
Song Created By @Vladimir With AI Singing


created by Vladimir
created by Vladimir



Слушай сега, Любо – днес си ти на гребена!
Със стил и класа, хайде да качваме баса!
Любо, Любо, с богат асортимент (Богат, богат),
От бутилки на масата – всичко в момент!
Препасан със стил, Versace орнамент,
Болен комплексар – ей, за теб е комплимент! (Мерси бе!)
Днес караме в черен Mercedes-Benz,
Ти си крал на деня, на градския бленд!
И аз за него, и той за мен клиент,
Суров БГ трап – налагаме патент!
Любо влиза – като шеф на квартала,
Днес ти е денят, ела при мен и пала!
С класа и с бутилки, димът е стабилен,
Купонът в разгара – брат, тук всичко е с "печат" на МБТ стилен.
Любо е шефът на бийта, пази се,
Като минава, знаеш – всичко се стяга,
Тост след тост – няма да закъсня,
С този trap vibe всички са на линия, а ти на трона пак ще си до зори, братле!
Любо, Любо, с богат асортимент (Богат, богат),
От бутилки на масата – всичко в момент!
Препасан със стил, Versace орнамент,
Болен комплексар – ей, за теб е комплимент! (Мерси бе!)
Днес караме в черен Mercedes-Benz,
Ти си крал на деня, на градския бленд!
И аз за него, и той за мен клиент,
Суров БГ трап – налагаме патент!
Купонът е факт – като тост за успех,
Любо днес е звезда, бро, на върха си най-отвън и вътре,
Всичко е наредено по твоята схема,
Смях и наздравици вдигаме до ранина!
Високи тавани, както подобава,
С куп приятели, пускаме трапа – няма кой да забавя,
И докато звучи този бийт все на макс,
Любо, кралят на деня, нека купонът продължи докрай, без стоп!
Любо, Любо, с богат асортимент (Богат, богат),
От бутилки на масата – всичко в момент!
Препасан със стил, Versace орнамент,
Болен комплексар – ей, за теб е комплимент! (Мерси бе!)
Днес караме в черен Mercedes-Benz,
Ти си крал на деня, на градския бленд!
И аз за него, и той за мен клиент,
Суров БГ трап – налагаме патент!
Любо, днес за теб е този трак,
Вдигаме наздравици – купонът е як,
МБТ стил, без никаква цензура,
Денят е твой, днес всички сме с теб в кензура!


Street rap/drill



Emotional Analysis

Joyful, celebratory, and confident with a sense of camaraderie among friends. The lyrics convey a feeling of empowerment and success, highlighting the high life associated with partying and luxury.

Application Scenarios

Parties, celebrations, nightlife gatherings, and social events where friends come together to enjoy and celebrate life.

Technical Analysis

The song employs a rhythmic and catchy trap beat, characterized by heavy bass lines, hi-hat rolls, and a straightforward lyrical delivery typical of street rap and trap genres. Lyrically, it uses repetitive phrases and a clever play on words to create a vibrant party anthem atmosphere.

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ما بقيتش قادر نكتب ت كلمه منهار هزيت ما تنيت وحياتي حلمه ما بقيتش قادر نكتب ح ضمه خلوني بوحدي اناو بريكي فيلما ما باغي نجوم تخاطبني في السما ما باغي فقيه قر لي رقيه على كاسي الما عاشق مرض غير فوتوني انتما اللي تما عالم البشر خانز رونيان ما سبابي كوكا ما سبابي شما سببي لاش مارش برد الكرمه وطني حاط فيكل نعمه تعمه ما عندك ما تشوف البصير غير خليك عم خديت السما اثر من بوس دت البرو فولفان ماكفاني سدي خليت سراري كامله في البكمه ع البشر فيك ردوني الحضان الله اللي خلقني ديما معيا كنشوف في راسي كل نهار قدام المرايه الله في كل مكان في جنابي مورايا ماشي غير زواقه مرسومه بصلايه يا ناس الغيوان كاع الراندا وف لوصيه شربوا الماء البير المسمومه في الرغايه المرج صاحب اسم الله من اعلامكم قماش جس مدنس بالخطايا مني يم صوي بزقه جاب قبله دار حلقه مغرب سطل كله مرقه ديما قولش كشي الفوق سبيطار غ نبقى صي سفينه الحمقه دماغ يلقى سوي العقل الى الفؤاد ما فيه نق بني ادم الكون كبير وانت حزق زيديني الميز زيد ايديسون مات خ بو ضونا حنا في نظرك دكتور شودام هذا المحن ياك فرنسا بجيوش وسطب انا رابيس درت الاوبي كل بناي حدايا يا دكتوره وعيشي حم

Ni vet vem jag menar!!-Hugo-AI-singing
Ni vet vem jag menar!!

[Intro] Den här disstracken är för tjejer i klassen, F#ck Er [Vers] Eran låt ijt den var sjuk men inte skriva om att suga kuk Ni tror ni är coola, som kan skriva en diss Men ska va ärlig den var piss [Refräng] När ni springer ni får flås, för ni har ingen uthållighet. Ni alla ser ut som skolan sås, och det är verklighet [Brige] Men nog om era fel för det här kommer bil stel Ni alla går som ni har supt och nu kommer vi gå in djupt [Vers] Ni vet att det inte spelar roll men att bli rädd av en boll Efter eran senaste knäoperation ni blev utlagd på adoption [Outro] Nu ni vet att ni inte ska prata om ludde så ni kan säga godnatt och ta eran kudde


(Verse 1) Yo, Garant RP, see on kõigil üle peal, Kõik teavad, et siin on see vibe, mis reaal, Fivem-i tipud, parim team, parim flow, Kui sa otsid kvaliteeti, siis sa tead, kuhu go. Killal puudub stiil, kõik lagib ja jookseb, Garantis kõik smooth, seal miski ei lokse, Need on nikotiinipadjastel parimat sorti, Kui sa kord juba proovid, siis sa tead, kes võitis. (Chorus) Garant RP - see on tase, see on kõrgus, Killa on nagu kopitand vana õlgus, Fivem-i maailmas pole neil varianti, Tule ja näe, kes on tegelikult garanti. (Verse 2) Killa RP – kahjuks see ikka longab, Laadides lagib ja keegi ei oota, Aga Garant on smooth nagu uus nikotii, Siin saad sa õige vibe, tunne tõeline viib. Fivem-i serverid võistlevad, nad teavad, kes boss, Killat sa mängid, sul meeleolu moss, Garantis aga hoog sees, kõik smooth flow, Meenub, miks see server on number uno. (Chorus) Garant RP - see on tase, see on kõrgus, Killa on nagu kopitand vana õlgus, Fivem-i maailmas pole neil varianti, Tule ja näe, kes on tegelikult garanti. (Outro) Niiet, vali Garant, sa ei kahetse hetkeks, Kvaliteet on siin ja tunne täpselt, mis plekib, Killa võib jääda kaugele maha, Sest Garant RP - siin on võitjate rada.


(Garant on top) (#kertonpede lihtsalt pidin mainima) Yo, see on Garant, hoian tihedalt, Nikotiini voog, tunnen end hästi, RP tänavatel, iga kell, Me liigutame edasi, smokeless (ilma suitsuta) Garantuss. (Verse 1) Sõidan serveris, vaata neid tänavaid, RP on elu, jah, me jääme truuks, Panen ühe Garant’i alla, ei vaja kimu, Värskendan oma Fivemi, ei vaata neegreid. Tunnen litti, me elame GTAs, Kõik sõbrad on minuga, jah, me võtame linnas kontrolli, Ei mingeid kimusi, meil on padjad, Garant käes, me oleme valmis ütlema (peded). (Refrein) Yo, see on Garant, hoian taskus, Nikotiini voog mu veres, littib nagu vaeses peres, RP tänavatel, iga kell, Me liigutame edasi, smokeless (ilma suitsuta) Garantuss. (Verse 2) Lillad hoiavad munni tihedalt, Nagu teeks killat. Roleplay kuningad ei vaja killat, sest nad pole lillad, Panen veel ühe garandi padja, ja naudin, et see pole killa. Autosi ja relvasi, meil serveris jätkub, Garant taskus, mitte jäku, Nii me naudime litti, jah, see on vibe, RP maailma tipus, me ei anna alla kunagi, Tunne ja vibe on tõelised, ei midagi valesti. (Refrein) Yo, see on Garant, hoian taskus, Nikotiini voog mu veres, littib nagu vaeses peres, RP tänavatel, iga kell, Me liigutame edasi, smokeless (ilma suitsuta) Garantuss. (Lõpp) Kui sa tuled läbi, vaata seda märki, Garant on nimi, ja ime lahti. killaga,saad sa suhu, Garanti patja, teen RP puhul.

Reina de Sombras-Lian-AI-singing
Reina de Sombras

**Intro:** En la penumbra, susurros que gritan, una corona pesada, mi alma se agita. **Verso 1:** Soy la reina de un reino sombrío, donde los espejos reflejan mi frío. Los demonios bailan, me envuelven en sombras, sus risas me atrapan, la luz se descompone. **Verso 2:** Caminos de piedra, mis pasos resuenan, en esta soledad, mis miedos se entrenan. Las luces titilan, pero no son de vida, en mi trono de espinas, la esperanza está herida. **Pre-Coro:** Siento el peso, la carga de mi ser, cada susurro es un eco de mi ayer. La oscuridad me abraza, no quiero ceder, pero en este juego, ¿quién va a vencer? **Coro:** Soy la reina, atrapada en su palacio, mis demonios son sombras, un cruel abrazo. El silencio grita y el tiempo se detiene, en esta batalla, mi alma no entretiene. **Verso 3:** Las cadenas que llevo son de mi elección, cada elección trae su condenación. Peleo con sombras que nunca se van, en esta prisión, sólo quiero escapar. **Puente:** Las voces me llaman, me arrastran al abismo, un eco distante, el precio del heroísmo. Soy un enigma, un secreto guardado, en este laberinto, mi corazón herido. **Verso 4:** Las lágrimas caen como lluvia en el suelo, mi trono es de vidrio, se quiebra el anhelo. Soy el reflejo de un mundo oculto, donde cada latido es un susurro tumultuoso. **Break:** Es un juego de sombras, un juego de mente, la reina lucha, pero el dolor es latente. Cierro los ojos, busco la salida, en esta oscuridad, mi alma está herida. **Hook:** Oh, reina de sombras, escucha mi lamento, los demonios sonríen, se alimentan del tiempo. Soy la prisionera de mi propia prisión, en este oscuro reino, busco redención. **Outro:** En el silencio eterno, me encuentro atrapada, una reina solitaria, su corona desgastada. Mientras los demonios siguen su danza, mi corazón late, en busca de esperanza.

Shef tedi-rafa-AI-singing
Shef tedi

Теди Кръстанова – шефката от Берковица, влиза в офиса, всички слагат маска на лицата. Командава Мушка, знаеш, тя е номер едно, ама баня не видяла е от месец насам, бро! В Мушка офисите - трепет и страх, щом Теди се появи, мирише на прах. Има стил, има власт, ала с аромат, от който и климатика бяга назад! (Припев) Теди е шефа, не я интересува, но с аромат като нейния няма кой да я спира! От Берковица - до столицата викам "уау!" Теди не се къпе, ама си остава "бау-бау"! Делови срещи с нея – усещаш ефект, да й кажеш за банята би било дефект. Всички й респектират, уважават я тук, но въздуха в офиса става лукс с всяка стъпка звук. А тя знае – в живота важна е играта, не да къпеш, а да командваш с заплата! Сериозен е бизнесът, ръка здрава държи, а в офиса мирише на истински шефски мечти! (Припев) Теди е шефа, не я интересува, но с аромат като нейния няма кой да я спира! От Берковица - до столицата викам "уау!" Теди не се къпе, ама си остава "бау-бау"! Теди Кръстанова - с характер корав, не се къпе, ала е с титла и

Out of control-Dhhd-AI-singing
Out of control

(Verse 1) You thought I was broken, thought I’d fade away, But I’m still standing, ready to make you pay. Every lie you fed me, every scar you left, I’ve turned them into power—now there’s nothing left. (Chorus) Out of control, I’m past the point of no return, Feel the heat of the fire you let burn. No rules, no chains, no taking it slow— I’m out of control, and I’m coming for your soul. (Verse 2) I’ve walked through your darkness, seen the depths of your game, But now I’m the storm, you’ll remember my name. You built an empire on the backs of the weak, But I’m here to take back what you stole from the meek. (Chorus) Out of control, you can’t cage this beast, This fight isn’t over, it’s a savage feast. The tables have turned, and now you know, I’m out of control—let the fury flow. (Bridge) Every threat, every hit, every cut you made, You turned me ruthless in this bloodstained crusade. I’ve crossed every line, there’s no going back, I’m the force that’ll shatter your track. (Final Chorus) Out of control, it’s your turn to bleed, The end of the line for your twisted greed. I’m done with your games, the mask finally falls— Out of control, I’ll bring down your walls. (Outro) Out of control, you’ve awakened the rage, Your empire’s crumbling, I’m ripping the page. This is my vengeance, this is my toll— Out of control, now you’re paying in full.

monster-Lee's World-AI-singing

I was in that tonka tonka, get hit with that badonka donka rocket launcher whoA! I was in that tonka tonka, talking G 63 Mercedes Monster BITCH IM A MONSTER I GOT THE STICK LIKE HARRY HARRY POTTER WHOA I PUT THAT SHIT UP ON YA ON YA WHAT You heard it BITCH I DROVE THE MERCEDES and then I swerved it... in the left lane of traffic. What you heard it

Legends of the Multiverse-Arthur-AI-singing
Legends of the Multiverse

[Intro] (Epic orchestral build-up, strings and brass swell, whispering voice) Whisper:"In another world, legends rise. The heroes, the villains... the battles never end."(Beat drops hard)[Verse 1]Yo, stepping through portals, breaking all the chains, Heroes from the shadows, we redefine the game.From Naruto to Bleach, we bring that ninja soul, Kage to Hokage, you can't stop the goal.Goku's power level over 9000, watch it grow,Luffy stretching the verse, we ready for the show. Kirito in SAO, ain’t no world too cold,Ainz Ooal Gown, watch the Overlord unfold.Eren Jaeger rage, breaking walls like Titans,Saitama’s one punch, but the impact's lightning.Rem and Emilia, two queens on the throne,But I’m doing this alone, kings rise and we own. [Chorus]We are the legends of the multiverse,Isekai dreams, the universe converges.From Attack on Titan to My Hero Academia, We rise from shadows, the ultimate strategy.We’re the avatars of power, creators of fate, Every battle’s a story, no time to hesitate.One Piece treasure, Fullmetal Alchemist,Our worlds collide, we’re the ultimate myth[Verse 2]Mob Psycho mind, I’m bending the laws,Tokyo Ghoul scars, fighting with no pause. Deku’s All Might, but I bring the plus ultra,Kamina never dies, I’m on that power surge, bruh!Gintoki with the sword, slicing through chaos, Hunter x Hunter, no time to get lost. JoJo’s Stand tall, won’t fall, we rise, Yu Yu Hakusho, answering the call with no disguise.Fate/Zero battles, the Holy Grail wars,Bleach got me hyped, sword swings galore. JoJo’s with Dio, rising from the grave,Cowboy Bebop vibes, you know we misbehave.(Power-up sounds)One Punch Man, I’m in it for the thrill,No cap, no filler, just the ultimate skill.[Chorus] We are the legends of the multiverse,Isekai dreams, the universe converges.From Attack on Titan to My Hero Academia, We rise from shadows, the ultimate strategy.We’re the avatars of power, creators of fate, Every battle’s a story, no time to hesitate.One Piece treasure, Fullmetal Alchemist,Our worlds collide, we’re the ultimate myth. [Bridge: Orchestral Breakdown + Rap](Epic orchestral shift with hard beats, building tension) Tatsuya Shiba, bending all the rules,Mob can move mountains, Saitama keep it cool. Yusuke Urameshi, bringing heat to the school,Tanya Degurechaff, military mind on display, Light Yagami reigns — but I’ll never decay.Echidna plays games, but I make my own rules,Rimuru Tempest, got the world as my tool. Madara Uchiha, a legend reborn, Saber’s Excalibur, I’m destined to transform.Vash the Stampede, through the night I ride,Anime worlds collide — come take the ride.[Verse 3: Power Surge Finale] I’m the Shinigami, slayin’ in the afterlife,Natsu Dragneel fire, bringing the light.Akatsuki steady grind, we never break,King of the Pirates, treasure’s mine to take.Nezuko on the block with the Demon Slayer crew,Yu-Gi-Oh! chains breaking, we coming for you.Lelouch, Zero power, ruling with precision,KonoSuba laughs, we keep it light, Rising of shield

"Legends of the Multiverse"-Charlotte bianga-AI-singing
"Legends of the Multiverse"

[Intro: Cinematic Build-Up] (Orchestral strings build, a deep whisper echoes) Whisper: "In the shadows, the true power lies..." (Beat drops) Yo, we step through the portals, break the chains, Heroes from the shadows, re-define the game. [Verse 1: High-Energy Flow] (Fast-paced, anime references) From Naruto to Bleach, we got ninja souls, Goku power level 9000, watch it grow. Luffy stretching verses, Kirito in the zone, Ainz Ooal Gown, takin’ the throne. Eren Jaeger rage, walls gonna break, Saitama’s one punch, no time for mistakes. Rem and Emilia, queens on the rise, Tokyo Ghoul mask, ready for the surprise. Gintoki slicing through, like a Hunter x Hunter twist, Mob Psycho power, you can’t escape the fist. JoJo’s bizarre stand, we’re shifting the game, Yu Yu Hakusho demons calling my name. [Chorus: Anthemic Hook] (Choir and hard trap beats) We are the legends of the multiverse, Isekai dreams and the universe converges. From Attack on Titan to My Hero Academia, We rise from the shadows — the ultimate strategy. [Verse 2: Eminem’s Shadow Verse] (Beat shifts darker. Eminem enters, fast and sharp) I’m the Eminence in the Shadows, pulling the strings, From Saitama to Luffy, I’m controlling the kings. Light Yagami with a pen, Lelouch with a plan, I’m the silent power — watch me take command. Saitama’s punch ain't enough when I strategize, I’m the mastermind, in the shadows I rise. No hero, no villain, just me on the throne, I’m the Reigen Arataka, I’m never alone. **Power hidden deep, like Eren Jaeger’s mind, I got the world on my back, control the grind. JoJo’s in my pocket, Dio’s on the rise, I pull the strings from the shadows, cutting ties. [Chorus: Final Hook] (Even bigger, final anthem) We are the legends of the multiverse, Isekai dreams and the universe converges. From Attack on Titan to My Hero Academia, We rise from the shadows — the ultimate strategy. We are the avatars of power, creators of fate, Every battle’s a story — no time to hesitate. From the One Piece treasure to the Fullmetal Alchemist, Our worlds collide, we the ultimate myth. [Outro: Eminem’s Spoken Word] (Music fades, Eminem’s voice echoes with finality) "In the shadows... I watch them all. The true power doesn’t show itself — it pulls the strings. The game’s already over before they even know it." (Beat fades out, leaving silence)

The one pulmon-Salva-AI-singing
The one pulmon

No me entienden, dicen que soy raro, con un pulmón y en el pecho disparos. La mente en guerra, brotes de dos colores, entre sombras y voces, buscando amores. (Verso) Acoso al miedo que me invade en el espejo, esquizofrenia al mando, mi propio reflejo. No soy el monstruo que pintan en la acera, soy un alma que lucha, aunque nadie lo quiera.

Panic Attack-spike-AI-singing
Panic Attack

He's been shaking twitching fidgeting nervously pacing around his room. Trying to consider each idea pounding against his cranium. Silence from the fans that sit quietly on his bed, waiting for him to say something with meaning something that makes sense something that would make things a little less tense. He glances his glares, he stares across boundaries that haven't been crossed. He's a little lost but he stops in the midst of his tracks.