Radīt ...

Song Created By @Dzho With AI Singing

Áudio da Música

Radīt ...
created by Dzho
Radīt ...
created by Dzho

Detalhes da Música


Vai, Tevi, vēl meklēt var?
Vai, Tevi, vēl atrast drīkst?
Vai stāstīsi - atrast kā?
Kā atrast to - kas bijis paslēpts? 
Kas paslēpies ir?
Kas nekad atrasts - nav bijis vēl ... 
Vai atrast vajag?
Vai vēlas atrasties tas?
Varbūt nevēlas atrasts būt?
Vai atrast var to - kurš nevēlas atrasts būt?
Varbūt var, varbūt nevar.
Varbūt garām paiet - un nepamanīt?
Varbūt garām paiet - un neieraudzīt to?
Varbūt garām paiet ļaut - un neatrast?
Varbūt ļaut - palikt neatrastam būt?
Vai priekšā teikt - kur paslēpts ir?
Vai klusēt - un neteikt neko?
Vai tā pareizi ir?
Vai tā labi ir?
Vai labāk atrast?
Vai labāk atrastam būt?
Vai labāk atrast un atklāt?
Vai palikt neatklātam?
Kas mainās?
Kas to pateikt var - kas mainās?
Kā mainās?
Kā maināmies - ja maināmies?
Vai mainīties vēlamies?
Vai palikt - nemainīgi?
Kā ...
Kā pareizi ir?
Kā pareizi būt?
Kā patiesiem būt?
Vai baidamies atrasties?
Vai baidamies atrastam būt?
Jo nezinām - kas notiks tad?
Un, ja nu - nenotiek nekas?
Un, ja nu - notiek kaut kas?
Kā saprast ?
Kā būt?
Vai nebūt?
Radīt ...
Radīt paslēpes.
Radīt meklētāju.
Radīt to - kuru meklē.
Radīt to - kuru atrast.
Radīt to - kuru atrod.
Radīt to - kurš atrod.
Radīt atrodamo ...
Radīt ...
Paslēpes radīt ...
Kļūdīties ...
Un atkal radīt ...
Nebaidīties radīt atkal.
Radīt ...
Radīt prieku.
Radīt noslēpumu.
Radīt skumjas.
Radīt asaras.
Radīt gaismu.
Radīt mīlestību.
Radīt - no sirds uz sirdi - radīt.
Radīt - kā tas ir  - radīt?
Pašam radīt ...
Pašam arī radīt ...
Sev radīt ...

Descrição do Estilo Musical

Poetry, inspiring, harp, violin, panpipe, gong

Idioma das Letras


Emotional Analysis

Contemplative and introspective, exploring themes of discovery, existence, and the complexities of finding oneself.

Application Scenarios

Ideal for reflective moments, meditation, or creative inspiration, suitable for solo listening or intimate gatherings.

Technical Analysis

Characterized by a blend of acoustic instruments including harp, violin, panpipe, and gong, creating a soft, ethereal soundscape that complements the lyrical exploration of deep philosophical themes.

Música Relacionada Mais Estilos Musicais

family tree-bjmorris530-AI-singing
family tree

[Verse 1] Well, I was sittin’ on the porch, strummin’ my guitar, When Daddy walked up, said, "Son, let’s raise the bar. We need to have a talk ‘bout our family line, It’s a little bit tangled, but it’s workin’ just fine." [Pre-Chorus] He said, "I’m your daddy, but I’m also your bro, Thanks to Mama’s love, and the way things go. And don’t forget, I’m your cousin and your uncle too, It’s a family tree twist, but it’s all brand new." [Chorus] Oh, my daddy’s my brother, and my cousin’s my kin, Thanks to Mama’s heart, and the mess we’re in. It’s a circle of love, though it’s hard to explain, But I’ll never forget, we’re all one and the same. [Verse 2] Now, Mama’s in the kitchen, cookin’ up some stew, She’s the glue of this family, and she knows what to do. She said, "Honey, don’t you worry ‘bout the way it’s spun, Love’s what makes a family, not the way it’s done." [Pre-Chorus] She said, "Your daddy’s your brother, and your uncle’s your friend, And your cousin’s your daddy, but it all depends. On the love that we share, and the ties that bind, It’s a family tree twist, but it’s one of a kind." [Chorus] Oh, my daddy’s my brother, and my cousin’s my kin, Thanks to Mama’s heart, and the mess we’re in. It’s a circle of love, though it’s hard to explain, But I’ll never forget, we’re all one and the same. [Bridge] Now, some folks might laugh, and some folks might stare, But we don’t give a hoot, ‘cause we’re beyond compare. It’s a family reunion every day of the week, With a love so strong, it’s the future we seek. [Verse 3] So here’s to my mama, the queen of it all, She built this family, and she stands ten feet tall. And here’s to my daddy, my brother, my kin, It’s a family tree twist, but we always win. [Chorus] Oh, my daddy’s my brother, and my cousin’s my kin, Thanks to Mama’s heart, and the mess we’re in. It’s a circle of love, though it’s hard to explain, But I’ll never forget, we’re all one and the same. [Outro] So I’ll strum my guitar, and I’ll sing this tune, ‘Bout a family so wild, we could fill the moon. It’s a family tree twist, but it’s all okay, ‘Cause love’s what matters at the end of the day


এসেছে, দি অক্সিজেন স্টাডি কেয়ার, মনে লেগেছে স্বস্তির জোয়ার ফিরবে আবার সুশিক্ষার সুবাতাস শিক্ষার্থীরা আর রবে না হতাশ। খাটিয়ামারী তে শিক্ষার মশাল হাতে সু শিক্ষার কুঠির গড়ে উঠুক নিজ আঙ্গিনাতে। আমরা তো নই বোকা জাতীরে, নিজ ভবিষ্যত ছেরে দিবো না কারো মিঠা কথা আর সু সম্পর্কের খাতিরে। হোক অঙ্গিকার, আমাদের সবার আর কারো মিষ্টি কথায় গলবো না। না জেনে কারও বদনাম বলবো না। গুন গত মান বুঝে আমাদের ভালোটা নিবো খুজে এমনি প্রতিজ্ঞা লয়ে প্রতিহিংসার রাজনীতি পদতলে দলিয়ে শুভ যাত্রা হোক আমাদের শিক্ষা পরিবারে দি অক্সিজেন স্টাডি কেয়ারে। সুদেব স্যার,, সাইফুল স্যার,, বাবুল স্যার, বিটু স্যার, আলমাস স্যার, আহসান হাবিব স্যার। হিরা,, সোহাগ, আর জীয়ার, সহ আমাদের সবার।। মানসম্মত শিক্ষা প্রদান ই একমাত্র অঙ্গীকার।।


دوستی دے رنگ (Dosti De Rang) (A heartfelt Seraiki song about friendship) (Verse 1) دوستی دے رنگ وکھرے نیں، ہر دل وچ وسدے نیں ساڈے نال جو راہواں سن، او یاداں دے چن نیں (Chorus) ساڈے یار ساڈے سجن، زندگی دی رونق نیں ساڈے خواباں دے جگے نیں، ساڈے دل دیاں دھڑکن نیں (Verse 2) ساڈے دکھ وچ رُل ویندے، ساڈے ہس دے سنگ نچدے ساڈے نال جو نبھاوے، او دل دیاں راہواں وچ وسدے (Chorus) ساڈے یار ساڈے سجن، زندگی دی رونق نیں ساڈے خواباں دے جگے نیں، ساڈے دل دیاں دھڑکن نیں (Bridge) ساڈے نال رہوے تاں ساڈے ہسیا وسدے نیں ساڈے بناں دنیاں وچ سب ویران لگدے نیں (Outro) دوستی دی لو نہ بجے، جیوے ہسدے موہنے ساڈے یار ساڈے سجن، رب کولوں مانگے ہن سہنے

قطعه انتظار-the.emerald.player.0000-AI-singing
قطعه انتظار

هر لحظه می‌نشینم، در سایه‌ی تمنّا تا بشنوم نوایی، از آسمان و کیهان آیا به لب رسیده، فریادِ دادخواهم؟ یا دل هنوز در غم، گمگشته در بیابان؟ در جمعه‌های حسرت، دل منتظر نشسته چشمی به راه مانده، در جستجوی جانان دردا که در فراقش، شد شامِ ما سیه‌تر چون ماهِ بی‌پناهی، سرگشته در بیابان از اشک و آه لبریز، این روزهای تاریک بی‌تو نفس چو آتش، در سینه شد پریشان چشمانِ اشک‌بارم، در حسرتِ نگاهت مانند رود جاری، در پیچ و تابِ طوفان آیینه‌های عالم، بی‌نور و بی‌فروغند ای چلچراغ پنهان، کی می‌دمی ز پنهان؟ با هر نسیم، نامت پیچد به موج دریا در آه هر سحرگاه، در اشک هر شبستان بوی تو را بیابم، در لاله‌های خونین با هر شهید خوانم، نامت میان میدان گل‌های باغ امید، خشکیده از فراقَت باران لطفِ رویت، کی می‌رسد به بستان؟ ای عدل بی‌نهایت، ای مهر بی‌زوالت رحمی نما به حالِ این جمعه‌هایِ گریان ای روشنی شب‌ها، ای صبح بی‌غروبی دریاب حالِ زارم، بنگر دلِ هراسان در حسرتِ تو گریم، هر شب کنارِ سجده ای یار بی‌نظیری، ای خسرو غریبان دردِ فراقِ رویت، جان را به لب رسانده پس کی رسد نوایت؟ ای محو در خفیان طوفان غم گرفته، این کشتی شکسته جز لطف تو نمانده، راهی به سوی طوفان برگرد تا ببیند، چشمی تو را دوباره تا زنده گردد این دل، در کوی عشق و ایمان کی می‌رسی ز غیبت، ای نورِ صبحِ صادق؟ تا باز جان بگیرد، دل‌های خسته از جان

Silent Echoes-tesfabekale-AI-singing
Silent Echoes

[Title: "Silent Echoes"] [Intro: Soft piano and gentle guitar strums; ambient R&B beat enters. Soulful male vocals come in with a warm, reflective tone.] [Verse 1] I’ve been drifting in rooms full of echoes, Where the light fades and the memories go, Lost in a maze of quiet thoughts and time, Searching for a spark in a heart that’s been confined. [Pre-Chorus] Every whisper of the wind reminds me, Of dreams I left behind so silently, I look in the mirror, see a stranger in my eyes, Yearning for a moment when I felt alive. [Chorus] I’m numb, caught in these silent echoes, Floating where the old emotions no longer show, Trying to break free from these invisible chains, In the darkness, I’m dancing with my pain. [Verse 2] Midnight confessions on a worn-out page, Stories of the soul, scribbled in a cage, Every scar’s a memory, every tear a sign, That even in this numbness, hope still might shine. [Pre-Chorus] I hear a distant call in the midnight air, A promise that I’m more than despair, The reflection speaks of battles fought in vain, But tonight, I’m learning to feel again. [Chorus] I’m numb, lost in these silent echoes, Yet I’m reaching for the warmth that used to glow, Stepping out, I’m breaking down these walls, In the stillness, I hear my spirit’s call. [Bridge] [Spoken softly over a smooth instrumental break] Every heartbeat is a chance to redefine, In the quiet of the night, I reclaim what’s mine. [Instrumental: A soulful guitar solo flows, blending with delicate keys.] [Chorus - Variation] I’m numb, but I’m rising from these echoes, Finding a rhythm where the true light shows, Every step I take unravels the pain, In the silence, I’m finding strength again. [Outro] [Soft, fading vocals with gentle piano and a tender guitar melody] The silence whispers secrets of what used to be, In this calm, I discover the real me.

Les tonneaux-Luna-AI-singing
Les tonneaux

A notre réveil... Au milieu des tonneaux! Sur une île déserte et tropicale. Vaisseau échoué. Quelques outils dans la cale. Tentes plantées. Et le Rhum, les tonneaux!! Ha hahaha aaaaaaah!!!!! On monte des cabanes. On ramasse des bananes. On prend les caisses de rations. On en a plein le.... "Ah! Non! ça, on peut pas dire!!!" Ha hahaha aaaaaaah!!!!! Puis le Rhum, les tonneaux!! Chacun son sabre! Chacun sa hache! On coupe des arbres! On coupe des arbres!!! Il va pleuvoir! mettez une bache!! Protégez la poudre noire! Surtout les tonneaux! A bord du bateau! Plein de poivrots! Pas de feu ce soir... Pour se réchauffer, du Rhum, les tonneaux! Puis une soirée bien arrosée! Avec du Rhum et des Blaireaux! Ah zut, le tonneau, on l'a vidé! On répare le rafiot. On range les tonneaux! On ramasse les pioches! Mais aussi les têtes de Pioches! Et l'eau, dans les tonneaux!! Ha hahaha aaaaaaah!!!!! Cette fois, on va pas chaviré! Pirates, sortez le fanion! Voici venir les anglais! On va les détrousser! Pas de quartier! Leur eau, leur trésors! Leur Rhum, leur Tonneaux! Leur gibier, leur or!!! Mais surtout les tonneaux! Où êtes vous Cap'taine! "ça, on peut le dire!" Il est dans les tonneaux!

ಮೋಸ ಮಾಡಿದಿ-akashavm1936-AI-singing
ಮೋಸ ಮಾಡಿದಿ

ಪಲ್ಲವಿ: ಶೃತಿ, ನೀನೇನೆಂ ಮಾಡಿದೆ? ನನ್ನ ಪ್ರೀತಿಗೆ ಮೋಸ ತಂದು! ನಿನ್ನ ನಂಬಿ ಬಾಳು ಕಟ್ಟಿದಾ, ಈ ಮನಸು ಕಣ್ಣೀರುಗೊಂಡು!! ಅಂತ್ಯ 1: ನೀನಾದ ಸಪ್ತಸ್ವರದ ಗೀತೆ, ನಾನಾದೆ ಅದಕೆ ತಾಳದ ವೀಣೆ! ನಿನ್ನ ಹಾಡು ಸಿಹಿಯಾದರೂ, ನನಗೆ ಬಿಟ್ಟದು ನೋವಿನ ಬೇಣೆ!! ಅಂತ್ಯ 2: ಬಂದೆ ನಾನು ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ತಂದು, ನೀನು ಬಿಟ್ಟೆ ಬಿಸಿಲು ಹಚ್ಚಿ! ನನಗೆ ಕೊಟ್ಟ ಬಯಕೆ ಹಸಿರೆ, ಆದರೂ ಹೋದೆ ಹಾಳಾಗಿ!! ಅಂತ್ಯ 3: ಸಾಗರದ ಅಲೆಗೋ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯ ತರಂಗ, ನಿನ್ನ ಮೊರೆಗೆ ನಾನು ಬಂದೆ! ಈಗ ಮರಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಂತ ನಾವೇ, ಎಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರೀತಿ? ಎಲ್ಲಿ ನಂಬಿಕೆ?? ಮುಗಿಯುವ ಸಾಲು: ಶೃತಿ, ನಿನ್ನ ನೆನೆದು ಕಣ್ಣೀರು ಬೀಳ್ತೇನೆ, ಆದರೂ ಮನಸೊಮ್ಮೆ ನಗ್ತಿರಬೇಕು! ನಾನೀಗ ಹೊಸ ಹಾದಿ ಹಿಡಿದೇ, ನನ್ನ ಕನಸು ನಾನು ಕಟ್ಟ್ತಿರಬೇಕು!!

Heart of africa-anna.wilk.zawadzka-AI-singing
Heart of africa

"Heart of Africa" (Verse 1) From the desert sands to the mountain high, Where the sun kisses the endless sky, In the rhythm of the drums, we hear the call, Africa, you stand so proud, so tall. (Pre-Chorus) Oceans wide and savannah’s green, A land of wonder, like I’ve never seen, Where the people’s hearts are full of grace, In every smile, there’s a warm embrace. (Chorus) Africa, you are the heartbeat of the earth, From the Nile to the Cape, you show your worth, Through the jungle’s roar and the lion’s cry, Africa, you light up the sky. (Verse 2) The stars above, they guide the way, In the rhythm of life, we dance and sway, From the villages to the cities grand, We stand united, hand in hand. (Pre-Chorus) Through the storms and the burning sun, Africa, we rise, we overcome, In the music of the soul, we find our home, Together, we’ll never be alone. (Chorus) Africa, you are the heartbeat of the earth, From the Nile to the Cape, you show your worth, Through the jungle’s roar and the lion’s cry, Africa, you light up the sky. (Bridge) From the colors of the sunsets bright, To the fire in the African night, Your spirit lives in every land, Africa, we stand hand in hand. (Chorus) Africa, you are the heartbeat of the earth, From the Nile to the Cape, you show your worth, Through the jungle’s roar and the lion’s cry, Africa, you light up the sky. (Outro) Oh, Africa, you shine, you rise, In your beauty, we see the skies, Forever you’ll be, our hearts are true, Africa, we belong to you. I hope this captures some of the magic and essence of Africa! Would you like to

**Elisa: The Storm Within**-saedmefleh-AI-singing
**Elisa: The Storm Within**

*(Verse 1)* Oh, Elisa, she’s a storm in the city, A howling wind with a heart of steel. She walks with a purpose, a warrior's stride, But beneath her armor, she melts like ice. Her laughter rings like thunder, sharp and loud, Yet inside, she's soft as a cloud. She’ll argue till dawn, never back down, A tempest of thoughts in the urban crowd. *(Chorus)* Elisa, with a touch that’s fierce and bold, But hidden deep, a heart of gold. She fights with passion, sharp as a blade, Yet in her care, we find our safe haven laid. Her love for weird foods is a curious sight, Pickled eggs and curry at midnight. *(Verse 2)* In her kitchen, she’s a mad scientist, Blending flavors no one else has tried. Weirdest dishes that make the soul divide, Yet with every bite, we’re strangely tied. She challenges us all, in games and debates, Her mind like a sword, always on point. But when the storm passes, she’s there to comfort, A shelter in her gentle form. *(Chorus)* Elisa, you’re the storm with an inner glow, A heart that beats fierce but also grows. You fight with fire and love with abandon, In your world of flavors, we’re all lost wanderers. *(Bridge)* She’s a puzzle wrapped in a stormy cloud, Her mind a labyrinth where the battles are found. But when she smiles, the storm subsides, And in her warmth, we find our guiding lights. *(Outro)* Elisa, with your hard exterior, A tempest that both challenges and cherishes. You’re the yin and yang, the storm and peace, In you, we find a world we can’t escape. So here’s to Elisa, the storm within, With every clash of swords and plates, We see your heart, your passion, your unique soul, A friend like yours, once in a lifetime’s goal.


Ninna na nodi Aidu varsha galu kaedide

Saraswati Maa Ki Kripa-fireflya454-AI-singing
Saraswati Maa Ki Kripa

[Verse 1] Rasikpur ki dharti hai pavitra, Goonj uthe hai puja ka manchitra. Dey parivaar ka prem apaar, Bulaye Maa Saraswati ko baar-baar. [Chorus] O Saraswati Maa, kripa barsaao, Gyaan ka deep har mann mein jalaao. Teri veena ki madhur dhun se, Pyaar aur shanti ke rang chhukaao. [Verse 2] Diye jal rahe, mandir saj gaya, Mantraon ka sur mahal ban gaya. Kitaabein tere charno mein dhari, Seekh se bharo jeevan ki gadi. [Bridge] Kala aur gyaan ki Devi tu hai, Har sapna tera ashirwaad paaye. Dey parivaar ne prarthana ki hai, Kripa se har musibat mit jaaye. [Chorus] O Saraswati Maa, kripa barsaao, Gyaan ka deep har mann mein jalaao. Teri veena ki madhur dhun se, Pyaar aur shanti ke rang chhukaao. [Outro] Rasikpur ka har ang saj gaya, Teri kripa se sab rang gaya. Saraswati Maa, raho saath sada, Hum sab ka safar banaao sukhda.

Saraswati Puja-humfirst01-AI-singing
Saraswati Puja

Verse 1 Aayi hai puja ka pawan din, Rasikpur Dumka hai roshan chin. Dharti pe bikhre phoolon ke rang, Maa Saraswati ke gun gaan sung. Kitaabein aur kalam sajaye hain, Tere charnon mein matha tekaye hain. Buddhi aur gyaan ka var de maa, Har din tera aashirwad rahe saath maa. Chorus Saraswati Maa, hum gaayein geet, Rasikpur ke har kone mein preet. Tera prakash banaye raah, Andhkaar ko kare chhupah. Verse 2 Mandir ki ghanti bajti hai, Bhakton ki awaaz sajti hai. Safed phoolon ki mehak hai chaayi, Dumka ki dharti lagti hai bhaayi. Sanskriti aur bhavna hai jeevit yahan, Har dil mein tu hai basayi wahaan. Tera naam lekar hum chalein aage, Tu hi toh hai jeevan ke saathi saanjhe. Chorus Saraswati Maa, hum gaayein geet, Rasikpur ke har kone mein preet. Tera prakash banaye raah, Andhkaar ko kare chhupah. Bridge Teri veena ki dhun sunaye, Har mann mein gyaan jagaye. Namra mann se prarthana karein, Tere charnon mein jeevan dharein. Outro Rasikpur Dumka tujhe pukare, Tere bina toh sab kuch haare. Saraswati Maa, sadaa rehna paas, De gyaan ka apaar vishwas.