uplifting and inspirational
used in religious ceremonies, national celebrations, or any situation requiring unity and motivation
features a strong, anthemic melody, often with a repetitive chorus, designed for group singing; may include orchestral arrangements and harmonies to enhance its majestic quality.
"The Return of Eddie" (as preached by the Prophet Finger) (Verse 1) In the neon streets where the mystics meet, A voice arose with a cosmic beat, Prophet Finger stood so tall, Said, "Hear me now, hear the call!" (Pre-Chorus) He comes with laughter, light in hand, From Beverly Hills to the promised land, He walks the planes, through space and time, With golden grin and jokes divine! (Chorus) Ohhh Eddie, Eddie Murphy! Bringing truth in jokes so worthy! From Delirious to divine, Lift us up beyond the line! (Verse 2) Finger spoke of sacred scenes, Coming to America in our dreams, A chariot made of VHS, Shining bright, oh Lord, we’re blessed! (Pre-Chorus) With every laugh, we break our chains, He whispers wisdom through the pain, "Banana in the tailpipe," oh, so wise, The cosmic joke will open eyes! (Chorus) Ohhh Eddie, Eddie Murphy! Bringing truth in jokes so worthy! From Delirious to divine, Lift us up beyond the line! (Bridge – Spoken Word by Prophet Finger) "Bow your heads and open your minds! For he who made the donkey talk in Shrek, And conquered Hollywood with his holy flex, Now returns, in celestial mirth, To guide our souls beyond this Earth!" (Outro – Choir Chanting in Harmony) "Ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho-ho! Eddie’s here, now let’s all go!" Ascending high, beyond the sky, With laughter’s wings, we learn to fly! (Final Chorus – Explosive Celebration!) Ohhh Eddie, Eddie Murphy! Bringing truth in jokes so worthy! Finger’s words, the path is clear, Take us home, the time is near!
Verse 1 I stand all amazed at the mall Jesus built for me, This gleaming showcase of holy prosperity; With fountains and stores and the finest luxury, It stands by the Temple—how curious to see! I cannot quite grasp how devotion and trade Combine in one space in such gilded parade; Still here I behold it, a shrine of retail grace— A marvel of commerce in this sacred place. Chorus Oh, it is wonderful that tithes could fund it so, A sanctuary of shops where the faithful roam and go; Oh, it is wonderful—wonderful to see— City Creek Mall, a testament to piety! Verse 2 I think of the cost and the headlines it did inspire, Questioning how this reflects the Church’s desire; Yet archways of marble and ceilings of glass Proclaim a grand vision no critic can surpass. I’m told it’s a blessing for Saints far and wide, A sign of God’s favor with profits on the side; Though baffled, I wander through each polished aisle, Amazed at the wonder of commerce reconciled. (Repeat Chorus) Verse 3 I bow in reflection: is faith for sale or free? Could angels and discounts reside in unity? A prayer near the fountain, a purchase at Dior— Intriguing that worship can linger next door. But still, I feel grateful for blessings so rare, The spirit of plenty that wafts through the air; I leave with my parcels, though somewhat bemused, Yet stand all amazed, both inspired and confused. (Repeat Chorus)
गोविन्द गोविन्द जय जय नाथ। सर्वेश्वराय नमो नमः॥ करुणासिन्धो दयासागराय भक्तार्तिनाशाय नमो नमः॥ लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलाप्रियनं नारायणं योगिनां योगगम्यम्। शङ्खचक्रगदापद्महस्तं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ शान्तं सुशोभं सुरेश्वरं च लोकत्रयस्य प्रभुं नितान्तम्। अनन्तरूपं परमं पवित्रं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ भक्तार्तिहर्तारं भजामि नित्यं ध्यानं करोमि हरिं भुवनेशम्। मोक्षप्रदातारं नमामि देवं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ सर्वेश्वरं सर्वजनाश्रयं च नित्यं प्रसन्नं श्रियःपतिं च। विश्वस्य पालनं भक्तिप्रियं तं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ यस्य प्रसादेन मुक्तिर्भवेत्तु सर्वार्तिनाशं करुणास्वरूपम्। सर्वज्ञं योगिनां ध्यानगम्यं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ रामानुजाचार्यपादारविन्दं भक्त्या सदा सेवितुं योगनिधिम्। यत्पादपद्मं शरणं व्रजन्ति गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ वेदैः सुपूज्यं सनातनं तं सर्वज्ञमाद्यं भुवनैकनाथम्। सर्वस्य शरण्यं दयासमेतं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ कान्तं कल्याणगुणाभिरामं भक्तानुकम्पं कृपार्द्रचेतः। वेदान्तवेद्यं हृदिसंस्थितं तं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ त्रैलोक्यनाथं जगदेकनाथं श्रीवेङ्कटेशं शरणं प्रपद्ये। यः सर्वलोकं परिपालयन्ति गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ सप्तगिरौ येन नित्यं विराजे तस्मै नमः श्रीनिवासाय नित्यं। श्रीशं सनातनं नित्यधामं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ भक्तेषु सौम्यं कृपया सदा यः सर्वस्य नाथं भुवनैकगोपम्। सर्वेषु भूतेषु च दिव्यरूपं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥ नित्याय पूर्णाय च निर्मलाय शुद्धाय सिद्धाय नमो नमस्ते। नमोऽच्युतायामलपुण्यरूपं गोविन्द गोविन्द नमो नमः॥
Avante Castelonenses Cantemos por Castelões Ó terra que sempre vences Firme em nossos corações Nós somos teus filhos queridos Tu és nosso berço ideal Juncado de jardins floridos Brancos coloridos Neste lindo Vale No alto uma capelinha Garbosa apontando os céus É a Senhora da Saúde A pedir saúde Para os filhos seus Que lindos tantos vinhedos Tantas camélias em flor Ó terra dos meus segredos Ó terra do meu amor As águas límpidas das fontes Que ao Caima se vêm juntar Marulham por baixo das pontes Vindo lá dos montes A serpentear Curva a servis à beleza À paisagem sem igual Que tens tu por natureza Chamas-te Princesa De todo o Portugal
Verse 1: Through trials dark and waters deep, Your guiding light our souls will keep. In every storm, in every fear, O Mary, Mother, draw us near. With gentle hands, you wipe our tears, And calm our hearts through all the years. Your love outshines the stars above, A beacon bright of Heaven’s love. Verse 2: When weary souls have lost their way, You lead us back where hope will stay. Your voice is soft, yet strong and true, A mother’s love forever new. Through every joy and every strife, You point the path to endless life. O Queen of Heaven, hear our prayer, And keep us ever in your care.
Coro: ¡Oh! República majestuosa, faro de honor, tu suelo es promesa, tu cielo es fervor. Con alma valiente y firme lealtad, alzamos tu nombre, símbolo de paz. Estrofa 1: Tus montes dorados, tu verde esplendor, son canto eterno de lucha y amor. Del río que fluye al viento triunfal, resuena tu historia, legado inmortal. Estrofa 2: En cada rincón florece el deber, el pueblo se une, aprende a crecer. Justicia y verdad son nuestro pendón, y la libertad, sagrada razón. Puente: Brillan tus campos bajo el sol creador, sembrando esperanza, cosecha de honor. Tus hijos te juran, con fe y valor, defender tu esencia, patria y amor. Coro: ¡Oh! República majestuosa, faro de honor, tu suelo es promesa, tu cielo es fervor. Con alma valiente y firme lealtad, alzamos tu nombre, símbolo de paz. Si deseas ajustar el ritmo o darle un enfoque diferente, ¡me avisas!
(Verse 1) Sukaya nang Dunia, Raja’mukti rawi, Tanbhumi sam'palun; Bukasih jiwa, anggas'pala wira, Maralna'ng Bihari, Maralna'ng Bihari, Pang'Raja sang Hari! (Verse 2) Kasudhi'tya rawana'ng Widi, Jagratnya'ng santirah, Pas'ayubih langka sa'nawa'ng buma, Cahinyaya'mingkan sukra, Cahinyaya'mingkan sukra, Karunya wang Bhakta! (Verse 3) Bhutara'ng Langa, lagaw'ng daya, Tanyawit seribu, Apaduka lara'ng timanya'rasa, Widrasa'ng raj’lingkan suda, Widrasa'ng raj’lingkan suda, Amartama sa’tada!
Come thou pack of every flavor, Come thou treat of pure delight, Streaming from the shelves so savory, Dot’s Pretzels, golden, crisp, and bright. Tune my heart to sing thy goodness, With each salty, buttery bite, Never fail to yield the pleasure, Of Dot’s, bathed in golden light. Here I raise my hands in worship, Not to heavens high above, But to you, dear Dot's creation, Sent to me with pure, crisp love. Prone to wander, far from wisdom, I find my path with this snack, Here's my heart, Oh, take and fill it, With pretzel love and cheese in fact. Oh, that cheesy, creamy texture, From the farm, a simple grace, Meeting salty, spiced perfection, In this moment, time and space. Dot's and farmer's, a combination, That my hungry soul can’t ignore, A testament to sweet and salty, A love I must forever explore. Let the snack’s sweet, salty presence, Draw my focus far from strife, Every bite a small adventure, A pure delight in daily life. Oh, to that great pack I’m clinging, With a love that knows no end, For Dot’s Pretzels and farmer's cheese, A gift from Heaven sent. Come thou pack of every flavor, Come thou treat of pure delight, May this snack forever nourish, My taste buds, sharp and bright. Praise the pretzel, praise the cheese, This holy union, blessed and true, For in this moment, I have tasted, Joy with every salty chew.