Song Created By @jolgerforero With AI Singing

Chi tiết âm thanh

created by jolgerforero
created by jolgerforero
created by jolgerforero
created by jolgerforero

Chi tiết âm nhạc

Văn bản lời bài hát

Pal kinyin
No hay monie
"Escucha... Quinllin, no te hagas el duro
Eres un fracaso, un tipo sin futuro
Hablas de dinero, pero tu cuenta está en rojo
Soy como Hades al chimmi, te dejo cojo
Te crees el rey, pero eres solo un payaso
Un tonto sin sentido, pa las mujeres rechazo
Dices que eres rial, pero no tiene sentido
Eres un pendejo, sin un solo amigo.
No te hagas el fuerte, Quinllin, no te hagas el malo
Eres un niño que solamente habla de pesos
De cumple mi verga te voy a dar de regalo
Esa va en tu culo relleno por el sobrepeso 
Te crees el mejor, pero eres solo un cero
Eres un perdedor, Quinllin, sin un solo triunfo
Pa que aprendas a escribir te doy mi lapicero
Y te lo metas en el culo papi todo el día entero
Eres un farsante, un mentiroso, un sinvergüenza
Un tipo sin palabra, un traidor sin conciencia
Te crees que eres alguien, pero eres solo un nadie
Una perra que no muerde, cabrón el Rottweiler

Mô tả phong cách âm nhạc

Trap aggressive

Ngôn ngữ lời bài hát


Emotional Analysis

Aggressive, confrontational, mocking

Application Scenarios

Suitable for battles, diss tracks, or when expressing frustration towards someone

Technical Analysis

The lyrics utilize strong imagery, metaphors, and a confrontational tone, typical of trap music. The use of slang and direct insults enhances the aggressive nature of the song.

Nhạc liên quan Nhiều phong cách âm nhạc khác


Hace tiempo escribí varias canciones, pero poco me interesa que las canten los ratones. Las barras que suelto cortan como espadas, y el tonto murmura: "no me agrada". El ingenuo no piensa, no tiene razones, pero claro, ¿acaso él sabe de canciones? Las razones sobran, no hay nada que hablar, seguir siendo necio nos va a intoxicar. Romantizan la guerra y luego se espantan, creen que en el otro no hay mente que manda. Las guerras sin duda nos hacen cambiar, pregúntale al mundo por cierto alemán. Se quejan del humo y la contaminación, los mismos que frenan la fisión por temor. La ignorancia crece en cada rincón, por eso en la rima se encuentra el motor. Las bombas que lanzo no tienen caída, son versos que impactan, son rimas precisas. No esperes que esta sea mi barra más dura, pero mastico el pasado y me deja amargura. Tantos delirantes vendiendo su ley, cuando su vida no inspira ni un freestyle. Idolatran todo menos el intelecto, luego lo imitan con puro cinismo.


Hace tiempo escribi varias canciones Pero poco me interesa que las escuchen los ratones Las barras de mi tema son una daga en el alma Y mientras el tonto anda diciendo "no me agrada" Y es que el ingenuo no piensa en las razones Pero claro es que acaso ¿Sabe de canciones? Las razones son bastantes y eso queda mas que claro Que permanecer siendo idiota contamina demasiado Romantizan la violencia y luego se chocaran de frente Con que del otro lado sigue habiendo un ser consciente Las guerras sin saberlo nos hacen a mejorar Sino preguntenle sobre aquel señorito aleman Es increible ver gente llorando contaminación Los mismos que abogan por cerrar plantas de fisión Y es que la ignorancia predomina en cada esquina Es por existimos los que educamos con la rima Las bombas que lanzo con mi boca no tienen perdida Aunque espero que no esperen que la mas fuerte sea esta "Las raíces no se niegan" incluso algunos las respetan Pero mastico mi pasado y solo me sabe a mierda Tantos delirantes intentando de impartir su ley de vida Cuando lo maximo que ha vivido apenas da para una letra Las personas enaltecen todo excepto el intelectualismo Para luego imitarlo mal, que patetico de cinismo

Tišina sobe-gabrijel.matokovic-AI-singing
Tišina sobe

U tišini sobe, gdje sjene pričaju, Sjećanja se vraćaju, boli vječno igraju. Djetinjstvo izgubljeno, bez nježnog dodira, U domu bez ljubavi, gdje su suze plod mira. Tijelo mi je nosilo ožiljke, svaka rana priča, Tukli su me noću, dok su zvijezde tiho svijetlile. Nikad nisam odrastao uz tatu, bez vođenja ruke, Ne znam šta znači biti voljen, u obitelji gdje nema sreće. U tom svijetu tame, tražio sam izlaz, Sreću u drogi, u društvu gdje je sve blizu. Crna ovca obitelji, u kutu sjene stojim, Dok se smijeh drugih čuje, ja se u tišini borim. Odrastao sam u getu, među zidovima srušenim, Svaka ulica, svaka sjena, priča je neispričana. U okruženju boli, naučio sam preživjeti, U vrtlogu života, kako ne odustati. Ali unatoč svemu, srce još uvijek kuca, U potrazi za svjetlom, gdje nova nada dolazi. Možda ću jednog dana, pronaći svoj put, Osvojiti vlastite bitke, i pobjeći iz tminu. Jer unatoč svemu, ja sam ja, ne dam se slomiti, U srcu nosim snagu, da opet mogu voljeti. I za sve one koji pate, čujem njihov glas, U ovoj pjesmi, svaka suza, svaki korak, ostavlja trag.

Duo dominators-elisabethcole10-AI-singing
Duo dominators

Yeah, we drop in hot, no hesitation, Stackin’ up loot, feeling the domination. I got my duo, we’re a deadly team, We’re takin’ over, chasing the dream. We runnin' the map, we don't play no games, Building and battling, we’re setting the flames. Every fight we take, we own it with pride, Top of the leaderboard, we’re ready to ride. (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Verse 2) We’re hunting the dub, taking every fight, We don’t back down, we’re too good on sight. Storm’s closing in, but we’re making moves, Got the high ground, now we’re in the groove. Every zone we’re in, we own that spot, Enemies can't touch us, we’re giving all we’ve got. From duos to squads, we crush every round, Victory’s ours, just look at us now! (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Bridge) Double the power, double the grind, When we take the field, we leave 'em behind. We’re unstoppable, running the game, Duo domination, remember the name! (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Outro) We’re the duo dominators, watch us rise, Fortnite’s ours, we’ll take the prize. Dominating the game, we’re reaching new highs, A duo like us, we’re legends in disguise.

Duo dominators-elisabethcole10-AI-singing
Duo dominators

Yeah, we drop in hot, no hesitation, Stackin’ up loot, feeling the domination. I got my duo, we’re a deadly team, We’re takin’ over, chasing the dream. We runnin' the map, we don't play no games, Building and battling, we’re setting the flames. Every fight we take, we own it with pride, Top of the leaderboard, we’re ready to ride. (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Verse 2) We’re hunting the dub, taking every fight, We don’t back down, we’re too good on sight. Storm’s closing in, but we’re making moves, Got the high ground, now we’re in the groove. Every zone we’re in, we own that spot, Enemies can't touch us, we’re giving all we’ve got. From duos to squads, we crush every round, Victory’s ours, just look at us now! (Pre-Chorus) They can try, but they can’t outplay, We’re locked in, owning the game today. We hit our shots, there’s no delay, When we’re in the zone, we’ll lead the way. (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Bridge) Double the power, double the grind, When we take the field, we leave 'em behind. We’re unstoppable, running the game, Duo domination, remember the name! (Chorus) We’re the duo dominators, ain’t no way we stop, Climbing to the top, now we rise non-stop. Building, shooting, we’ve got the perfect plot, When we roll up, the whole lobby’s getting caught. We’re the duo dominators, taking over this game, We’re stackin’ up the wins, you’ll remember our name. No one’s standing in our way, we’re breaking through the flame, Top of the charts, we’re the duo that’s insane! (Outro) We’re the duo dominators, watch us rise, Fortnite’s ours, we’ll take the prize. Dominating the game, we’re reaching new highs, A duo like us, we’re legends in disguise.


Idę parkiem, jak z cebra pada, kaptur zakładam i idę nadal. Na chodnik postać blada ciężko upada, obok dom sąsiada - ktoś tam wciąż się skrada. Ze sobą narada: spadać czy to zbadać? Coś podpowiada: zostaw, nie wypada. Dylemat nie lada bo wypada nie zostawiać, lecz postać blada weszła za mroku parawan... Ciężka sprawa, cień na mnie nie pada, w dziwny stan to wprawia jak Szeherezada. Nagle skurcz mnie dopada więc na ławce siadam, a do drzwi sąsiada dobija się jakaś stara baba. Chora faza, to pewnie ta mocna trawa... Rozważam: po co była mi ta nocna wyprawa? i zauważam, że z placu zabaw idzie parada... Na czele - postać blada - psycha niedomaga! ref: Chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, upiory w nim budzą dziś upiory w nas, nie znamy ich choć ich ryj to lustra twarz. To chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, w tym świecie żyj brat, idź, upływa czas, byś dożył chwil gdy to Ty pokonasz strach. Zmiana kadru - poranek, Nowa Huta. W przemoczonych butach szukam co tak stuka. To chyba tutaj, w drzwiach judasz, pukam, czekam, słucham, nic, wjeżdżam z buta. Okiem rzucam: hala w chuj długa, żarówa mruga, sufit wsparty jest na stalowych słupach, na jednym z nich krwi struga, pod nim kałuża... Kurwa! wzrósł już puls - druga stówa! W przód się posuwam bo klamka zepsuta, hala czarna jak dupa, nawet na ścianach kupa. To dom Belzebuba, chyba umrę już tutaj choć adrenalina w żyłach ożywiłaby trupa. Brzęczy mi w uszach - to dźwięki łańcucha, coś jak z filmu o duchach. Co jeśli to kostucha?! Już chłód czuję w płucach - chmura pary gdy chucham, nagle ból jak chuj - nóż wystajemi z brzucha ref: Chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, upiory w nim budzą dziś upiory w nas, nie znamy ich choć ich ryj to lustra twarz. To chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, w tym świecie żyj brat, idź, upływa czas, byś dożył chwil gdy to Ty pokonasz strach. Kolejna kulminacja, znów mrugają światła, na stole leżę, brak mi tchu, to operacja? incepcja - niewolnik snów? Co to za akcja? W brzuchu już nie tkwi nóż, za to dezorientacja. Pęka czaszka, ból wciąż narasta od najmniejszych palców u stóp aż po kaftan. W płucach znów czuję chłód plus krwią kasłam. U drzwi klucz i klamka w dół - to duchy w maskach! Serca palpitacja, krew staje się rzadsza. Chciałbym ryj drzeć lecz w gardle drzazga. Wchodzi jakaś laska, też na twarzy maska, cera jak wapno jasna, do diaska... W końcu czas łaski nastał - budzi mnie matka: "Wstawaj, już trzynasta, przyszła do Ciebie paczka." Po nocy spocony, co w paczce, sprawdzam... szok - na zdjęciu: w masce blada laska...

Midnight kid-binnguyen498760-AI-singing
Midnight kid

Ey… ey… uh huh… yeah…) Cô em gọi anh là cool kid… Vẫn cứ đi như là movie… Một mình bước giữa đêm Sài Gòn… Mặc kệ ai đang nói gì… Đèn đường phản chiếu trên kính mắt đen Anh bước ra phố như một fashion trend Baby cứ gọi anh là kẻ không tim Vì từng gặp nhiều người nhưng chẳng muốn quên tên Có những cuộc gọi cứ đến mỗi đêm Hỏi anh giờ này đang ở đâu, với ai? Chẳng cần biết ai mới là người đến trước Anh chỉ quan tâm ai là người đẹp nhất tối nay Gu của anh là một chút classy Chút vibe Paris, chút Saint Laurent Một ly rượu vang và ánh đèn city Em lướt ngang qua như một nàng thiên nga Nhạc bật trong xe là Chill n’ Vibin’ Ghé club một chút rồi lại disappear Không drama, không ràng buộc gì hết Cứ chill cùng nhau, đừng nghĩ quá nhiều, my dear Baby girl, chớ có hỏi anh về ngày mai (oh no no) Vì tụi mình chỉ cần tận hưởng từng phút giây này Chẳng cần hứa, chẳng cần phải nghĩ quá xa Chỉ cần biết rằng tối nay em đẹp nhất nơi đây… (Ohhh) Cô em thích bad boy vibes Chạy xe giữa phố, midnight ride Ohhh Gu anh là Louis và Off-White Tụi mình chỉ cần feel good, alright (Ohhh) Nhìn anh như một playboy type Nhưng tim anh đâu phải ai cũng dành Ohhh Có thể mai chẳng còn bên nhau Nhưng tối nay cứ chill, baby don’t mind Vẫn cứ như thế, vẫn là anh Một chút bad, một chút lạnh Cũng có những khi thấy lòng mình trống Nhưng chẳng để ai có thể nhìn thấy rõ Cũng từng thử yêu, cũng từng tổn thương Nên anh chẳng muốn ai phải đau nữa Chỉ muốn thấy em cười thật tươi Muốn được nhìn em say dưới ánh đèn mờ Từng gặp nhiều người nhưng chẳng ai như em Cô gái bước đến như cơn gió thơm Giữa một Sài Gòn chẳng có điểm dừng Chỉ mong hôm nay, mình chill đến sáng luôn Baby girl, chớ có hỏi anh về ngày mai (oh no no) Vì tụi mình chỉ cần tận hưởng từng phút giây này Chẳng cần hứa, chẳng cần phải nghĩ quá xa Chỉ cần biết rằng tối nay em đẹp nhất nơi đây… (Ohhh) Cô em thích bad boy vibes Chạy xe giữa phố, midnight ride Ohhh Gu anh là Louis và Off-White Tụi mình chỉ cần feel good, alright (Ohhh) Nhìn anh như một playboy type Nhưng tim anh đâu phải ai cũng dành Ohhh Có thể mai chẳng còn bên nhau Nhưng tối nay cứ chill, baby don’t mind

A mi Esposa-ivanlattz76-AI-singing
A mi Esposa

Hoy yo quiero demostrar Por que es feliz mi alma Gracias a mi esposa Mayuli Vivo tranquilo y con calma Hace un tiempo enfermé Y se me salio el alma Cuando me dieron cinco años Debo esperar para el trauma Y dios mio que haré Para cubrir mi casa Con la espalda mala Soy igual que una masa Con su ayuda y trabajo Nunca caímos abajo Nunca faltó para las cuentas Aun que yo era estropajo Luchadora sin igual Es mi esposa super héroe Solo le falta la capa Y su cara en el pesebre Ya tiene el cielo ganado Yo quisiera aportar Pero hago algun trabajo A mi espalda va afectar Debo darme en el pecho Su manera sin igual De amarme con el alma Tantos años ya a demostrar Te adoro para siempre Ya estaré arreglado Para recompensar tus años No pasarán en vano Tu alegría yo me encargo Tu futuro está en mis manos Ya llegará el día Que recibas tu regalo La casita añorada Para la hija será su legado Y seguir juntos por siempre Y nadie podrá negar lo Te agradezco mi monita Tanto que me has demostrado Que los ángeles también viven Cada día en nuestro lado Te amo ,preciosa.

RIP QUINLLIN-jolgerforero-AI-singing

Oye Pal kinyin No hay monie "Escucha... Quinllin, no te hagas el duro Eres un fracaso, un tipo sin futuro Hablas de dinero, pero tu cuenta está en rojo Soy como Hades al chimmi, te dejo cojo Te crees el rey, pero eres solo un payaso Un tonto sin sentido, pa las mujeres rechazo Dices que eres rial, pero no tiene sentido Eres un pendejo, sin un solo amigo. No te hagas el fuerte, Quinllin, no te hagas el malo Eres un niño que solamente habla de pesos De cumple mi verga te voy a dar de regalo Esa va en tu culo relleno por el sobrepeso Te crees el mejor, pero eres solo un cero Eres un perdedor, Quinllin, sin un solo triunfo Pa que aprendas a escribir te doy mi lapicero Y te lo metas en el culo papi todo el día entero Eres un farsante, un mentiroso, un sinvergüenza Un tipo sin palabra, un traidor sin conciencia Te crees que eres alguien, pero eres solo un nadie Una perra que no muerde, cabrón el Rottweiler

RIP QUINLLIN-jolgerforero-AI-singing

Oye Pal kinyin No hay monie "Escucha... Quinllin, no te hagas el duro Eres un fracaso, un tipo sin futuro Hablas de dinero, pero tu cuenta está en rojo Soy como Hades al chimmi, te dejo cojo Te crees el rey, pero eres solo un payaso Un tonto sin sentido, pa las mujeres rechazo Dices que eres rial, pero no tiene sentido Eres un pendejo, sin un solo amigo. No te hagas el fuerte, Quinllin, no te hagas el malo Eres un niño que solamente habla de pesos De cumple mi verga te voy a dar de regalo Esa va en tu culo relleno por el sobrepeso Te crees el mejor, pero eres solo un cero Eres un perdedor, Quinllin, sin un solo triunfo Pa que aprendas a escribir te doy mi lapicero Y te lo metas en el culo papi todo el día entero Eres un farsante, un mentiroso, un sinvergüenza Un tipo sin palabra, un traidor sin conciencia Te crees que eres alguien, pero eres solo un nadie Una perra que no muerde, cabrón el Rottweiler

The way i'm ur wheels-eggwell151-AI-singing
The way i'm ur wheels

Late night, you hit my phone, say you're all alone You only call me up when he ain't pickin’ up I should know better, but I’m lost in your touch Every time you need me, girl, I’m just good enough You say you love me, but I know you don’t I’m just a shadow when you’re on your own When the lights dim down, and your bed gets cold I’m the one you hold, but I’m never home Call me when you need, leave me when you please I’m just your escape, I'm not what you see You don’t really want me, only for the night I’m just your replacement when he ain't treatin’ you right Champagne spills on your brand-new dress You whisper my name, but it ain't real, I guess Same old cycle, same regret I light up a blunt just to clear my head You say you miss me, but I know you don’t I’m just a fix when you’re feeling low When your world falls down, and there's nowhere to go I’m the one you call, then you let me go Call me when you need, leave me when you please I’m just your escape, I'm not what you see You don’t really want me, only for the night I’m just your replacement when he ain't treatin’ you right I should walk away, but I’m still right here Fool for the pain, yeah, it’s crystal clear You got him in your heart, I’m just in your ear So why do I stay? Why do I care? Midnight calls, I know how it ends I’m just a ghost when the sun ascends You’ll forget my name, 'til you need me again Call me when you need, then it’s back to pretend...

No days off-gentlenzere190-AI-singing
No days off

Hook: Got used to winning so quick, Now I’m not bagging, but still in the game. Even when dry, I keep grinding like I’m sick, No days off, I’m built for the flips. Stacking my lows, turn 'em into my highs, Even through droughts, I keep reaching for skies. Pressure don’t fold me, I move with the wise, Hustle’s my language, I’m speaking it live. Verse: I took a few losses, but never complain, Lessons in motion, I charge through the pain. Numbers ain’t rising? I’m working the same, 'Cause slow money’s better than money in vain. They counted me out, but I’m back in the lab, Cooking up heat, got the game in my bag. Pressure made diamonds, I’m built from the slab, Ain’t signing no deals if it’s cutting my half. The hunger don’t fade when you come from the dirt, I planted my seeds, now I’m watching 'em work. The bag isn’t heavy, but I’m still on alert, ‘Cause real ones keep pushing, no need for a perk. Outro: Money come, money go, that’s the stakes, But quitting? That’s something I never embrace.