mota hati

Song Created By @Entra With AI Singing

Music Audio

mota hati
created by Entra
mota hati
created by Entra

Music Details

Lyrics Text

एक मोटा हाथी खेल रहा,
बाग़ में कूदता, झूल रहा!
सूंड हिलाए, कान फड़फड़ाए,
मस्ती में सबको हंसाए!
गेंद उछाली ऊपर को,
फिर पकड़ी अपने सूंड से वो!
धप्प से गिरा, धूम मचाई,
सबने खूब ताली बजाई!
गिलहरी बोली, "मुझे भी खिलाओ!"
हाथी बोला, "आओ-आओ!"
छोटे-बड़े सब संग में खेलें,
खेल के बिना दिन क्या झेले?
तभी आ पहुंचा बंदर मियां,
बोला, "देखो मेरी अदा!"
डाली से झूला, मस्ती में झूमा,
हाथी हंसा, धप्प से बैठा!
तभी आई छोटी चिड़िया,
गाने लगी मीठी लयिया!
हाथी बोला, "वाह रे पंछी,
तेरी धुन है कितनी अच्छी!"
सबने मिलकर खेल रचाया,
गेंद को फिर दूर पटका!
हाथी, गिलहरी, बंदर, चिड़िया,
मिलकर खेले, हंसी बिखेरी!
🎶 खेलो-कूदो, मस्ती करो,
हंसो-गाओ, खुश रहो! 🎶
मिल-जुलकर खेलें सारे,
बड़े और छोटे सब प्यारे!
दोस्ती सबसे बड़ी चीज़,
दिल में रहे सदा ये बीज

Description of Music Style

jingle bells, female voice, kids simple tone nursery rhyme,

Lyrics Language


Emotional Analysis

joyful, playful, light-hearted

Application Scenarios

children's education, playtime, family gatherings

Technical Analysis

simple melody, repetitive structure, easy-to-understand vocabulary, rhythmic patterns suited for children

Related Music More Styles of Music


Zova, Zova, look and see, Zova’s the toy, come play with me! Zova, Zova, here we go, Find the toy, it’s all aglow! Zova, Zova, what’s your name? Zova’s here, let’s play the game!

Pisarita Gargarita-clashclonat-AI-singing
Pisarita Gargarita

Pișăriță Gărgăriță wo-o-wo Pișăriță Gărgăriță wo-o-wo Și din nou. Pișăriță Gărgăriță wo-o-wo Pișăriță Gărgăriță wo-o-wo Gărgăriță Buburuzoi Își dă drumu pe voi Și ce să vezi? Mi-a curs o lacrimă pe coi! Pișăriță Gărgăriță no no no Pișăriță Gărgăriță wo-o-wo Trage pe nas, se droghează și fumează Copii pe stradă, îi abordează Gărgărița poznașă și periculoasă E o zburătoare păroasă

The Happy song-ashaaa202307-AI-singing
The Happy song

Wake up, wake up, the sun’s so bright, 🎶 Let’s dance and sing with all our might! 🌸 Birds are chirping, skies are blue, 🚴 Let’s go play, there’s so much to do! 🎉 Hop, hop, hop — like a bunny in the air, 🦋 Spin, spin, spin — like a dancer at the fair! 🌈 Clap your hands and stomp your feet, 🎶 Laugh out loud to the happy beat! 🍎 Apples red and lemons yellow, 🎈 Everyone’s a happy fellow! 🎵 Rainbows shine and flowers bloom, 🌼 Let’s fill the world with a happy tune!


Jump, spin, run around, Lemonade’s the best in town! Slide, climb, laugh, and play, Fun and smiles all the way! Lemonade, hooray, hooray! Let’s go have some fun today! Bounce and race, don’t be late, Let’s go play at Lemonade! Lights so bright, colors pop, The fun at Lemonade won’t stop! Tag, you’re it—catch me now, Let’s go play, I’ll show you how! Lemonade, hooray, hooray! Let’s go have some fun today! Bounce and race, don’t be late, Let’s go play at Lemonade! Big adventures, friends so great, Every day’s a happy day!

carmine did-eisenschmidtj-AI-singing
carmine did

They said I can't have no cookies... But Mommy did! Said I gotta take a nap... But I hid! They ain't think I'd climb that chair, But look! I slid! I told 'em, "Snack time ain't over!" I need one more bite, just a little bit closer! Goldfish, crackers, juice in my cup, Spilled a little bit, Mommy clean it up! They ain't think I'd run so fast, Zoomin’ past the dog, I'm last? Nah! I got cars that go real vroom, Crash ‘em up, clean my room? Uh-oh, I don’t wanna! Why bedtime come like this? Why no more shows? No Paw Patrol? Man... I miss... But Mommy did. She gave one hug, said "I love you, kid." Now I sleep, now I dream, Tomorrow do it all again. Carmine Did!

"Half of a Number" Song-jmawhood-AI-singing
"Half of a Number" Song

Verse 1: Half a cake, half a pie, Let’s find halves—give it a try! Take a number, split in two, One for me and one for you. Half of 2 is just like 1, Halving numbers is such fun! Verse 2: Half of 4? That’s 2, hooray! Half of 6? It's 3 today! Half of 8? Well, that makes 4, Now let’s try a little more! Half of 10 is 5, you see, We can halve so easily! Verse 3: Half of 12 is 6, that’s right! Half of 14? 7 bright! Half of 16? 8 for you, Half of 18? That’s 9 too! Half of 20? 10, we say, Learning halves in a fun way! Verse 4: Half of 22? That’s 11! Half of 24? 12—well done! When we share, we split in two, That’s how halving works for you! Sing along and have some fun, Halving’s easy—now we’re done!

मम्मी घर को चलो-csvibhasamaria-AI-singing
मम्मी घर को चलो

[Verse] मम्मी मम्मी घर को चलो हरी पगडंडी पकड़ो चलो रास्ता रंग-बिरंगा होगा मन में लेकर हिम्मत चलो [Verse 2] जंगल के पार जो झूले हैं रहते पास फूलों के बूले हैं लेकिन वहाँ सुनने में आया कुछ भालू भूले-भूले हैं [Chorus] भालू को हम देंगे आलू मिटा देंगे उनका भूक का बवालू आलू खा के करेंगे वो नाच और हमें कर देंगे पास [Bridge] डरना नहीं मम्मी हाथ पकड़ो सपनों-सा रास्ता बस यूँ ही चलो हरे भरे जंगल में भी पाओगे छिपे हुए रस्ते जो गले लगाओगे [Verse 3] आगे दिखेंगे चिड़ियाँ हजार चहकती फुदकती हर बार छोटे प्यारे खरगोश भी आयेंगे घर का रास्ता और सजायेंगे [Chorus] भालू को हम देंगे आलू मिटा देंगे उनका भूक का बवालू आलू खा के करेंगे वो नाच और हमें कर देंगे पास

Jhun Jhun Jhun Jhuna-officialnik2601-AI-singing
Jhun Jhun Jhun Jhuna

झुन झुन झुन झुना,चिड़िया गाए गाना,बगिया में रंग बिरंगे,फूलों का है सुहाना। झुन झुन झुन झुना,गिलहरी क्यूं दौड़ती,नन्हे पत्तों पे कूदते,चंचल तितलियाँ मस्त चलती। झुन झुन झुन झुना,बच्चों की हंसी गूंजे,सपनों की दुनिया खोले,हर खुशी की भूख बुझाए। मिलकर खेलें, क्यूं न!दोस्ती का मजा चखें,झुन झुन झुन झुना,साथ मिलकर हम चमकते।

Bunny Mayhem-edgars.pudans-AI-singing
Bunny Mayhem

[Verse] At first you think I’m soft as silk A tiny fluffball drinking milk But then I bounce and wreck the place Guess what? I’m gone without a trace [Chorus] I’m the bunny of chaos hopping free I chew your shoes and your DVDs Don’t cage me in I’ll find my way To turn your house into my play [Verse 2] You bought me treats you called me cute Till I gnawed straight through your favorite boot Your carpets ripped your sofa scratched I’m the furry rebel you can’t catch [Bridge] You thought you knew me but I’m wild Your cute pet’s not so meek and mild I dig I run I plot and plan I’m a bunny anarchy’s my brand [Chorus] I’m the bunny of chaos hopping free I chew your shoes and your DVDs Don’t cage me in I’ll find my way To turn your house into my play [Verse 3] Love me or not I’ll rule your land Paws so fast you won’t understand From room to room I’ll claim it all You’ll find me laughing down the hall


Cow, duck, rooster, horse, On the farm, we run our course. Cow says "Moo," and duck says "Quack," Rooster crows, and horse goes "Neigh!" In the field, we play all day, Cow, duck, rooster, horse, hooray!


1. zwrotka: W naszym przedszkolu wesoło jest, tu każdy Żuczek uśmiecha się! Skaczemy, bawimy, uczymy się, każdy tu Żuczkiem dumnym jest, razem radośnie spędzamy dzień! Refren: Żuczki, Żuczki – to właśnie my! Radosne dzieci, pełne sił! Tańczymy, śpiewamy, bawimy się, bo w naszym przedszkolu cudownie jest! 2. zwrotka: Jesteśmy Żuczki – wesoła gromada, tu każdy śmieje się i gada! W przedszkolu miło spędzamy czas, tu przyjaźń łączy każdego z nas! Refren: Żuczki, Żuczki – to właśnie my! Radosne dzieci, pełne sił! Tańczymy, śpiewamy, bawimy się, bo w naszym przedszkolu cudownie jest!