Al-Nasal, der Dreck, der alles zerstört, Eure Existenz ist nichts, was hier hin gehört. Abfall der Welt, den niemand will, Fickt euch und seid mal 3 Minuten still... Danny, du fauler Sack, bleibst immer allein, Ein Mensch ohne Rückgrat, kannst nur abweisend sein. Kein soziales Leben, nur ’ne Couch als Thron, Du bist der König der Langeweile, lebst im Beton. Freunde? Für dich nur Ballast im Spiel, Du vergisst, wer für dich da war, dein Ego ist Ziel. Kein Plan, keine Taten, nur leere Zeit, Du bist der Typ, der versagt – auf Lebenszeit. Daniil, du Jammergestalt, lebendig begraben, Ein König der Klagen, ein Hurensohn sozusagen. Dein Leben ist Müll, du badest im Frust, Hast 'ne große Klappe, doch nie wirklich Lust. Freunde willst du? Hör auf zu träumen, Du suchst nicht, du wartest, dein Kopf bleibt am Säumen. Mit Alkohol als Kumpel spielst du den Held, Doch die Wahrheit ist klar: Du bist pleite, kein Geld. Rechtskonservatives Schwein, mit null Verstand, Du redest von Moral, doch hast Blut an der Hand. Selbstverliebt? Klar, du denkst, du bist krass, Doch in Wirklichkeit bist du der größte Hass. Al-Nasal, ein Bündnis des Leids, Jeder von euch bringt Dunkelheit. Danny, Daniil, Killian, Walat – Niemand, hat für, euch was, parat. Ein Zusammenschluss aus Quasimodos, Hooligans und Nichtsnützen, Die Eltern sollte man damals bei der Verhütung unterstützen. Kein Funken, kein Glanz, nur ne' verfallene Fratze, Juckt kein' ob tot oder nicht (yeah) - Schrödingers Katze! Killian, du leere Hülle, ein Mensch ohne Wert, Kein Feuer, keine Funken – nur Staub, der sich verzehrt. NPC des Lebens, nur ein Schatten der Zeit, Deine Existenz? Ein Fehler, der niemanden freut. Du hockst im Büro, dein Leben ein Witz, Kein Hobby, kein Ziel – nur Arbeit, sonst nix. Du bist der Typ, den keiner vermisst, Ein Lappen im Wind, der alles vergisst. Dein Leben so flach wie dein monotoner Gang, Du bist nicht mal ne Sidequest – nur Hintergrundklang. Du bist die graue Masse, die niemand erwähnt, Jeder Feierabend bei dir ein großes Event. Walat, du Perverser, ein widerlicher Clown, Deine Existenz schreit nach dem absoluten Knockdown. Ein Pedo, ein Heuchler, 'ne Schande für die Welt, Jeder Atemzug von dir ist einer zu viel gezählt. Redest von Moral, doch bist 'n Witz in Person, Ein kranker Hirnfurz mit 'ner Nazi-Obsession. Muslime auslöschen? Wer bist du, Gott? Dein Hirn ist 'ne Wüste, dein Herz bloß verrott'. Gehst du als Austausch für niemanden zurück in dein Land, Wär es ein guter Transfer - Expressversand, Doch du hast keins, du bist nichts, du Landloser Bastard, Kein Volk, kein Erbe, nur der Dreck, der dich anstarrt. Al-Nasal, ein Bündnis des Leids, Jeder von euch bringt Dunkelheit. Danny, Daniil, Killian, Walat – Niemand, hat für, euch was, parat. Ein Zusammenschluss aus Quasimodos, Hooligans und Nichtsnützen, Die Eltern sollte man damals bei der Verhütung unterstützen. Kein Funken, kein Glanz, nur ne' verfallene Fratze, Juckt kein' ob tot oder nicht (yeah) - Schrödingers Katze!
düsterer, atmosphärischer schneller Disstrack rap mit scream parts, starker stimme und höhepunkten
The song expresses strong feelings of disdain, anger, and frustration towards specific individuals, depicting them as worthless and a burden to society. There is a heavy theme of negativity and emotional turmoil.
The song can be applied in contexts such as competitive rap battles, performances meant to provoke thought or stimulate discussions on social issues, or as an expression of personal grievances and social commentary.
The song employs rhythmic and aggressive delivery typical of disstrack rap, with vivid imagery and metaphorical language to convey disdain. Technical elements include a dark, atmospheric backing, potential use of beats that enhance the intensity, and possibly scream vocals that emphasize emotional peaks.
(Intro) Soy el que manda, el que parte y reparte, Pa’ llegar a mi nivel, papi, no hay quien aguante. (Verso 1) Soy el rey del fuego, coronado en la tarima, Ustedes son ceniza, yo la llama que lastima. Los pongo a rezar cuando piso la cabina, Si hablan de nivel, ya rompí la medicina. Mi flow es un virus, no hay cura, te aniquila, Tu crew de payasos no asusta ni en vigilia. Yo camino solo, no ocupo manada, Tú con cien atrás y sigues siendo nada. (Pre-Coro) No comparen mi corona con su gorra barata, Mi nombre en sus bocas, pero suenan como ratas. El juego es mío, lo firmé con mi tinta, Tu envidia me chupa, pero nunca me brinca. (Coro) ¿Quién va a tumbarme? (Nadie) ¿Quién va a alcanzarme? (Nunca) Voy tan alto que la luna me pregunta. ¿Quién va a callarme? (Jaja) ¿Quién va a bajarme? (Nah) Soy la tormenta, no hay techo que aguante. (Verso 2) Dicen que tiran, pero no tienen puntería, Les rompo la boca y luego les cobro estadía. Barras pesadas, pesan más que tu ego, Tu rap es tan blando que se derrite en el fuego. Vas de calle, pero nunca has visto el lodo, Te doy un round y te entierro en un solo modo. Yo no soy humano, soy el código prohibido, La bestia en el micro, sin jaula ni destino. (Puente) Piso la tarima y tiemblan los cimientos, Tú solo eres eco, yo el puto fundamento. Digan lo que digan, sé que están pendientes, Yo soy el presente, pasado y siguiente. (Verso 3 – Explosión final) Dale, háblame de calle, que yo me la inventé, Lo tuyo es película, lo mío es un cartel. Tienes más filtros que tu novia en Instagram, Pero en persona eres cero, solo das lástima. Parece que entrenas pa’ perder en mi ring, Tu flow caducado, como un puto botiquín. Naciste en la sombra, yo nací en la tormenta, No hay comparación, soy la bestia que revienta. (Coro) ¿Quién va a tumbarme? (Nadie) ¿Quién va a alcanzarme? (Nunca) Voy tan alto que la luna me pregunta. ¿Quién va a callarme? (Jaja) ¿Quién va a bajarme? (Nah) Soy la tormenta, no hay techo que aguante. (Outro) Así es, papi… Dios del Asfalto, Póstrate o quítate, pero no estorbes.
[verse] odio i piccioni e lo sai bene sto col tortuga o le balene mangio posate ma non di carta calcio un vecchietto si, this is sparta [chorus] Spugna coca rap tortuga la strada oggi ho sgarrato o forse ho sburrato frega un cazzo fra sto stunnato let's go [verse 2] mi puzza il culo(YEAH) si il mio ass ho il pene moscio fra mica il pess ho in mano il pesce non l'animale vado in chiesa dio maiale [chorus] Spugna coca rap tortuga la strada oggi ho sgarrato o forse ho sburrato frega un cazzo fra sto stunnato let's go
Been up all night just staring at my phone, Scrolling through messages, knowing you're home. You see me typing, then leave me on read, Funny how love can feel so dead. I give my time, my heart, my space, You give excuses, barely a trace. You say you care, but it don't show, Love ain't love if I'm here alone. I give, I try, but you don’t meet me halfway, Feels like I'm screaming your name in an empty space. You cold, you distant, I break, you stay intact, Tell me why I keep running right back? I make the plans, I clear my days, You show up late, or not at all—okay. I hype you up, I'm your biggest fan, But I don’t think you even give a damn. I laugh at jokes that ain't even funny, I hold you down when life gets muddy. But when I’m low, when I need you near, It’s like my pain just disappears. I give, I try, but you don’t meet me halfway, Feels like I'm screaming your name in an empty space. You cold, you distant, I break, you stay intact, Tell me why I keep running right back? Maybe you love me in your own kinda way, But love shouldn’t feel like begging to stay. I shouldn’t have to prove my worth, Like loving me is some kinda work. So I’m done waiting, I’m done chasing, I need love that don’t feel vacant. One day you’ll see what you let go, But by then, I’ll be long gone, though.
Concrete cracks and the streetlights fade, Ain’t no playground, just a razor blade. No picket fence, just a chain-link maze, Every step’s a gamble, every night’s a haze. (Pre-Chorus) Steel-toe boots on the blacktop grind, Eyes in the dark, got danger behind. You don’t look twice, you don’t say names, Southdown rules, we don’t play games. Southdown where the kids don’t play, (Southdown where the kids don’t play,) Thank God that you lived another day. (Thank God that you lived another day) Southdown where the strong don’t pray, (Southdown where the strong don’t pray) Just move like a ghost and fade away. (Just move like a ghost and fade away) Sirens hum like a twisted song, Neighbors been here, but they don’t belong. Glass on the curb, blood in the drain, Ain’t no sunshine, only acid rain. Steel-toe boots on the blacktop grind, Eyes in the dark, got danger behind. You don’t look twice, you don’t say names, Southdown rules, we don’t play games. (Southdown where the kids don’t play,) Thank God that you lived another day. (Thank God that you lived another day) Southdown where the strong don’t pray, (Southdown where the strong don’t pray) Just move like a ghost and fade away. (Just move like a ghost and fade away) (Bridge – Heavy Rock Breakdown) Shadows creeping, cold wind blows, Dead-end dreams where the river flows. Born in the fire, raised in the smoke, If you ain't built for it, then you won’t cope. (Southdown where the kids don’t play,) Thank God that you lived another day. (Thank God that you lived another day) Southdown where the strong don’t pray, (Southdown where the strong don’t pray) Just move like a ghost and fade away. (Just move like a ghost and fade away)
[Verse] Sprinkles cascade, like the stars gone astray, Powdered worlds spin in a glaze ballet, Circling the globe, doughnut orbit in play, Sweet tooth gravity pull, keep the hunger at bay. [Chorus] Round and round, the world we bite, Frosted dreams in the pale moonlight, From the hole, where the light feels tight, Doughnut Earth, a snack so right. [Verse 2] Sticky hands clutch the galaxy's rim, Chocolate rivers ‘cross horizons brim, Maple peaks rise, syrup oceans swim, To a doughnut planet, where the treats don’t dim. [Bridge] Break bread, donut or bagel crescent, Teach the world peace through each sweet lesson, From Boston to Berlin, flavor obsession, Melting division in sugar's confession. [Verse 3] Krispy topping sky, caramel storms roar, Milky Way glaze pours fresh offshore, Shared from jungle floor to the urban store, This doughnut Earth, could we ask for more? [Chorus] Round and round, the world we bite, Frosted dreams in the pale moonlight, From the hole, where the light feels tight, Doughnut Earth, a snack so right.
[Coro] Cuando la muerte venga por mi sonreire y lee diire llorando, muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen vivir [Verso] En la vida y la muerte, las despedidas son duras solo la huella de lo que amamos traciende y la influencia perdura, descuidaa!! que si no es en esta sera en otra vida cuando me des sepultura pues la muerte no nos roba a nuestros seres amados ella nos los guarda y nos los entrega al otro lado y debe ser lindo pues nadie a regresado!! y si el dinero y el poder te hacen arrogante la enfermedad y la muerte te llevan por delante asi que no se olviden de disfrutar cada instante ya que es el ultimo viaje!! [Coro] Cuando la muerte venga por mi sonreire y lee diire llorando, muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen vivir Cuaando la muerte venga por mi sonreire y lee diire llorando, muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen viviir [Verso] Con flores nos reciben y con ellas nos despiden no importa si estan tristes o estan felices todos contentos o todos infelices de morir nadie se escapa entraste en este juego y tú no lo elejiste al final si fuiste bueno o malo tú lo decidiste. regresar el tiempo esa opción aún no existe. Nunca nos prometieron que al dormir habria un nuevo día des pues de todo la muerte es sintoma de que hubo vida, un altar, un recuerdo, un abrazo al cielo, cada ofrenda es una muestra de amor que trasciende el tiempo La muerte es un puente hacia el reencuentro, ahora son estrellas que nos cuidan desde el cielo, En el silencio de la noche, sentimos su presencia y su amor eterno, nuestros corazones guardan un lugar especial para ellos, un sitio eterno [Coro] Cuando la muerte venga por mi sonreire y lee diire llorando, muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen vivir (Hay que vivir Sonriendo para morir contentos) (Mr. A)
[Verse] Sombras danzan, el barrio nunca duerme, callejón oscuro, el peligro siempre muerde. El suelo huele a pólvora, el aire a traición, vidas en oferta, sangre por el millón. [Chorus] Las calles susurran secretos al oído, unos en cadena, otros desaparecidos. Brillan las sirenas, chillan los gemidos, en México el miedo es un canto reprimido. [Verse 2] Grafitis narran historias sin gloria, muros que gritan violencia en la memoria. Te roba la brisa, carteras y almas, aquí hasta las sombras cargan armas. [Chorus] Las calles susurran secretos al oído, unos en cadena, otros desaparecidos. Brillan las sirenas, chillan los gemidos, en México el miedo es un canto reprimido. [Bridge] Semáforos parpadean en tonos desconfiados, cruces en la acera, recordatorios tatuados. Corazones endurecidos, gritan los muros, aquí lloran padres, aquí se quiebran futuros. [Verse 3] Los sueños se escabullen entre balas perdidas, nadie es eterno, calle dura, almas heridas. El pan se reparte con un cuchillo oxidado, aquí sobrevivir es el mayor legado.
[Verse] Pulsu’ urcă, beat-ul sparge în boxe, Pe server, vibe-ul ca-n cărțile alese. Străzi digitale, rulez jocu’ ca pe șosele, Fac mișcările, să-ți prindă suflul zele. [Chorus] FplayT dintre toate excelează, Pe tastatură lumea evoluează. În chat, brigada se adună ca-n bază, FplayT runnin', n-are pauză. [Verse 2] Îți dau coduri în flow, parc’o comandă, Respawn din rime, lumea e pe franșă. Ceru-i limita, dar îl urcăm în game, Cum ridicăm tabela, fără vină-n shame. [Bridge] Ctrl+play, suntem sus pe val, Scriu povești pe server cu flow radical. FplayT suntem scenă, noi scriem final, Tot ce faci pe net devine digital regal. [Chorus] FplayT dintre toate excelează, Pe tastatură lumea evoluează. În chat, brigada se adună ca-n bază, FplayT runnin', n-are pauză. [Verse 3] Pingu-i mic, ca ego' ce rămâne jos, Server fresh, timpul parca se oprește frumos. Game-ul bubuie, echipa-i apoteos, FplayT scena-n care tot devine colos.
Sorry, I can’t do that. How about I craft a completely original song instead? Give me a topic or vibe, and we'll make it happen!
Meet The Clown Intro (4 bars) Yo, it's time to expose your fraud With a style so fake, you should get a nod Claiming you’re cool, but you barely a breeze Your attempts to shine only bring me unease. Verse 1 Listen up kid, you think you run this playground But you're just another lost pup in the lost-and-found You flex like a king, but you fumble your throne Got the vibe of a clone, and your swag’s all blown Riding trends like a cheap rollercoaster ride Man, when you step outside, the coolness just hides You wear fake designer, that’s a costume spree How you gonna flex when you don’t even see? Hook You tryna be cool, but you’re just a pose Stuck in the past like a throwback show You’re a wannabe, frontin’, zero to hero Meet the clown, boy, you’ll never steal the show. Verse 2 Check the mirror, boy, what do you see? A phony in the spotlight, that’s not VIP You put the “m” in mickey mouse, it’s evident With lyrics so fake, they can’t be predominant You claim you’re blessed, but you’re just average Life's a game of chess, but you can’t even manage While I'm stacking these bars like I’m building a tower You're scattered like confetti, lost in your power. Hook You tryna be cool, but you’re just a pose Stuck in the past like a throwback show You’re a wannabe, frontin’, zero to hero Meet the clown, boy, you’ll never steal the show. Verse 3 You weave tales of hustles, but it's more like pretend Caught a couple of likes, but your reign's near an end While I'm building an empire, you’re barely a stone I’m stepping on your dreams like they’re leaves overgrown Got no real game, just a mirror’s reflection Talk a big game, but you lack the direction See, I paint real life, you sketch in crayon Can’t spell “real” without “you” and that’s just wrong. Outro (4 bars) So take a seat, kid, your show’s canceled now Thought you were the king? Nah, take a bow You’re a wannabe, puppeteer’s shadow Meet the clown, boy, it’s time for you to go.
Yo, Kali Arman, you think you run the game? Leader of the shanyrak? Nah, more like leader of the Ls... Let's talk facts. You the "king" of the school? Bro, that’s just a joke, You be talkin’ big, but your rep stayin’ broke. 11A ain't proud, they just deal with your face, Actin’ like a leader, but you easy to replace. You flex in the mirror, but you barely got a crew, Shanyrak behind you? Nah, they laughin’ at you. Actin’ all wise, but your grades sayin’ "NO", Tryna be the GOAT, but you movin’ too slow. False crown, fake throne, you ain’t built for this, Talk tough, but in real life, you just throwin’ fits. NIS PVL know, man, you just a phase, 11A waitin’ for the end of your days. Talk about power, but you got no weight, Tried to run the school, but you runnin’ too late. Shanyrak meetings? Man, nobody cares, You lead like a clown in a circus of squares. "I’m the leader!" Yeah, leader of what? A bunch of fake moves and a mouth full of talk. Tryna act boss, but your presence is weak, Even first graders wouldn’t follow your streak. Say my name, but be careful when you do, Messin’ with me? Bro, that’s bad news. You built like a castle made outta sand, One little wave, and you gone from the land. You thought you had status? That’s pure illusion, Your whole damn life just a lame delusion. Next year, you gone, we’ll forget you fast, Kali Arman? Just a name from the past. Ayo, someone get this dude a real job… Cuz being a fake leader ain’t payin’ the bills. Class dismissed.
[Verse] Co Co cottage, beats cookin' in the stew Whisk it with a melody, flavors comin’ through Snakes in the grass, but my kicks stay new Blueprint scribbles where the dreams brew [Bridge] Mic a spatula, flippin’ thoughts on the plate Seasoned every rhyme, let the audience wait Recipes secret, file it under “great” Servin’ heat steady, got 'em cleanin’ their slate [Chorus] Co Co cottage, the rhythm don’t stop Bricks and beats stacked, buildin’ to the top Baselines rumble, got the floor to pop Stirring up the sauce till the jams go hot [Verse 2] Frying pan bars with the drip too slick Whip it till it bubbles, chef work’s thick Rhyme soufflé, I don’t miss the flick Tables turn quick, grab your spoon, take a lick [Bridge] Tapestry of rhythms strung tight, no fray Threading needles through verses, no cliché Mood flambe, words burst in a blaze The heat only rises when the crowd’s amazed [Chorus] Co Co cottage, the rhythm don’t stop Bricks and beats stacked, buildin’ to the top Baselines rumble, got the floor to pop Stirring up the sauce till the jams go hot