
Song Created By @ayushmangore982 With AI Singing

Music Audio

created by ayushmangore982
created by ayushmangore982

Music Details

Lyrics Text

हेतु की कृपा करे हर कोय,
अहेतु की कृपा करे मोरे राम ।।
स्वार्थ प्रेम करे जाग मोहे,
निःस्वार्थ चाहे मुझे मेरे श्याम ।।
जो ना समझे तो होत बाँवरो ,
जो समझे सो बाँवरो होय,
अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी,
समझ सके ना हर कोय ।।
जो ना समझे उन्हें माया नचावत,
जो समझे, वो नाचे नैना भिगोय,
अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी,
समझ सके ना हर कोय ।।
जो ना समझे, वो रोत दुखों में,
जो समझे, वो भक्तिप्रेम में रोए,
अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी,
समझ सके ना हर कोय ।।
जो ना समझे, वो सोत अंधकार में,
जो समझे, तो जाग उजियारों होय,
अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी,
समझ सके ना हर कोय ।।
जो ना समझे, मिथ्या जगत सुने,
जो समझे, वो हरि कथा में खोय,
अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी,
समझ सके ना हर कोय ।।

Description of Music Style

Meditative,Ambient Music,Sufi-Fusion,Indian Classical

Lyrics Language


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke a deep sense of devotion, longing, and a spiritual journey towards understanding and connection with the divine. It expresses the emotions of love, devotion, and transformation from ignorance to enlightened perception.

Application Scenarios

These lyrics can be used in spiritual gatherings, meditation sessions, yoga practices, or during devotional performances, enhancing the atmosphere with their profound themes of divine love and understanding.

Technical Analysis

The lyrics employ an echoing rhetorical structure, repetition for emphasis, and a blend of metaphorical language that draws from spiritual, philosophical, and existential themes. The use of vernacular language enriches its cultural resonance, while the melodic structure, typical of Indian classical forms, complements the meditative and ambient soundscape.

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हेतु की कृपा करे हर कोय, अहेतु की कृपा करे मोरे राम ।। स्वार्थ प्रेम करे जाग मोहे, निःस्वार्थ चाहे मुझे मेरे श्याम ।। जो ना समझे तो होत बाँवरो , जो समझे सो बाँवरो होय, अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी, समझ सके ना हर कोय ।। जो ना समझे उन्हें माया नचावत, जो समझे, वो नाचे नैना भिगोय, अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी, समझ सके ना हर कोय ।। जो ना समझे, वो रोत दुखों में, जो समझे, वो भक्तिप्रेम में रोए, अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी, समझ सके ना हर कोय ।। जो ना समझे, वो सोत अंधकार में, जो समझे, तो जाग उजियारों होय, अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी, समझ सके ना हर कोय ।। जो ना समझे, मिथ्या जगत सुने, जो समझे, वो हरि कथा में खोय, अनंत हरि की लीला अनोखी, समझ सके ना हर कोय ।।

Evangelic Angel-skkdacbsp-AI-singing
Evangelic Angel

Adore, adore ye all The happy day Blessed than heaven Sweeter than May. When he appeared at Puri The holy place, My Lord and Master His Divine Grace. Oh! my Master The evangelic angel. Give us Thy light Light up Thy candle. Struggle for existence A human race. The only hope His Divine Grace. Misled we are All going astray, Save us Lord Our fervent pray. Wonder thy ways To turn our face Adore Thy feet Your Divine Grace. Forgotten Krsna We fallen souls, Paying most heavy The illusion's toll. Darkness around All untrace. The only hope His Divine Grace. Message of service Thou hast brought, A healthful life As Caitanya wrought. Unknown to all It's full of brace. That's your gift Your Divine Grace. Absolute is sentient Thou hast proved Impersonal calamity Thou hast moved. This gives us a life Anew and fresh. Worship Thy feet Your Divine Grace. Had you not come Who had told The message of Krsna Forceful and bold. That's your right You have the mace Save me a fallen Your Divine Grace. The line of service As drawn by you Is pleasing and healthy Like morning dew. The oldest of all But in new dress Miracle done Your Divine Grace.

Tumse pyar-c97933225-AI-singing
Tumse pyar

[Verse] तुम हो तो सब कुछ है यहाँ इन आँखों में बसते हो तुम हर पल में हो तुम शामिल बिन तुम सब है वीराना [Chorus] तुमसे प्यार कितना ये हम नहीं जानते पर जी नहीं सकते बिन तुम्हारे ये मानते दिल कहता है तुमसे हर पल ये कहानी तुम हो तो जैसे हो हर पल बेमिसाल [Verse 2] रातों में चाँदनी सी हो तुम सपनों में सजती हो तुम हर सांस में हो तुम बसी जब तुम पास होती हो दिल धड़कता है तेजी [Chorus] तुमसे प्यार कितना ये हम नहीं जानते पर जी नहीं सकते बिन तुम्हारे ये मानते दिल कहता है तुमसे हर पल ये कहानी तुम हो तो जैसे हो हर पल बेमिसाल [Bridge] हर लम्हा ख़ास हो जाता है जब तुम साथ होती हो दिल के तार बजने लगते हैं जब तुम मुस्कुराती हो [Chorus] तुमसे प्यार कितना ये हम नहीं जानते पर जी नहीं सकते बिन तुम्हारे ये मानते दिल कहता है तुमसे हर पल ये कहानी तुम हो तो जैसे हो हर पल बेमिसाल


Om Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya

Radio Jingle-Niharikha P-AI-singing
Radio Jingle

(Verse) TalkZone 98.5, vaanga pesalam, thaanga! (Oru voice-u ungalukku thaandi kaetta vaanga!) Hit-u hit-u songs-u, trendy topics, bounce-u! (Ini boredom kooda inga chance-u illa da!) (Chorus) Pesuvom vaanga, pesuvom vaanga! (Rhythm-oda pesuvom, set-u thaanga!) Pesuvom vaanga, pesuvom vaanga! (Ulagathula leading TalkZone thaanga!) (Outro) 🎶 TalkZone 98.5! Pesuvom vaanga! 🌟


छाया मम जीवनसखा, नित्यं मां अनुसारिणी। सूर्यरश्मेः सृज्यते सा, तमसि तिष्ठति गुह्यिनी॥ शीतला सा शरणदात्री, दग्धं च मनः शमयति। अदृश्येऽपि सा सहचरी, यत्र गच्छामि तत्र स्थिता॥ प्रकाशस्य सहोदरी या, तमसोः लीलां दर्शयति। छायायाः मम नमो नित्यं, जीवनं सा सदा गतिः॥

Radīt ...-Dzho-AI-singing
Radīt ...

Vai, Tevi, vēl meklēt var? Vai, Tevi, vēl atrast drīkst? Vai stāstīsi - atrast kā? Kā atrast to - kas bijis paslēpts? Kas paslēpies ir? Kas nekad atrasts - nav bijis vēl ... ... Vai atrast vajag? Vai vēlas atrasties tas? Varbūt nevēlas atrasts būt? Vai atrast var to - kurš nevēlas atrasts būt? ... Varbūt var, varbūt nevar. Varbūt garām paiet - un nepamanīt? Varbūt garām paiet - un neieraudzīt to? Varbūt garām paiet ļaut - un neatrast? Varbūt ļaut - palikt neatrastam būt? Vai priekšā teikt - kur paslēpts ir? Vai klusēt - un neteikt neko? ... Vai tā pareizi ir? Vai tā labi ir? Vai labāk atrast? Vai labāk atrastam būt? Vai labāk atrast un atklāt? Vai palikt neatklātam? ... Kas mainās? Kas to pateikt var - kas mainās? Kā mainās? Kā maināmies - ja maināmies? Vai mainīties vēlamies? Vai palikt - nemainīgi? ... Kā ... Kā pareizi ir? Kā pareizi būt? Kā patiesiem būt? Vai baidamies atrasties? Vai baidamies atrastam būt? Jo nezinām - kas notiks tad? Un, ja nu - nenotiek nekas? Un, ja nu - notiek kaut kas? ... Kā saprast ? Kā būt? Vai nebūt? ... Radīt ... Radīt paslēpes. Radīt meklētāju. Radīt to - kuru meklē. Radīt to - kuru atrast. Radīt to - kuru atrod. Radīt to - kurš atrod. Radīt atrodamo ... ... Radīt ... Paslēpes radīt ... Kļūdīties ... Un atkal radīt ... Nebaidīties radīt atkal. ... Radīt ... Radīt prieku. Radīt noslēpumu. Radīt skumjas. Radīt asaras. Radīt gaismu. Radīt mīlestību. Radīt - no sirds uz sirdi - radīt. Radīt - kā tas ir - radīt? Pašam radīt ... Pašam arī radīt ... Sev radīt ...

Kā tas būtu ...-Dzho-AI-singing
Kā tas būtu ...

**Verse 1** Un, kā tas būtu, Kā tas būtu, Ja iedomāties, Iedomāties Tu spētu - Ka Dievu meklēt, Meklēt vairs nevajadzētu. **Chorus** Un kā tas būtu, Kā tas būtu, Ja uz mirkli, Uz mirkli - Tu tam noticētu, Tam noticētu ... **Verse 2** Un, kā tas būtu, Kā tas būtu, Ja iedomāties, Iedomāties Tu spētu - Ka atrasts, Atrasts Tu jau būtu. ... Un, pat ja, Pat ja Tu - pazaudētos, Pazaudētos vai atpaliktu mazliet, Viņš Tevi, Viņš Tevi meklēt ietu - Atrastu, un atpakaļ, Atpakaļ, tad atvestu. **Chorus** Un kā tas būtu, Kā tas būtu, Ja uz mirkli, Uz mirkli - Tu tam noticētu, Tam noticētu ...

శ్రీరాముని సుగుణాలు-Veeranki-AI-singing
శ్రీరాముని సుగుణాలు

[Verse] శ్రీరాముని సుగుణాలు అన్నీ పోజేసేసుకొని దిలీపై వచ్చేలే నా లోకంలోకి కష్టమనే ఊసే లేకుండా మమ్మల్ని గారాభానికే మురిసెను లే నా మనసే [Verse 2] కన్నమ్మా నువ్వు చేసే ప్రతి మెత్తోలోనూ నువ్వు వేసే ప్రతి అడుగులోనూ విస్మయపరిచే నీ చిరునవ్వుల జాడలో స్వరంధరాలో నువ్వే మమ్మల్ని సేదతీరిచ్చే [Chorus] ఓహోహో నువ్వు నిద్రపోయిన చీకటిలో నువ్వు రేవడిద్దాం అంధకార ఆవరణలో పాడుతున్న ప్రతి రాగంలో నీ భాష గొందరినపడే నిండైన మధురంతో [Verse 3] నిందితులేని నీ పేరుని పూజ అధికారి నువ్వే మా ప్రియమౌదన్న ప్రక్క సాక్షిగా గుండె పెద్ద కష్టం అనే పొరుగున నీ ప్రేమ అందుకే పాడుతున్నా ఈ బామ్మగీత [Bridge] నా కలల్లో నీ రూపం వణికించితివే మందాకినిలా నాకిలే నీ నవ్వు నిలదీసేను నువ్వే మమ్మల్ని తారసపడించినా నిత్యానందంలో నిన్నే పాడుకుంటూ [Chorus] ఓహోహో నువ్వు నిద్రపోయిన చీకటిలో నువ్వు రేవడిద్దాం అంధకార ఆవరణలో పాడుతున్న ప్రతి రాగంలో నీ భాష గొందరినపడే నిండైన మధురంతో


Will I ever reach out Will I never be stronger Bridge: The Phantoms around my face Leading good thoughts away Heeding to their masters say Heeding to their master's say, YEAH Chorus: When the sun goes down then the nightmares start Fear rules the day(terror reins in a silent whisper) Fear rules the day(terror reins in a silent whisper) YEAH Verse: Slumber don't come easy Still I get queasy Will I ever reach out Will I never be stronger Bridge 2: They erase my instances And all of my ecstasies Sadness and all of my memories All of my memories, YEAHChorus: When the sun goes down then the nightmares start The soul burns away (terror reins in a silent whisper) The souls burn away (terror reins in a silent whisper) YEAH Verse: The demons are still present Gleaming in the crescent Will I ever reach out Will I never be stronger Outro Their voices still whisper around me YE I guess the pain is too crazy They won't just leave me be Chorus: When the sun goes down then the nightmares start Fear rules the day(terror reins in a silent whisper) Fear rules the day(terror reins in a silent whisper) YEAHI dont get whats happening spend my nights imagining i dont get whats happening No i don't Why you're normally so nice But when you're with them you're a vice Everybody's so fake Bridge 1: You're just reconfirming what i already know That the world isn't just rainbows and snow Yea You're just reconfirming what i already know what i already KNOW what i already KNOW Chorus: I know where u be yourself Where all your insecurities melt I know where you're high I know where you're low You got me thinkin maybe i should let you go go go


Autistic and the fat worms are a good movie that you can use for a while the other is the same thing you do for a while the other day to see how things go and what I said about it is that you can keep me in your mouth when I was like you didn't mean I was just thinking of the way I was and how you felt

Tere Ishq mein-Star-AI-singing
Tere Ishq mein

(Slow tempo, classical instrumentation begins - sitar, tabla, flute) (Verse 1) मोहब्बत की हवा, चल रही है धीरे-धीरे, (mohabbat ki hawa, chal rahi hai dheer-dheere,) *The breeze of love, is blowing gently,* साँसों में तेरा नाम, गूँज रहा है प्यारे। (saanson mein tera naam, goonj raha hai pyaare.) *Your name echoes in my breath, my darling.* (Verse 2) आँखों में तेरी झलक, चाँदनी सी है प्यारी, (aankhon mein teri jhalak, chaandni si hai pyaari,) *The glimpse of your eyes, is as lovely as moonlight,* दिल में तेरी याद, रहती है हमेशा यारी। (dil mein teri yaad, rahti hai hamesha yaari.) *Your memory remains forever a companion in my heart.* (Antara - a bridge section, slightly faster tempo) ये राग प्यार का, गाता है मेरा तन-मन, (ye raag pyaar ka, gaata hai mera tan-man,) *This melody of love, sings my body and soul,* तेरे इश्क़ में डूबा, भूला है दुनिया का हर ग़म। (tere ishq mein dooba, bhoola hai duniya ka har gam.) *Submerged in your love, I've forgotten every sorrow of the world.* (Verse 3 - returns to slower tempo) पलकों पे तेरी छांव, है सुकून की निशानी, (palakon pe teri chhaav, hai sukoon ki nishani,) *Your shadow on my eyelids, is a sign of peace,* तुझसे मिलकर जीवन, मिला है नया पहचान। (tujhase milkar jeevan, mila hai naya pehchaan.) *Meeting you, life has found a new identity.*