Uma Jornada de Vida e Fé (Estrofe 1) Hoje é o dia de José Martins celebrar, Um trabalhador fiel, que nunca parou de sonhar. (Estrofe 2) De Petrolina ao asfalto, a moto niveladora guiou, Por muitos estados, com força e fé, ele lutou. (Estrofe 3) Em São Paulo chegou e plantou seu lugar, No paisagismo e na grama, fez talento brotar. (Estrofe 4) Agora aos 67, na Secretaria está, Mas é o Senhor quem seus passos guiará. (Estrofe 5) Parabéns, José, mas há um sentido maior, Jesus é o Caminho, nossa paz e Salvador. (Estrofe 6) Que em Cristo você veja o propósito final, Pois só n’Ele encontramos o amor celestial.
Sertanejo, violino, violão
The emotional tone is uplifting and celebratory, filled with gratitude and respect for the individual’s achievements and devotion. It conveys a sense of hope and purpose connected to faith, reflecting a sentimental and encouraging atmosphere.
This song can be used in celebratory events, such as birthday parties or religious gatherings, particularly for honoring someone's life journey and their faith. It could also be appropriate for religious ceremonies where themes of work, perseverance, and belief in a higher purpose are highlighted.
The song employs a simple yet effective lyrical structure with a strong narrative arc that highlights personal achievements alongside spiritual themes. The use of vivid imagery, such as 'moto niveladora' and references to specific locations, adds depth to the storytelling. The instrumentation likely features traditional Sertanejo elements, with the use of viola and guitar, enhancing the cultural authenticity and emotional resonance.
हे आमा ! देखाइदेउ हे आमा ! काम, काम हामी गर्दछौं घरका रित्ता भकारी– डाला पौरखले भर्दछौं। जाने हो कता देखाऊ बाटो हृदय खोलेर उघार्छौं हामी ज्योतिको दैलो यो जुगै फेरेर। घुम्दछौं प्रत्येक गाउँका कुना ज्ञानज्योति छरेर प्रत्येक सुख्खा थलोमा आज सिँचाइ गरेर। पु¥याउँदछौं सारा विकट ठाउँमा चम्किलो बिजुली उर्वरा पार्छौं खोँच र बगर यै माटो उचाली। यो छातीभित्र छ राँको जल्दो नेपाली तागत मिहिनेत गर्छौं बनाउन देश बहुञ्जेल रगत। भिजाउनु परे यो माटो आज, मायाले भिजाउँछौं माटोमा जाँगर उठाउनु परे आफैंलाई उठाउँछौं। देशलाई शक्ति चाहिएमा मेरै बल बाहु छन् तयार चम्किला सधैं म देख्न पाऊँ आमाको मुहार। ०००
(Verse 1 - Gentle, reverent melody, perhaps with a Ney or Oud) يا رب العالمين، يا رحمن الرحيم (Ya Rabb al-Alameen, Ya Rahman ar-Raheem) أنت الكريم، أنت العظيم (Anta al-Kareem, Anta al-Azeem) (Verse 2 - Building in emotion, Qanun joins in) أعطيتنا الإيمان، نورًا في قلوبنا (A"taytana al-Iman, nooran fi quloobina) زرعت فينا الأمل، يا ربّنا (Zara"ta fina al-Amal, ya Rabbana) (Chorus - Powerful and heartfelt, vocals become more passionate) نرجو لقاءك، في جنة النعيم (Narju liqa"aka, fi jannatin na"eem) يا ربّنا، يا ربّنا، يا ربّنا الكريم (Ya Rabbana, Ya Rabbana, Ya Rabbana al-Kareem) (Verse 3 - Reflective and yearning, a sense of longing) هذه الدنيا فانية، والآخرة باقية (Hathihi ad-dunya faniyah, wal-akhira baqiyah) إليك المصير، يا ربّ العالمين (Ilayka al-maseer, Ya Rabb al-Alameen) (Verse 4 - Humble and pleading, voice softens with humility) نحن عبادك الضعفاء، أنت الغفور الرحيم (Nahnu "ibaduka ad-du"afa", Anta al-Ghafur ar-Raheem) اغفر لنا ذنوبنا، وارحمنا يا كريم (Ighfir lana dhunubana, warhamna ya Kareem) (Chorus - Powerful and heartfelt, vocals reach a peak of emotion) نرجو لقاءك، في جنة النعيم (Narju liqa"aka, fi jannatin na"eem) يا ربّنا، يا ربّنا، يا ربّنا الكريم (Ya Rabbana, Ya Rabbana, Ya Rabbana al-Kareem) (Bridge - A quiet, hopeful interlude, perhaps with a gentle Daf) يا ربّنا، تقبّل دعاءنا (Ya Rabbana, taqabbal du"a"ana) وارحمنا برحمتك الواسعة (Warhamna birahmatika al-wasi"ah) (Outro - Fades out with a sense of peace and submission, a single, sustained note from a Ney or Oud) آمين… يا رب العالمين (Ameen… Ya Rabb al-Alameen)
Lubang pantat budi item Mukanya seperti tangga jk Tampang jelek kulkas jp Jikalau nggomong seperti telaso Bocah tangerang gaberani cod bangsat Nyali kandang saja
He jubo tumi Bangali hao Kingba Indian, Ki ba Germany, Japanese kingba Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Danish, French kingba British, American, Arabi, Ajami, Irani, Turani, Turki ba Afghan; Musolman, Musolman, tumi to Musolman... Tumi sada hao ki ba kalo hao, Dekh, rokto tomar lal. Sukhi hao ki ba dukkhi hao, Rekho iman nirbeyjal. Kache rao ki ba dure rao, Tabu Ka’bai tomar ghor. Slogan-e tomar kempe othe ajo, Prithibita thor thor; Mrityu tomay janay salam, Dure thake Shoytan. Musolman, Musolman, tumi to Musolman... Hote paro tumi Prachyer ki ba, Hote paro Proticchir, Hote paro tumi songsari ki ba, Hote paro musafir. Jodi shune thako kothao kokhono, Mazlum-er dak, Griho, poribar, priyoshi, bondhu, Pore thak, pore thak; Chhute jao age durbar bege, Jihader moidan. Musolman, Musolman, tumi to Musolman... Rokte tomar jodi jole thake, Shahadater agun, Lakho shohider khun ranga pothe, Dhaliyo kolijar khun. Cheye dekho, aaj esheche abar, Din bodoler din, Noya zamanar minare minare, Dakiche Muazzin; Chhire phel shob mayar badhon, Jiboner pichhutan. Musolman, Musolman, tumi to Musolman...
Svoboda, enakost, bratstvo v krvi, ljudstvo kriči: "Za nove dni!" Bastilja pade, verige stran, za pravico, za nov svet dan! Trije stanovi – ni pravice, prva dva pijeta sladke dišavice. Duhovščina, plemstvo – bogastvo in blišč, tretji stan pa v revščini išče mišč. Kralj Ludvik zlato šteje vsak dan, lakota, davki – ljudje brez hrane in sanj. Blagajna prazna, ljudstvo v gorju, vzklikne množica: "Spremembe tu!" Svoboda, enakost, bratstvo v krvi, ljudstvo kriči: "Za nove dni!" Bastilja pade, verige stran, za pravico, za nov svet dan! Generalni stanovi – farsa, laž, dva proti enemu – to je le obraz. Tretji stan vstane, pravi: "Dovolj!" narodna skupščina – naš je nadzor! julij, ljudstvo gre v boj, Bastilja pade, končan je nemir in znoj. Fevdalizem razpade kot prah, pravice za vse – v srcu vsak. Svoboda, enakost, bratstvo v krvi, ljudstvo kriči: "Za nove dni!" Bastilja pade, verige stran, za pravico, za nov svet dan!
এখন পিপিলিকার দিন উড়ছে খুব ঘুরছে খুব মেতেছে দারুন নাড়াচাড়ারায় এখন অন্য বসন্ত অন্য রঙ তাই জোনাকি এখন আগুন এখন চামচিকায় লয় পার্ট ভেন্না গাছ ভাব ধরে গজারির কাঠ বুঝছো এখন চলছে চাপা গরমের দিন নকল মানুষ লাফায় বেশি আসল মানুষ হীন এখন পিপিলিকার দিন এখন পিপিলিকার দিন উড়ছে খুব ঘুরছে খুব মেতেছে দারুন নাড়াচাড়ারায় এখন অন্য বসন্ত অন্য রঙ তাই জোনাকি এখন আগুন জোকার নিয়েছে রাজার সিন নকল মোচের মোচড়ে কাটায় দিন খল হয়েছে নায়ক এক নাম্বার মুখোশের আড়ালে ভন্ডামি তার জোকার নিয়েছে রাজার সিন নকল মোচের মোচড়ে কাটায় দিন খল হয়েছে নায়ক এক নাম্বার মুখোশের আড়ালে ভন্ডামি তার কি একটা পরিবেশ দেখো নোংরা ঘিনঘিন এখন পিপিলিকার দিন উড়ছে খুব ঘুরছে খুব মেতেছে দারুন নাড়াচাড়ারায় এখন অন্য বসন্ত অন্য রঙ তাই জোনাকি এখন আগুন এখন পিপিলিকার দিন উড়ছে খুব ঘুরছে খুব
(Verse 1) ሚችሌ ሚችሌ ስምሽ ሲጠራ ልባችን በጀግንነት ይሞላል የጌዴኦ ልጆች የነፃነት አርበኞች በደማችሁ ታሪክን የፃፋችሁ። (Chorus) ሚችሌ ጀግኖች ሚችሌ ጀግኖች እናንተ የኛ ኩራት የኛ መመኪያ ለሀገራችሁ ለወገናችሁ ህይወታችሁን ሰጥታችሁ የከፈላችሁ። (Verse 2) ተራራው ሜዳው ይመሰክራል ለጀግንነታችሁ ለፅናታችሁ ጠላት ሲመጣ እንደ አንበሳ ተጋፍጣችሁ ድል ያደረጋችሁ። (Chorus) ሚችሌ ጀግኖች ሚችሌ ጀግኖች እናንተ የኛ ኩራት የኛ መመኪያ ለሀገራችሁ ለወገናችሁ ህይወታችሁን ሰጥታችሁ የከፈላችሁ። (Bridge) የእናንተን ታሪክ ለልጆቻችን እናስተምራለን በልባችን ፅፈን ሚችሌ ሚችሌ ስምሽ ለዘላለም በታሪክ ይኖራል አይረሳም። (Chorus) ሚችሌ ጀግኖች ሚችሌ ጀግኖች እናንተ የኛ ኩራት የኛ መመኪያ ለሀገራችሁ ለወገናችሁ ህይወታችሁን ሰጥታችሁ የከፈላችሁ። (Outro) ሚችሌ ጀግኖች እናንተ የኛ ናችሁ በክብር በጀግንነት እንዘክራችኋለን።
We were friends, a bond so tight, Sharing secrets in the fading light. Through laughter loud and silent tears, We conquered all, dispelled all fears. A fortress built on trust so deep, Promises whispered, secrets we would keep. But shadows crept, a silent breeze, And shattered all our ease. The walls crumbled, the fortress fell, Leaving echoes, a broken spell. Now silence screams where laughter rang, Friendship’s song, now sadly sang.
There was a man, a leader so bold, Prime Minister with a vision to unfold, Oil rigs buzzin', but he saw the light, The future's green, not black and white. (Pre-Chorus) He looked at the sky, the land, the sea, Said, "We need more than oil to be free," Shut down the refinery, that smokin' place, And planted yams with a smile on his face, (Chorus) He closed the doors, and turned the key, For a world of yams and harmony, No more fumes, no more strife, Plantin' yams for a better life. A farmer's dream, a nation's rise, Underneath the clear blue skies, (Verse 2) The workers asked, "What are we gonna. do?" He said, "We*ll plant the future, it's all new!" The ground will give, the earth will bloom, No need for oil, we'1l lift the gloom. (Pre-Chorus) He took a stand, a risky call, But yams, they grow, and feed us all. Fertilizer's love, the sun's embrace, Now the land's our peaceful place, (Chorus) He closed the doors, and turned the key, For a world of yams and harmony, No more fumes, no more strife, Plantin' yams for a better life. A farmer's dream, a nation's rise,
oh, my love My friend you know it's been a while Without thinking of you but the thought makes me smile chorus I'm so tired of wanting wanting more than this i know it but what am i to do i need some space to breathe, so give me some room verse oh, my love you're coming with me I know you'll leave me one day can you just stay till monday the thought makes me smile chorus I'm so tired of wanting wanting more than this i know it but what am i to do i need some space to breathe, so give me some room so give me some room i need room outro smile (Verse 2) Oh, my love, the sun it shines A little brighter when you're mine But shadows linger, I can see The "goodbye" waiting there for me (Chorus) I'm so tired of wanting Wanting more than this I know it, but what am I to do? I need some space to breathe, So give me some room (Bridge) Maybe Tuesday, you could stay Just one more day, come what may We'll laugh and dance, forget the end Pretend this feeling will transcend (Verse 3) Oh, my love, don't look so sad We'll make the most of what we've had And when you go, I'll understand A love like ours can't be contained, it's grand (Chorus) I'm so tired of wanting Wanting more than this I know it, but what am I to do? I need some space to breathe, So give me some room So give me some room I need room (Outro) Smile... through the tears Smile... through the years
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