
Song Created By @Ismail With AI Singing


created by Ismail
created by Ismail



[Verse 1]
لَا لَا تَحسَب أنّ الدِّين بَعيدٌ عَن حُبٍ وحياة
وبهجرك للدين ستحيا تعشق ما قلبك يهواه 
أو أن الأيام ستحلو وترى الدنيا شط نجاة
[Verse 2]
دينك بحر من آمال شط لجميل الأحلام
ليس الدين كما تخشاه ذا ممنوع ذاك حرام 
فالإسلام جميل حقاً هذا ليس هو الاسلام
كل أوامرنا تهدينا وتنادينا للخير
ينهانا عن كل طريق يأخذنا نحو الشر
فالله رحيم وحليم يدعو دوماً للبر
[Verse 3]
في الدين صلاة وصيام وكذلك فرح وسرور‬
والمتدين من تلقاه مبتسماً حلوا كالنور
يسعى ليعمر دنياه وهو رقيق الطبع صبور
[Verse 4]
الإسلام سلام فينا يزرع فينا حب الناس
الإسلام سفينة حب يدفعها أجمل إحساس
ما أحلى الدنيا لو عشنا وجعلنا الإسلام أساس
كل أوامرنا تهدينا وتنادينا للخير
ينهانا عن كل طريق يأخذنا نحو الشر
فالله رحيم وحليم يدعو دوماً للبر


a cappella



Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke a sense of love and acceptance towards religion, presenting it as a source of joy, hope, and positive emotional fulfillment. There is an emphasis on the beauty of Islam and its teachings, promoting a feeling of peace and communal harmony.

Application Scenarios

This song can be applied in various scenarios such as religious gatherings, community events, or as motivational background music in presentations related to spirituality or interfaith dialogues. It can also be used in educational settings for teaching about the values of Islam and positivity in faith.

Technical Analysis

The song employs a cappella vocals, highlighting harmony and melodic richness without instrumental accompaniment. The structure is verse-based with repetitive bridges emphasizing key themes of kindness, hope, and the beauty of Islam. The delivery likely focuses on clear enunciation and emotional resonance to convey the message effectively.

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झुन झुन झुन झुन झुन झुना-inik7802-AI-singing
झुन झुन झुन झुन झुन झुना

[Verse] झुन झुन झुन झुन झुन झुना बचपन के सागर में बजा बाजा सुना गुड़िया के हाथों में चूड़ी बजती हंसते-खेलते सपने सजे मिट्टी सजी [Chorus] झुन झुन झुन झुन झुन झुना तारे गिनने की प्यारी धुन सुना चमके चंदा और सूरज दूना मस्ती से भरपूर झुन झुन झुना [Verse 2] हवा ने कहा पहन लो ताजे फूल झूलते पत्ते बोले खुशियों का रूल मोटा हाथी और नन्हा तोता सब बोले झुन झुन झुन झुना होता [Bridge] आसमान में पतंगें ऊँची जाती झुनकती चूड़ियां गाने गाती बगिया में तितलियां करती मजा संग झुन झुन झुन जादू रचा [Chorus] झुन झुन झुन झुन झुन झुना तेरा बचपन की धुन लाजवाब बना रंगों के घेरों में सपने बुनना खुशियां ओढ़ के झुम झुम झुना [Outro Verse] इस धुन में बस है मस्तानी चाल छोटी हंसी और नटखट सवाल हर कोने में खुशियों की बहार झुन झुन कर बोले ये प्यारा संसार

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Die Welt in Farben

[Verse] Die Welt dreht sich ohne Rast Auf alten Wegen voller Last Doch unter all den grauen Schichten Kannst du das Bunte auch erdichten [Verse 2] Hör das Rauschen in der Luft Jeder Atemzug ist Duft Zwischen Schatten und dem Licht Wird die Wahrheit sichtbar schlicht [Chorus] Die Welt Sie leuchtet tief in mir Ihr Puls vibriert Ich folg ihr hier Von Himmelblau zu Erdenbraun Im Chaos kann man Neues bauen [Verse 3] Flüsse tragen Wellen weit Keine Zeit Doch still zugleich Berge Hoch und unbezwingbar Zeigen uns Was immer wahr [Bridge] Vergiss nicht Sie gehört uns allen Kann mit uns leben oder fallen Jeder Schritt Ein neuer Pfad Unsere Träume ihr Kompassrad [Chorus] Die Welt Sie leuchtet tief in mir Ihr Puls vibriert Ich folg ihr hier Von Himmelblau zu Erdenbraun Im Chaos kann man Neues bauen

Praise to Allah-conmander22-AI-singing
Praise to Allah

[Verse] I heard there was a sacred call A light that guides Surpassing all But you don't truly see it till it moves you A guidance through the darkest night A love that fills with warming light It's all within the praising Alhamdulillah [Chorus] Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah [Verse 2] We bow our heads We raise our hands To the One who holds the world's plans Our hearts can find the peace in sujood too The mercy flows The blessings fall A grace that touches one and all Forever in our hearts is Alhamdulillah [Chorus] Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah [Bridge] He knows the secrets of our soul He mends the cracks He makes us whole Through every tear He shows the truth so clear In every trial He sends His sign Through every storm His answers shine We lift our voice in praise Alhamdulillah [Chorus] Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah


أَنَسِيْتَ أَنَّكَ فِي الْمَدِيْنَةِ يَا أَخِيْ خَيْرِ الْبِلَادِ إلَی إلَاهِي الْبَارِيْ أَرْضٍ مُبَارَكَةٍ حَرَامِ نَبِيِّنَا هِيَ مَسْكَنٌ ذُوْ بَهْجَةٍ وَ قَرَارِيْ فَاحْرِصْ عَلَیٰ طَلَبِ الْعُلُوْمِ مُجَاهِدًا واطْلُبْ هِدَايَةَ رَبِّنَا الْغَفَّارِيْ لَا تَنْسَ مِنْ حِلَقٍ بِمَسْجِدِ أَحْمَدٍ وَلْتَجْتَمِعْ بِشُيُوْخِنَا الْأَخْيَارِيْ أَكْثِرْ مِنَ الصَّلَوَاتِ فِيْهِيْ دَائِمًا سَتُضَاعَفُ الصَّلَوَاتُ أَلْفَ مِرَارِيْ

It'll Be Okay-shippingtrash11-AI-singing
It'll Be Okay

[Verse] The ground is splitting under my feet Cracks in the pavement where hope used to meet I scream in the silence it swallows me whole But everyone’s smiling like it’s out of control [Verse 2] Ashes are falling they call it just dust The weight on my chest breaks down all my trust I’m grasping at air as the world slips away They pat my back and say it’ll be okay [Chorus] It’ll be okay that’s what they swear But how can they know when they’re not even there The walls are on fire the sky’s turning gray And they just keep saying it’ll be okay [Bridge] Their words feel like paper floating in flames Thin little lies dressed up with fake frames I can’t breathe in a world that denies The ruins we’re left in as truth multiplies [Verse 3] I wish I could see what they claim to see Some ribbon of hope in this dark tragedy But the ground keeps crumbling beneath my shoes While they sing me lullabies I didn’t choose [Chorus] It’ll be okay that’s what they swear But how can they know when they’re not even there The walls are on fire the sky’s turning gray And they just keep saying it’ll be okay

Brightwell's Rebellion-easyloginforstuff-AI-singing
Brightwell's Rebellion

[Verse] Jess Brightwell moves in shadows, ink-stained hands divulge Where the scrolls tell secrets, but truth’s been smudged Knowledge is power, but the rulers hoard it tight Young scholar’s heart burns brighter than forbidden light [Verse 2] Locked in Alexandria’s steel-ribbed claws Metal tomes grind dreams, ancient laws with flaws Books ain’t freedom when they chain your spirit’s flight Jess fueling revolution with every word he writes [Chorus] Pages turn, but the fire won’t burn out Truth writes loud where they silence and doubt Library’s grip can't snuff the brave fight Jess Brightwell, torchbearer of the night [Verse 3] Smarts sharper than paper cuts, calm yet defiant Alchemists and automata, he outplays giants Code in the margins, a rebel's mark on the page Every step he takes cracks the Library's cage [Bridge] Iron shelves stand high like tyrant’s walls Yet ideas flow free through the crumbled halls Light beams down where the banned dwell Jess presses on, the stories he’ll tell [Chorus] Pages turn, but the fire won’t burn out Truth writes loud where they silence and doubt Library’s grip can't snuff the brave fight Jess Brightwell, torchbearer of the night

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PET Scan Rhymes

[Verse] In the halls of clinics, where answers reside, A camera built for journeys deep inside. Positron sparks, tracking sugar's chase, Mapping light shows in the inner space. [Pre-Chorus] With glowing trails painted on the canvas within, Revealing secrets where the cells begin. Doctors peek past the skin, past the facade, PET scan on the mission, playing medical god. [Chorus] Yo, searching the unknown with a radiant guide, Tracing pathways where the shadows hide. From the brain's whispers to the lungs' last plea, PE-technology snaps in clarity. [Verse 2] Glucose sipping quick, cancer throws its hand, Heat signatures dancing like a jazz band. The scanner hums low, a digital sleuth, Unraveling the body to present the truth. [Pre-Chorus] Signals light, like stars in a crowded sky, Mapping organs lit, where mysteries lie. A window to the unseen, crafted with care, Infrared riddles solved in the doctor's lair. [Chorus] Yo, searching the unknown with a radiant guide, Tracing pathways where the shadows hide. From the brain's whispers to the lungs' last plea, PE-technology snaps in clarity.

Satyam ka deep-anilvatas394-AI-singing
Satyam ka deep

(Verse 1) Satyam ka deep jalaayein, hum sab milkar gaayein, Vedon ka gyaan failaayein, andhkaar mitayein. (Chorus) Om ka jaap karein hum, sach ki raah chalein, Dharam ki jyoti se, jag ko roshan karein. (Verse 2) Dayanand ji ka sandesh, har dil tak pahunchayein, Ahinsa, satya, prem se, sabko gale lagayein. (Chorus) Om ka jaap karein hum, sach ki raah chalein, Dharam ki jyoti se, jag ko roshan karein. (Verse 3) Karma ka paath padhein hum, seva me lagein, Dukhiyon ka haath pakadkar, unnati ki ore badein. (Chorus) Om ka jaap karein hum, sach ki raah chalein, Dharam ki jyoti se, jag ko roshan karein. (Verse 4) Vedon ki mahima gayein, gyaan ka raag sunayein, Naya yug hum laayein, sach ka parcha laayein. (Outro) Arya samaj ka sandesh, sabko samjhayein, Prem aur satya se, naya sansar banayein! Om Shanti, Om Shanti!

Gharsabha song-silheaven-AI-singing
Gharsabha song

(1) घर-घर में हो सत्संग प्यारा, हरि नाम का बजे सितारा। गुरु-आज्ञा में सब चलें, संस्कारों से जीवन ढलें। (2) रोज़ शाम घरे सभा सजाएं, हरि कथा से जीवन महकाएं। शांति, सेवा, प्रेम बढ़ाएं, घर को मंदिर बना सजाएं। (3) शरणी जाएं, सुख पाएंगे, हरि-स्मरण से भव तर जाएंगे। अकाल मृत्यु भय मिट जाए, हरि की कृपा सदा बरसाए। (4) घर में हो सादगी, शुद्ध विचार, संतों की सेवा से हो उद्धार। स्वामीनारायण ध्वज लहराए, घर-घर में आनंद आए। जय स्वामीनारायण!

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Sunshine Vibes

[Verse] Woke up to the sunshine Hey Hey Hey Coffee brewing A brand-new day Text from my bestie Oh so sweet Time to groove Get up on our feet [Chorus] We’ll put on our favorite tunes Yeah Yeah Yeah Dance like the world is ours to share Hands up high Spin around Let's fly Making moments Under the golden sky [Verse 2] Windows down The wind’s so wild Laughing loud Free like a child Shoes off Don’t need a plan Living the dream as fast as we can [Chorus] We’ll put on our favorite tunes Yeah Yeah Yeah Dance like the world is ours to share Hands up high Spin around Let's fly Making moments Under the golden sky [Bridge] Ooh-yeah! We’re unstoppable Oh It's true Every day’s an adventure when I’m with you Clap your hands Let the rhythm ignite Shining together under city lights [Chorus] We’ll put on our favorite tunes Yeah Yeah Yeah Dance like the world is ours to share Hands up high Spin around Let's fly Making moments Under the golden sky

Algeria Vibes-oukilraouane-AI-singing
Algeria Vibes

[Verse] Algeria So bright and free Mountains Deserts And the sea Couscous Dates And minty tea Come and dance Just follow me! [Chorus] Oh Oh Algeria! Land of beauty Land so dear! With open arms We'll draw you near Oh Oh Algeria! [Verse 2] Golden sands that kiss the skies Stars are shining No disguise Feel the heartbeat Feel the highs Underneath the desert’s cries! [Chorus] Oh Oh Algeria! Land of beauty Land so dear! With open arms We'll draw you near Oh Oh Algeria! [Bridge] Drums will echo Spirits rise History flows through every stride From the Kasbah to the tide Algeria Your heart won’t hide! [Chorus] Oh Oh Algeria! Land of beauty Land so dear! With open arms We'll draw you near Oh Oh Algeria!


Vem Camará, počúvaj ten zvuk, capoeira volá, spája nás v kruh. Mestre Paçoca viedol nás vpred, od roku 2009 píšeme náš svet. (Refren) Vem Camará, energia v pohybe, capoeira žije, v srdciach bije. Z Európy do Brazílie späť, naša vášeň nikdy neprestane znieť. (Verš 2) Od Rakúska po Slovensko, každý vie, že Vem Camará svoje miesto má. Semináre, turnaje, spoločné sny, spájame kultúry, prekonávame dni. (Refrén) Vem Camará, energia v pohybe, capoeira žije, v srdciach bije. Z Európy do Brazílie späť, naša vášeň nikdy neprestane znieť. (Most) V kruhu sa stretávame, hudba hrá, berimbau znie, duša spieva. Každý pohyb je príbeh náš, Vem Camará, spolu sme silnejší vždy. (Refrén) Vem Camará, energia v pohybe, capoeira žije, v srdciach bije. Z Európy do Brazílie späť, naša vášeň nikdy neprestane znieť. (Záver) Tak poď a pridaj sa k nám, Vem Camará je otvorený každému snu. S capoeirou kráčame vpred, spolu tvoríme lepší svet.