Scarfall 2.O

Song Created By @vidhayak.gamer.official With AI Singing

Music Audio

Scarfall 2.O
created by vidhayak.gamer.official
Scarfall 2.O
created by vidhayak.gamer.official

Music Details

Lyrics Text

(AI-Generated Motivational Rap Song)
[Verse 1]
Jab gire toh uthna, yeh rule hai mera,
Battle royale hai, yahan jeetna hai tera!
Drop se utarta, loot ka safar,
Ek pal ki bhi galti, toh khatam hai safar!
đŸ”„ ScarFall, yeh fight hai meri!
đŸ”„ Har game ek nai kahani teri!
đŸ”„ Na dar, na ruk, na haar tu manne,
đŸ”„ Bas ek hi mission—champion banne!
[Verse 2]
AK ya sniper, jo haath aaye,
Vidhayak Gamer ka naam chamkaaye!
Zameen pe hoon ya safe zone ke paar,
Koi bhi aaye, main ready har baar!
Map bada ya squad ho tight,
Har jagah likha hai fight ka invite!
Vidhayak Gamer jo aaye field mein,
Jeet likhi hai uski à€čà€° deal à€źà„‡à€‚!
Jo bhi ho, kabhi peeche mat hatna,
Game nahi yeh, ek jazbaat hai, sapna!
ScarFall ka king, naam sab yaad rakhen,
Vidhayak Gamer ki kahani sab sunayen!
đŸ”„ Vidhayak Gamer OP! đŸ”„

Description of Music Style


Lyrics Language


Emotional Analysis

Empowerment and determination are at the core of the song, reflecting themes of resilience, ambition, and the thrill of competition.

Application Scenarios

This song is suitable for gaming environments, particularly for players who enjoy battle royale games. It can be used as a motivational anthem during gameplay or as part of streams and esports events.

Technical Analysis

The lyrics feature clever wordplay and rhythmic flow typical of rap music, integrating gaming terminology that resonates with the audience. The verses are structured to build intensity, accompanied by a catchy chorus that reinforces the motivational message.

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Costa serina-alessandrodolci01-AI-singing
Costa serina

chi ci sfida torna in rovina Nico che segna, Accio che spacca, Ivo che corre, la porta si stacca! Corti randella, Bozz ù un muro, chi prova a passare lo prende nel culo! Non c’ù partita, non c’ù pietà, vi rimandiamo a casa divisi a metà! Oh oh oh, Costa Serina! Vi facciamo a pezzi prima di cena! Oh oh oh, Costa Serina! Vi sotterriamo nella farina! Botte, sudore, parole pesanti, qui comandiamo, voi siete dei fanti! Costa Serina, rabbia e veleno, chi ci affronta si sveglia sereno!


Tao lĂȘn đỉnh, khĂŽng cáș§n nhĂŹn xuống Game nĂ y tao chÆĄi, khĂŽng cĂł chuyện thua cuộc Tay cáș§m mic, flow cháșŁy nhÆ° suối nguồn Đối máș·t với thá»­ thĂĄch, tao chÆ°a từng chĂčn! Bước vĂ o tráș­n, tao lĂ  káș» dáș«n đáș§u Haters cứ ghĂ©t, tao cĂ ng báș­t tháș­t lĂąu KhĂŽng cáș§n may máșŻn, tao táșĄo nĂȘn phĂ©p mĂ u Đối thủ cháș·n đường? Tao lướt nhÆ° lĂ  cáș§u! Tốc độ ĂĄnh sĂĄng, tao cháșĄy khĂŽng nghỉ Định luáș­t tao viáșżt, khĂŽng cáș§n Einstein chỉ MỄc tiĂȘu phĂ­a trước, tao tiáșżn khĂŽng lĂči BáșŻn nhÆ° sĂșng mĂĄy, từng cĂąu tao khui! Tao lĂȘn đỉnh, khĂŽng cáș§n nhĂŹn xuống Game nĂ y tao chÆĄi, khĂŽng cĂł chuyện thua cuộc Tay cáș§m mic, flow cháșŁy nhÆ° suối nguồn Đối máș·t với thá»­ thĂĄch, tao chÆ°a từng chĂčn! Ai mĂ  nĂłi tao khĂŽng thể? NhĂŹn tao lĂ m, khĂŽng cáș§n kể! Lá»­a trong tim, chĂĄy khĂŽng táșŻt Đối máș·t khĂł, tao khĂŽng nĂĄt! HĂ nh trĂŹnh tao đi khĂŽng ai giống KhĂŽng cáș§n fake, tao chÆĄi tháș­t sống Bước ra sĂąn, tao lĂ m chủ sĂłng TĂȘn tao sĂĄng nhÆ° lĂ  hỏa lồng! Tao lĂ  ĐáșĄt, khĂŽng pháșŁi ai khĂĄc Flow tao đỉnh, khĂŽng cáș§n đánh báșĄc Từng cĂąu chữ nhÆ° lĂ  di sáșŁn Bước lĂȘn ngai, tao khĂŽng cáș§n ban phĂĄt!

Bratska ljubav-matokovic99-AI-singing
Bratska ljubav

U geto' ĆŸivotu, svak’ dan je borba, S tobom brate, Denis, kroz maglu, kroz borbu, S tobom brate, kad problemi rasturaju kuću, Zajedno letimo, kroz dim, kroz noćnu tugu. **Prva strofa:** Ulica zove, u oku samo dim, Brate Denis, s tobom je lakĆĄe kroz sram, Nema ljubavi doma, samo vika, samo tuga, Mi smo traĆŸili sreću, al’ ona bila u rukama droge, u zlu. Ali sve te borbe, sve te suze, Nismo pokazivali, svi su mislili da smo ludi, A mi smo samo bili izgubljeni, Nismo znali gdje je izlaz, pa smo traĆŸili lijek u senci. Zajedno smo pili, zajedno smo pali, Kad me zvao Denis, znao sam, brat mi nikad ne laĆŸe, Preko ulica, na betonu, kad smo padali, Tvoje riječi bile su moje sidro, kad smo obojica tugaljili. **Refren:** U geto' ĆŸivotu, svak’ dan je borba, S tobom brate, Denis, kroz maglu, kroz borbu, S tobom brate, kad problemi rasturaju kuću, Zajedno letimo, kroz dim, kroz noćnu tugu. **Druga strofa:** Ispod neonskih svjetala, kroz sivu maglu, Tvoje ruke su bile moj spas kad su svi ostali u strahu, Kad me zatekne ona tiĆĄina, ona praznina, Ti i ja, Denis, k'o dva ratnika, zajedno u zlu. U naĆĄim glavama nemir, a na ulicama nema mira, Učimo preĆŸivljavati, dok se boje mijeĆĄaju u dimu, S tobom, Denis, nisam bio sam, ni kad je bio mrak, Tvoj osmijeh bio je svjetlo, kada je sve ostalo bilo vlak. Ali onda dođe trenutak, dan kad si otiĆĄao, Iz kuće, iz srca, a ja sam plakao, Srce mi je bilo prazno, duĆĄa slomljena, Tvoj odlazak ostavio je rupu koju nisam mogao popuniti. **Refren:** U geto' ĆŸivotu, svak’ dan je borba, S tobom brate, Denis, kroz maglu, kroz borbu, S tobom brate, kad problemi rasturaju kuću, Zajedno letimo, kroz dim, kroz noćnu tugu. **Treća strofa:** Sjećam se dana, kad smo bili na vrhu, Tako mi je bilo jasno, da je sve ovo samo prijevara, Kad su dani bili loĆĄi, kad su obitelj ostavili, Tebi, Denis, nije trebalo puno da mi spasiĆĄ duĆĄu, da je zgrabiĆĄ. Ali onda su proĆĄli mjeseci, moĆŸda i godine, I mi smo se promijenili, iako nas je svijet razorio, S tobom, brate, proĆĄao sam kroz sve to, Ti si moj oslonac, kad padnem u taj crni duboki brod. Sad sve te borbe ostavljam iza sebe, Zajedno smo proĆĄli kroz ovo, kroz blato, kroz leĆĄeve, Iako ĆŸivot joĆĄ nije lak, brate, stojim čvrsto, Zahvaljujući tebi, Denis, nikad nisam bio tuĆŸan, nikad nisam bio sam. **Refren:** U geto' ĆŸivotu, svak’ dan je borba, S tobom brate, Denis, kroz maglu, kroz borbu, S tobom brate, kad problemi rasturaju kuću, Zajedno letimo, kroz dim, kroz noćnu tugu. **Outro:** Zajedno kroz sranja, zajedno kroz kiĆĄu, Brate, Denis, sa tobom sam kroz sve te borbe, S tobom, brate, zauvijek, kroz dim, kroz svijet, Zajedno letimo, nismo sami, jer imamo bratstvo, to je naĆĄ put.

TiĆĄina sobe-zexyypoor-AI-singing
TiĆĄina sobe

U tiĆĄini sobe, gdje sjene pričaju, Sjećanja se vraćaju, boli vječno igraju. Djetinjstvo izgubljeno, bez njeĆŸnog dodira, U domu bez ljubavi, gdje su suze plod mira. Tijelo mi je nosilo oĆŸiljke, svaka rana priča, Tukli su me noću, dok su zvijezde tiho svijetlile. Nikad nisam odrastao uz tatu, bez vođenja ruke, Ne znam ĆĄta znači biti voljen, u obitelji gdje nema sreće. U tom svijetu tame, traĆŸio sam izlaz, Sreću u drogi, u druĆĄtvu gdje je sve blizu. Crna ovca obitelji, u kutu sjene stojim, Dok se smijeh drugih čuje, ja se u tiĆĄini borim. Odrastao sam u getu, među zidovima sruĆĄenim, Svaka ulica, svaka sjena, priča je neispričana. U okruĆŸenju boli, naučio sam preĆŸivjeti, U vrtlogu ĆŸivota, kako ne odustati. Ali unatoč svemu, srce joĆĄ uvijek kuca, U potrazi za svjetlom, gdje nova nada dolazi. MoĆŸda ću jednog dana, pronaći svoj put, Osvojiti vlastite bitke, i pobjeći iz tminu. Jer unatoč svemu, ja sam ja, ne dam se slomiti, U srcu nosim snagu, da opet mogu voljeti. I za sve one koji pate, čujem njihov glas, U ovoj pjesmi, svaka suza, svaki korak, ostavlja trag.

They not like Lucian-olivermee23-AI-singing
They not like Lucian

They not like Lucain They not like Lucain They not like Lucain They not like Lucain They not like Lucain They not like Lucain

Into deep-c95442427-AI-singing
Into deep

Intro – Spoken / Melodic Flow) Yeah
 Real love ain’t soft, it’s solid, it’s real. Even when the block’s hot, you still ride wit’ me... This one for you. (Beat drops – Hard bass, drill bounce kicks in) (Verse 1 – Hard, but smooth flow) With every move I make, thoughts of you stay in my head, I be outside, but your voice echo deep in my chest. Every time that I pull up, you the calm in my stress, Like a blessing in the trenches, baby, you heaven-sent. I see the world in your eyes, and the city in flames, Even in the coldest nights, you still whisper my name. Got my back through the struggles, you ain't switch on the game, Yeah, you different from the rest, ain't no need to explain. (Hook – Soulful) I really like what you done to me, I can't explain it, I’m so into you. I really like what you done to me, I can't explain it, I’m so into you. (Verse 2 – Raw, deeper voice, street poetry vibe) Could be the way that you hold me, Or how you never fold, when the world get lonely. When I’m out on the grind, you don’t trip, you just know me, Said the streets ain’t forever, but together, we golden. Still tuck the steel, but you my peace in the war, If they come for my soul, you the shield at the door. You the prayer in my lungs when my chest feel sore, We ain’t gotta say much, I just know that it’s pure. (Hook – Melodic with drill bounce again) I really like what you done to me, I can't explain it, I’m so into you. I really like what you done to me, I can't explain it, I’m so into you. (Bridge – Stripped down, deep voice, emotional feel) What I feel when I’m with you, Like a dream come true. Stay solid, never switch sides, Girl, it feel so right. (Outro – Beat fades, talking tone, deep reflection) Yeah
 Real love stay standing when the world shake. Even gangsters need peace. And you mine. (Hook) I really like how you ride for me, Swear down, I can’t even lie to you. I really like how you slide for me, No cap, you know that I die for you. I really like how you move so cold, Heart on ice but you still stay bold. I really like how you keep me safe, No switch, no rat, no snake. --- You the one, I ain’t gotta say much, Held me down when the days got rough. You ain’t fold, never switched, no bluff, Real love, no gimmicks, no luck. Took my L’s, but you stayed through the rain, Now we up, now we swerving in lanes. Told me, “Move smart, don’t get lost in the game,” Now I run plays, never moving the same. I really like how you ride for me, Swear down, I can’t even lie to you. I really like how you slide for me, No cap, you know that I die for you. We been through it, but we still locked in, Made mistakes, but we never stop wins. If I lose it all, you still all in, That’s real, that’s more than talkin’. Told me, "Trust ain't built in a day," Had to learn how to move, how to play. Now we stacking, no minimum wage, Only boss moves, no time to waste. Yeah... Real ones don’t come twice. Loyalty ain’t just a word, it’s action. And you showed me that

I'm on top-grosskreutzh2013-AI-singing
I'm on top

Yeah yeah yeah I'm on the front line I'm the leader this time You can't even pay me a dime. You see I'm on top Your girl is a flop She a bop Call the cops

I WONT REMEMBER-timebreakerblackdbh-AI-singing

(Chorus – R&B, smooth vocals) đŸŽ¶ You forget, but I can’t Damn, I wish it worked like that* You move on, leave the past But I’m still stuck where you left me at You don’t remember, but I know Every date, every call, every time you let go You forget, but I can’t... nah, I can’t... đŸŽ¶ (Verse 1 – Rap, deep & emotional flow) Ayy, how the fuck you forget my name? All them nights, all them fights, all the love, all the pain? I still know the day you walked away, September somethin’, damn, it hit like rain. I was ten toes down, you was standin’ tall, Now you act like you don’t know me at all. Damn, is it me? Or is it just you? I hold memories, you let ‘em slip through. (Pre-Chorus – R&B, soft but emotional) đŸŽ¶ I still got the texts, I still got the pics, You erased it all, but I know it exists. How you let time erase what we had? Damn, I wish I could forget that fast.* đŸŽ¶ (Chorus – R&B, smooth vocals) đŸŽ¶ You forget, but I can’t Damn, I wish it worked like that* You move on, leave the past But I’m still stuck where you left me at You don’t remember, but I know Every date, every call, every time you let go You forget, but I can’t... nah, I can’t... đŸŽ¶ (Verse 2 – Rap, more aggressive & frustrated) How you forget where you came from? How you forget who was ridin’ when the rain come? I still see the nights when you held me down, Now you don’t even blink when I come around. Got me sittin’ here like, "Was it all fake?" Or did time do its thing, make your mind erase? Man, fuck that, I ain’t lettin’ it slide, I remember every time that you looked in my eyes. (Bridge – R&B, haunting vocals) đŸŽ¶ Memories fade, but mine won’t die, I keep ‘em locked deep inside. You forget, but I relive, Every moment you don’t give a shit đŸŽ¶ (Outro – Soft humming, instrumental fades out slowly) đŸŽ¶ You forget, but I can’t... nah, I can’t... đŸŽ¶ (echoes into silence...)

Duo dominators-elisabethcole10-AI-singing
Duo dominators

Yeah, we drop in hot, no hesitation, Stackin’ up loot, feeling the domination. I got my duo, we’re a deadly team, We’re takin’ over, chasing the dream. We runnin' the map, we don't play no games, Building and battling, we’re setting the flames. Every fight we take, we own it with pride, Top of the leaderboard, we’re ready to ride. (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Verse 2) We’re hunting the dub, taking every fight, We don’t back down, we’re too good on sight. Storm’s closing in, but we’re making moves, Got the high ground, now we’re in the groove. Every zone we’re in, we own that spot, Enemies can't touch us, we’re giving all we’ve got. From duos to squads, we crush every round, Victory’s ours, just look at us now! (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Bridge) Double the power, double the grind, When we take the field, we leave 'em behind. We’re unstoppable, running the game, Duo domination, remember the name! (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Outro) We’re the duo dominators, watch us rise, Fortnite’s ours, we’ll take the prize. Dominating the game, we’re reaching new highs, A duo like us, we’re legends in disguise.

Duo dominators-elisabethcole10-AI-singing
Duo dominators

Yeah, we drop in hot, no hesitation, Stackin’ up loot, feeling the domination. I got my duo, we’re a deadly team, We’re takin’ over, chasing the dream. We runnin' the map, we don't play no games, Building and battling, we’re setting the flames. Every fight we take, we own it with pride, Top of the leaderboard, we’re ready to ride. (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Verse 2) We’re hunting the dub, taking every fight, We don’t back down, we’re too good on sight. Storm’s closing in, but we’re making moves, Got the high ground, now we’re in the groove. Every zone we’re in, we own that spot, Enemies can't touch us, we’re giving all we’ve got. From duos to squads, we crush every round, Victory’s ours, just look at us now! (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Bridge) Double the power, double the grind, When we take the field, we leave 'em behind. We’re unstoppable, running the game, Duo domination, remember the name! (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Outro) We’re the duo dominators, watch us rise, Fortnite’s ours, we’ll take the prize. Dominating the game, we’re reaching new highs, A duo like us, we’re legends in disguise.


[Intro] Choftek welwa9t we9af fblasto Dahka dyalk fhal xi flash fhyatu bnoro Xa3rek dhab sayel kayhdar bsoto 3aynek bhaar li ghra9 fih may3awedo Nejma fsma hadi dyaha (Ű¶ÙŠŰ§Ù‡Ű§) Le2i3jab kber nkhaf manjbarla dwaha Kol khotwa hdak bhlaha 3aynu fik tebtat xkon li njaha Xofatek homa sihr o ana sahir Nmot 3elik walakin xkon ybynlk had dahir Hrofi nagham tina kat3ezfih Ne3tik 9albu walakin xkon dmen 9albek nkon ana fih Hob mkhalet f9albi obdat dik lghira 3a9li kay9oli nsaha ama l9alb blasta 3amra Fe2ay lahda kan9ol sff jbed lhadra Walakin lsani kaytjmed rir mn dik nadra Hiya ma 3arfanich kanbghiha, w ma kat7essch 7yati bla biha, b7al lil bla 9mar makydawich 3aycha f le2waham, m3a wa7ed kayl3eb biha W ana li kanbghiha, kanshoufha katdi3 b ydiha Wa9t ma t7tajni, ghatejbarni bla so2al Lakin 9albi khayef, yb9a daye3 f lkhayal Dmou3a katnzel, w howa wala msoweq liha Kayzida wja3, w ana li bghit nfra7 biha Kanchoufa kat3ani, w kan9oul fayn macha biha? Kifach tfham, w hiya 3aycha ghir f 7olm fiha? Wash yji nhar, w tchoufni b 3iniha? Wla nb9a ndi3, f dlma 7ozna? Ana li bghitha, w hiya khtaret lejra7 Mghrouma b wahm, w ana kan3ani b lekifa7 Howa kayl3eb biha, w ana kanbni le2a7lam Hiya katbki 3lih, w ana kan3ich f le2alam Safi ghanskot, safi ghanekhaliha 7obi b9a f 9albi, w hiya mchat b ydiha Mchiti be3ida wem3ak selsat lyali Mab9a rir nskot , wakha 9albi mab9achi dyali Te3ya txof ot9ol sff rah lghali 3yat tkhaba3 dik lmard li f9alba mkhabi Katkhafni ne3raf ondawiha b hobby Hiya mard klaha o ana kanxofa kat3ani Wech ja lwa9t bach nsak olbali nhani Ba9a dakira o lwa9t howa lfanni [Outro]