got the stories to tell. Oh, I’m searchin’ for a cougar, And I’m under her spell. [Bridge] She’s got a heart full of wisdom, And a touch that’s pure gold. She’s got a wild side that’s hidden, But it’s ready to unfold. She’s the hunter, I’m the prey, And I’m lovin’ every mile. She’s the kind of woman, Who makes life worth the while. [Chorus] I’m searchin’ for a cougar, A queen of the night. She’s got that fire, that desire, And a sparkle in her eyes. She’s been there, done that, Got the stories to tell. Oh, I’m searchin’ for a cougar, And I’m under her spell. [Outro] So if you see her out there, With that confident stride, Tell her I’m waitin’, anticipatin’, Ready to take the ride. ‘Cause I’m searchin’ for a cougar, And I won’t stop ‘til I find, The woman who’s gonna change my life, One step at a time.

Fifty five and still alive V2-cardgirl-AI-singing
Fifty five and still alive V2

In the glow of the neon, where the tiles stretch wide. Counting cans and counting dreams on this bustling ride. A grocery king with his heart on his sleeve, pushing carts through the past , where he learned to believe. Oh the years rolled by like a fast moving train. With every wrinkle earned through all the joy and the pain. But there's a horse power revving beneath that worn out facade, and when he hits that peddle he feels like a God. Oh he's fifty five, and he's still alive. With a porsche engine roaring he takes off for a drive. Life's a winding road, many twists many bends, everyone brings him back closer to friends. So here's to laughter down every aisle that he roams, that grocery store heart will always be home. From the checkout lanes, to the Sunday morning light. He's traded smiles for the moments that felt just right. With leather seats hugging as he races through dreams Turning fifty five ain't as bad as it seems. Oh the stories he has gathered , like spice on a shelf. Lessons learned from each loss, he finds strength in himself. With the rev of an engine, and a wink at fate. Every mile marks another chance to celebrate. Oh he's fifty five , and he's still alive. With a porsche engine roaring he takes off for a drive. Life's a winding road, many twists many bends, everyone brings him back closer to friends. So here's to laughter down every aisle that he roams, that grocery store heart will always be home. Yeah he's fifty five, and watch him thrive. In a kingdom where all of his dreams come alive. Hear the laughter echo down all grocery lanes. Forever on this ride where his passion remains .

Guerreros Prehistoricos-gabrielalexisvr-AI-singing
Guerreros Prehistoricos

Guerreros Prehistoricos luchando sin parar, Super Spino al combate con fuerza de acero y voluntad, Sam y Spike compañeros imparables, con poder y determinación resurgen, juntos lo lograrán, son los guerreros del pasado con fuerza de acero y voluntad, Andrew y Sky siempre juntos, los guerreros humanos siempre con valor pelearán. Son los guerreros del pasado, con fuerza de acero y voluntad, Super Spino y Sam juntos, nadie los detendrá, ahora tendrán que encontrar el bio fusor, poder prohibido y evolución, El doctor pangea anda suelto, buscandolo hasta el final, los Prehistoric Warriors nunca se detendrán, hasta que resurja la paz nunca de cansarán, Andrew pelea con pangea, es demasiado tarde, por un centímetro lo mata, pero llega Super Spino al rescate, lo manda a volar de un solo puñetazo, toda la tierra se estremece, humanos y dinosaurios hacen un lazo, se van pero prometen regresar. Son los guerreros del pasado con fuerza de acero y voluntad, Super Spino y Sam, nadie los detendrá, Es el turno de Sam el triceratops valiente, algo divertido y alegre, pero pronto algo malo emerje, es Frankly el terror, otro cerstopsido con poder, encargado de hacer el mal, pero Sam junto a Patsy lo impedirán, son los guerreros del pasado con fuerza de acero y voluntad, Super Spino y Sam, nadie los detendrá, Sam pelea junto a Frankly pero el demuestra superioridad, Super Spino alienta a Sam, un poder nuevo resurge ya, Sam con el poder es capaz de hacerle daño, vengando al gran Spike, que ha muerto en sus brazos, Frankly es culpable, una ira resurge de Sam, determinado y confiado, con un poder abismal, son los guerreros del pasado con fuerza de acero y voluntad Super Spino y Sam, nadie los detendrá, Frankly ha Sido derrotado, la temporada 3 inicia, Sky y Andrew se casan, pero los guerreros Prehistoricos, vuelven a luchar, viajan al reino de Lyna, diosa de luz muy celestial, junto a su hermano, el legendario Dino prime, todo este tiempo han vigilado a los chicos, viendo en ellos un gran potencial, Lyna se enamora de Spino, pero el ni cuenta se da, Dino praim furioso, solo decide irse ya, a buscar al malvado Carnotaurion, tirano galáctico de planetas, ha sido una mala decisión, solo pelea contra el, intensa la batalla pero acaba derrotado, por el tirano demente, solo ha estado jugando, Dino Praim derrotado, llorando de dolor, viendo múltiples vidas acabadas por el cruel vil, pero llega Spino y la balanza cambia, golpe tras golpe no se dejará golpear, Carnotaurion furioso activa su prime,.una bestia galáctica el mundo se acabó, pero para Spino esto es solo lo que se le llama diversión, destruido en pedazos, Carnotaurion sale volando en trozos, Spino le da crédito a Praim, ahora los habitantes tienen en que creer, son los guerreros del pasado con fuerza de acero y voluntad Super Spino y Sam, nadie los detendrá, temporada 4 inicia, kidsga y sodga visitan, al poderoso super Spino, para unirse a su pandilla, kidsga y sodga corren como el viento, está historia continuará!!!!


Từ khi mà đỉnh núi không còn góc cạnh nữa, khi sông đã ngừng chảy từa lưa, và thời gian ngừng trôi bất tận, vạn vật chìm vào trong hư vô, hư vô. Huynh vẫn sẽ không buông tay muội đâu, không rời xa muội nè, nét dịu dàng của muội chính là thứ huynh phải bảo vệ suốt đời.

Calamity Unbound-erust03-AI-singing
Calamity Unbound

[Verse 1] (Whispered, eerie, slow-building tension—haunted yet resolute.) I heard the hymn of endless light… A voice divine, a golden blight… "Kneel," she said, "Become as one." "Bound in Nethicite, thy will undone." [Pre-Chorus] (Choirs rise, tension builds, heartbeat-like drums pounding in—both defiance and resignation.) Yet in the dark, the ember glows… A shattered past, a name unknown… But if freedom burns the world to ash… Then let it burn! Let it pass! [Chorus] 🔥 I sunder the Seraph, unchain the sky! 🔥 Break the crystal, watch gods defy! 🔥 No fate, no throne, no voice commands! 🔥 Crown me in ruin—fire in hand! [Verse 2] No scent, no taste, no soul to claim, But I am more than light and flame! No holy chains, no gilded cage, I am Black Magick! I am Rage! [Bridge] (Haunting choral chants—regret woven into triumph.) "Bow to none, be bound no more…" "Let the stars drown, let the gods fall…" "One step forward—no path remains…" "One step forward—I take the name." 🔥 [Fallen Espers' Lament - Chant Section] "Their chains undone, their wrath unfurled…" "The lost return to end the world…" "One must stand, one must fall…" "One must bind them, lest gods lose all." [Final Chorus] (The last stand, her fate fully embraced.) 🔥 I sunder the Seraph, unbind the stars! 🔥 Tear the heavens, leave only scars! 🔥 No fate, no throne, no voice commands! 🔥 I rise as ruin—fire in hand! [Outro] (Soft but chilling—whispered, fading into eternity…) "No saviors, no mercy, no chains remain…" "Call me Calamity… and tremble." (A single ember crackles to life… but this time, another follows. And another. The cycle begins again… before the song fades to black.)


Once, I walked the sands, a shadow in the sun Unbroken, untamed, a mage of the black But the stars called my name, in tongues I could not speak A voice in the crystal, a light through the weak [Pre-Chorus] (Choirs rise, tension builds) Bound in silver, veiled in chains A hymn of ruin sings my name Blessed and cursed, in holy flame I am not the same… 🔥 By the High Seraph’s will, let judgment ignite! 🔥 In the heart of the void, I burn in her light! 🔥 Once black, now white, but still I remain! 🔥 A sinner! A martyr! A ghost in the flame! No scent, no taste, no time to recall The price of ascension, the weight of the fall I speak with the echo, I walk through the dead Yet I live in divinity, in blue fire bled Dalmasca weeps, yet I do not cry… Her sands are lost, yet still I rise… 🔥 By the High Seraph’s will, I rise from the dark! 🔥 A blade against gods, an unbroken spark! 🔥 Bound by the stone, but my soul is still free! 🔥 A legend! A nightmare! The end of all kings! [Outro] (Slow fade, ghostly echoes, the song lingers like a curse…) "I who dance upon the ruins of fate—" "Crowned in fire, unbound by the stars!" "Let the heavens weep and the earth cry my name—" "For I am the Lord of Calamity, eternal and vast!" (Choral whispers fade into silence…)


Once, I walked the sands, a shadow in the sun Unbroken, untamed, a mage of the black But the stars called my name, in tongues I could not speak A voice in the crystal, a light through the weak [Pre-Chorus] (Choirs rise, tension builds) Bound in silver, veiled in chains A hymn of ruin sings my name Blessed and cursed, in holy flame I am not the same… 🔥 By the High Seraph’s will, let judgment ignite! 🔥 In the heart of the void, I burn in her light! 🔥 Once black, now white, but still I remain! 🔥 A sinner! A martyr! A ghost in the flame! No scent, no taste, no time to recall The price of ascension, the weight of the fall I speak with the echo, I walk through the dead Yet I live in aether, in blue fire bled Dalmasca weeps, but I do not cry… Her sands are lost, yet still I rise… 🔥 By the High Seraph’s will, I rise from the dark! 🔥 A blade against gods, an unbroken spark! 🔥 Bound by the stone, but my soul is still free! 🔥 A legend! A nightmare! Aether in me! [Outro] (Slow fade, ghostly echoes, the song lingers like a curse…) "I who dance upon the ruins of fate—" "Crowned in fire, unbound by the stars!" "Let the heavens weep and the earth cry my name—" "For I am the Lord of Calamity, eternal and vast!" (Choral whispers fade into silence…)


Once, I walked the sands, a shadow in the sun Unbroken, untamed, a mage of the blackened one But the stars called my name, in tongues I could not speak A voice in the crystal, a light through the weak [Pre-Chorus] (Choirs rise, tension builds) Bound in silver, veiled in chains A hymn of ruin sings my name Blessed and cursed, in holy flame I am not the same… 🔥 By the High Seraph’s will, let judgment ignite! 🔥 In the heart of the void, I burn in her light! 🔥 Once black, now white, but still I remain! 🔥 A sinner! A martyr! A ghost in the flame! No scent, no taste, no time to recall The price of ascension, the weight of the fall I speak with the echo, I walk through the dead Yet I live in aether, in blue fire bled Dalmasca weeps, but I do not cry… Her sands are lost, yet still I rise… 🔥 By the High Seraph’s will, I rise from the dark! 🔥 A blade against gods, an unbroken spark! 🔥 Bound by the stone, but my soul is still free! 🔥 A legend! A nightmare! Aether in me! [Outro] (Slow fade, ghostly echoes, the song lingers like a curse…) "I who dance upon the ruins of fate—" "Crowned in fire, unbound by the stars!" "Let the heavens weep and the earth cry my name—" "For I am the Lord of Calamity, eternal and vast!" (Choral whispers fade into silence…)

### **[Intro – 0:00]** *(Ethereal synths with rising percussion)* Tick-tock, echoes hum— Pull me through the endless stream. Memories unravel, torn apart, Aether binds what breaks the heart. --- ### **[Verse 1 – 0:15]** A restless wind across the plains, Chasing shadows, bearing stains. Scarred by battles left behind, A soul that seeks but dares not find. Crystals hum beneath the earth, Guarding secrets tied to birth. A flame extinguished, yet remains, Bound by shards and unseen chains. --- ### **[Pre-Chorus – 0:45]** Searching… (Searching…) For echoes in fractured skies. Aether… (Aether…) Whispers where destiny lies. Searching for the way… --- ### **[Chorus – 1:05]** Aetherbound echoes fill the sky, Crimson teardrops we won't deny. Threads entwined by time’s cruel hand— Will we rise or let the darkness stand? --- ### **[Verse 2 – 1:35]** A fleeting shadow lost in time, Caught between the stars’ faint chime. A heartbeat torn from past and void, Seeking peace yet never joyed. An ark adrift through endless seas, Guiding lost souls on whispered breeze. Hope is carved from ancient wood, Weathered but forever good. --- ### **[Pre-Chorus – 2:00]** Searching… (Searching…) For hope beyond the veil of time. Aether… (Aether…) Guides us through this fractured rhyme. Searching for the way… --- ### **[Chorus – 2:20]** Aetherbound echoes fill the sky, Crimson teardrops we won't deny. Threads entwined by time’s cruel hand— Will we rise or let the darkness stand? --- ### **[Verse 3 – 2:50]** Winds howl across forsaken lands, A heart that falters yet withstands. Silent songs within the stone, Stories etched but still unknown. The void beckons, fierce and wide, Yet light remains, our constant guide. Through shadows deep, we find our way, Where dawn breaks upon a new day. --- ### **[Bridge – 3:10]** Between the cracks of broken space, We touch the crystal’s heart. Our journey ends where it began, Will hope survive this dying plan? --- ### **[Final Chorus – 3:35]** Aetherbound echoes fill the sky, Crimson teardrops we won't deny. Threads entwined by time’s cruel hand— We will rise and save this land. *(Instrumental outro fading at 4:00)*