قطعه انتظار

Song Created By @the.emerald.player.0000 With AI Singing

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قطعه انتظار
created by the.emerald.player.0000
قطعه انتظار
created by the.emerald.player.0000

Chi tiết âm nhạc

Văn bản lời bài hát

هر لحظه می‌نشینم، در سایه‌ی تمنّا
تا بشنوم نوایی، از آسمان و کیهان
آیا به لب رسیده، فریادِ دادخواهم؟
یا دل هنوز در غم، گمگشته در بیابان؟
در جمعه‌های حسرت، دل منتظر نشسته
چشمی به راه مانده، در جستجوی جانان
دردا که در فراقش، شد شامِ ما سیه‌تر
چون ماهِ بی‌پناهی، سرگشته در بیابان
از اشک و آه لبریز، این روزهای تاریک
بی‌تو نفس چو آتش، در سینه شد پریشان
چشمانِ اشک‌بارم، در حسرتِ نگاهت
مانند رود جاری، در پیچ و تابِ طوفان
آیینه‌های عالم، بی‌نور و بی‌فروغند
ای چلچراغ پنهان، کی می‌دمی ز پنهان؟
با هر نسیم، نامت پیچد به موج دریا
در آه هر سحرگاه، در اشک هر شبستان
بوی تو را بیابم، در لاله‌های خونین
با هر شهید خوانم، نامت میان میدان
گل‌های باغ امید، خشکیده از فراقَت
باران لطفِ رویت، کی می‌رسد به بستان؟
ای عدل بی‌نهایت، ای مهر بی‌زوالت
رحمی نما به حالِ این جمعه‌هایِ گریان
ای روشنی شب‌ها، ای صبح بی‌غروبی
دریاب حالِ زارم، بنگر دلِ هراسان
در حسرتِ تو گریم، هر شب کنارِ سجده
ای یار بی‌نظیری، ای خسرو غریبان
دردِ فراقِ رویت، جان را به لب رسانده
پس کی رسد نوایت؟ ای محو در خفیان
طوفان غم گرفته، این کشتی شکسته
جز لطف تو نمانده، راهی به سوی طوفان
برگرد تا ببیند، چشمی تو را دوباره
تا زنده گردد این دل، در کوی عشق و ایمان
کی می‌رسی ز غیبت، ای نورِ صبحِ صادق؟
تا باز جان بگیرد، دل‌های خسته از جان

Mô tả phong cách âm nhạc

Sad piano

Ngôn ngữ lời bài hát


Emotional Analysis

The song expresses profound sorrow, yearning, and longing for a lost love, emphasizing themes of patience, hope, and despair. The imagery of a broken heart and searching for light in darkness illustrates the depth of emotional pain endured during separation.

Application Scenarios

This piece would be suitable for reflective moments of solitude, times of mourning or remembrance, or as background music during heartfelt artistic performances or dramatic scenes in a film.

Technical Analysis

The lyrics utilize rich metaphors and imagery to convey deep emotional states, employing traditional Persian poetic forms. The musical composition typically features a melancholic piano melody that complements the lyrical themes of longing and despair, enhancing the overall emotional weight of the piece.

Nhạc liên quan Nhiều phong cách âm nhạc khác


สงสารแต่แม่ปลาบู่ อาศัยอยู่ในฝั่งคงคา นางเอื้อยเป็นลูกกำพร้า ถึงเวลา มาร่อนรำ ร่อนแต่รำแก่เหลือแต่รำอ่อน เอารำมาร่อน ให้แก่แม่ปลา มารดาฉันอยู่แห่งใหน หรือจะตาย ริมฝั่งคงคา สงสารนางเอื้อย กำพร้า พร่ำเรียกหา แม่ปลาบู่ทอง

Dileep aagamanam-sanjaychowdary239-AI-singing
Dileep aagamanam

Telugu Poem: "దిలీప్ ప్రేమ గీతం" స్రీవల్లి చిరునవ్వు వెన్నెల సోయగం, దిలీప్ మనసులో ప్రేమ ఊరగానం! బుద్ధి గుండెల్లో మెరిసే నక్షత్రం, వెచ్చటి స్పర్శలో మధురమైన స్నేహబంధం! యామిని పొట్టి నా ముద్దుల మౌనమ్, దిలీప్ హృదయంలో మధుర గానం! విశ్రుతదాస్ నా ప్రేమ గిలిగింత, నిన్ను చూస్తే గుండెకు మధుర మంత్రమ్! అమృత అమ్మూ నా శ్వాసలో ప్రేమ, దిలీప్ జీవితం నీతోనే సమర్పణ! నాలుగు రుదయాలు - ప్రేమ ఒక్కటి, దిల్లవమ్ముగా ప్రేమ అంతం లేని కథవి!

नन्हे तारे-satyajeetkumar85-AI-singing
नन्हे तारे

[Verse] नन्हे तारे चम-चम करते आसमान में खुद को धरते रात की चादर जब लहराए सपनों की दुनिया में ले जाए [Verse 2] झिलमिल रोशनी में झूलें चुपके से कानों में कुछ बोलें चंदा मामा संग वो गीत गाएं जगमग रोशनी से सब भर जाए [Chorus] टिम-टिम करते ये प्यारे तारे दिल के हर कोने में बसते सारे रात के साथी बनकर आते सूरज संग ये फिर छिप जाते [Bridge] सुनहरी रात का ये गहना हर दिल को लगता बस अपना आसमान का ये अनमोल तोहफा हर रोज़ देता सपनों का रस्ता [Verse 3] सितारों की टोली जब संग हो हर ग़म का कोना तब तंग हो चुपके से ये बात बताते हर पल को खास सजाते [Chorus] टिम-टिम करते ये प्यारे तारे दिल के हर कोने में बसते सारे रात के साथी बनकर आते सूरज संग ये फिर छिप जाते

ए भाई, सुनो हमर बात-nandanrai07-AI-singing
ए भाई, सुनो हमर बात

[Verse] ए भाई सुनो हमर बात खोरठा माटी के दिल के सौगात गांव के गली खेत-खलिहान यही हमर पहिचान यही हमर जान [Verse 2] बेर-बेगुन के बगान में खेले बचपन लुक्का-छुप्पी के खेल और झूले के सपन माटी के खुशबू हवा के निराला याद दिलावे ऊ सभे मधुमाला [Chorus] खेतों का हरियाली पगडंडी का प्यार भोर के सूरज संग जागे हर द्वार गांव के सादगी नैहर के गीत यही हमर जड़ और यही हमर जीत [Verse 3] सूरज जब ढल जाए चूल्हा जब सुलगे चावल के माटी संग जो एहसास जगे मां के हाथों का खाना हरदम अमृत याद करें दिल हरदम उलझे संतृप्त [Bridge] चिरई-चिरगुन के बोली लगावे गाना गंगा के किनारा हमरा कहानी पुराना मेला के रौनक त्योहारों का जश्न दिल में हमेशा बसी माटी के वसंत [Chorus] खेतों का हरियाली पगडंडी का प्यार भोर के सूरज संग जागे हर द्वार गांव के सादगी नैहर के गीत यही हमर जड़ और यही हमर जीत

THE HOLI-mrdharmendrabhaicraval-AI-singing

बिलकुल! होली एक प्राचीन हिंदू त्योहार है जिसे विशेष रूप से भारत और नेपाल में बड़े धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है। इसे रंगों का त्योहार भी कहा जाता है। होली मनाने का मुख्य कारण प्रहलाद की कहानी से जुड़ा है। हिरण्यकश्यप नामक असुर राजा ने भगवान विष्णु की भक्ति करने वाले अपने बेटे प्रहलाद को मारने के लिए अपनी बहन होलिका को भेजा। होलिका के पास वरदान था कि वह आग में नहीं जलेगी, लेकिन भगवान विष्णु की कृपा से प्रहलाद बच गया और होलिका जलकर राख हो गई। इसलिए होली बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का प्रतीक है। होली के दिन लोग एक-दूसरे पर रंग और गुलाल लगाते हैं, मिठाइयाँ बाँटते हैं, और पारंपरिक गीत और नृत्य का आनंद लेते हैं। यह त्योहार मित्रता और भाईचारे को बढ़ावा देने का एक महत्वपूर्ण अवसर है। यह त्योहार न केवल ऐतिहासिक और धार्मिक महत्व रखता है, बल्कि मौसम के परिवर्तन और फसल के नए सीजन का स्वागत करने का भी प्रतीक है।

እንኩዕ ድስታ-yohanesgebre19-AI-singing
እንኩዕ ድስታ

[Verse] ሽምግል በቀኝ እያገኛ ተነበጣ ዘመድ በጎን ሃሳብ በተራበረታ ሽማግሌ ገባ በገዳሏ ነፃ ናት አልኬ እንጀራዋ [Chorus] ኦሆ ሆ በፊት ተመኝን አማልጅ ያዝልን ይቀጥላን እናት እና አባቷ አንበሳ ልብሽ ተራምቷል ብለሁ እጣ [Verse 2] በአባቷ አስታሮታ ታጣበቃ የሳምንቱ አላምን ታስታልቃ እሱን አልኬ ሽማግሌ ነው ነቃሃል ገና ታስነፍልናው [Bridge] ሽምግል ስምሽ ማንንም ይስማ ኦሆ ሙሉ ልብሽ ትመራለታ ጠልቃ በደምሽ ማን ይህ

छत्रपती संभाजी महाराज यांचा पराक्रम-tradewithsushant99-AI-singing
छत्रपती संभाजी महाराज यांचा पराक्रम

[Verse] ऐका रे ऐका ह्या शूरांची गोष्ट सिंहाची झंझावेळ लढवायची नीती चंद्र तूच जणू त्यांचा बला मारीत शत्रू करा उचंबळा [Verse 2] संभूराजे रणांगणी जै कोणस्वार शस्त्र हाती ल्यावे निर्धार भावनेतून शूर वीरपणा वाहे आकाशात न्याय याचे गात्रे [Chorus] गोलिबंदात घोंगावे तारक पराक्रमाचे ही गाती बीज शंभूराजांचा देव भाचा संपूर्ण केसरी सादर याचे उधोजून [Bridge] चित्त तयांचे हिंमतींचे उच्च पाहावे संकेत घेऊन शत्रूंना धरावे राजांच्या कालातील रेक्षण काय सांगू त्या प्रख्याति कीर्तन [Verse 3] रणांगणी नाचत घोडे वीरांनी दिले युध्दातील फोडे लक्ष्मीचरण अश्वारूढ शंभूराजे मावळ्यांची भूषा जय जाज्वल्य [Chorus] गोलिबंदात घोंगावे तारक पराक्रमाचे ही गाती बीज शंभूराजांचा देव भाचा संपूर्ण केसरी सादर याचे उधोजून

His whole world-kfaires-AI-singing
His whole world

He wears a steel coat, but his heart’s so big, The kind of man who doesn’t bend, but always gives. Since the day he took her in, never once looked back, No one had to tell him—she was his, and that was that. Every heartbreak, every high, every long midnight drive, Every moment, good or bad, he was right there by her side. If she needed him, didn’t matter when— Before the call was over, he was already in the truck. [Verse 2] She was just a little girl, barely two years old, Puked in the backseat of his 2000 Ford. They still laugh about it—how he didn’t run, Maybe that’s the moment she became his forever. From riding quads, kicking up sand, To learning to drive the Razor, feeling that rush. He sat beside her, let her take the wheel, Showed her she could handle anything, gave her the strength to believe. [Verse 3] Taught her to hitch up her trailer just right, Showed her how to plug a tire, check the taillights. And when she broke down just outside Jackson Hole, He drove 900 miles through the night, didn’t think twice. Backing her down dunes when she got stuck, Giving her crap through the rugged radio after she was down. And yeah, he’ll still double-check the lift on her truck, ‘Cause last time, those shocks went flying off. [Verse 4] And now here they are, on this dance floor tonight, His little girl in white, holding on so tight. He has to let go, pass her hand to another man, But she’ll always be his little girl. And that guy standing there better understand, She’s not just anybody—she’s his whole world in his hands. She is special, she is rare, And a love like this will always be there. [Outro] She’ll always be his first child, his first light, And no matter where she goes in this life, If she ever needs him, all she has to do— Is pick up the phone, and he’ll be there, just like he’s always been. Because she’s his little girl, And his whole world… is her.

His whole world-kfaires-AI-singing
His whole world

He wears a steel coat, but his heart’s so big, The kind of man who doesn’t bend, but always gives. Since the day he took her in, never once looked back, No one had to tell him—she was his, and that was that. Every heartbreak, every high, every long midnight drive, Every moment, good or bad, he was right there by her side. If she needed him, didn’t matter when— Before the call was over, he was already in the truck. [Verse 2] She was just a little girl, barely two years old, Puked in the backseat of his 2000 Ford. They still laugh about it—how he didn’t run, Maybe that’s the moment she became his forever. From riding quads, kicking up sand, To learning to drive the Razor, feeling that rush. He sat beside her, let her take the wheel, Showed her she could handle anything, gave her the strength to believe. [Verse 3] Taught her to hitch up her trailer just right, Showed her how to plug a tire, check the taillights. And when she broke down just outside Jackson Hole, He drove 900 miles through the night, didn’t think twice. Backing her down dunes when she got stuck, Giving her crap through the rugged radio after she was down. And yeah, he’ll still double-check the lift on her truck, ‘Cause last time, those shocks went flying off. [Verse 4] And now here they are, on this dance floor tonight, His little girl in white, holding on so tight. He has to let go, pass her hand to another man, But she’ll always be his little girl. And that guy standing there better understand, She’s not just anybody—she’s his whole world in his hands. She is special, she is rare, And a love like this will always be there. [Outro] She’ll always be his first child, his first light, And no matter where she goes in this life, If she ever needs him, all she has to do— Is pick up the phone, and he’ll be there, just like he’s always been. Because she’s his little girl, And his whole world… is her.

His whole world-kfaires-AI-singing
His whole world

He wears a steel coat, but his heart’s so big, The kind of man who doesn’t bend, but always gives. Since the day he took her in, never once looked back, No one had to tell him—she was his, and that was that. Every heartbreak, every high, every long midnight drive, Every moment, good or bad, he was right there by her side. If she needed him, didn’t matter when— Before the call was over, he was already in the truck. [Verse 2] She was just a little girl, barely two years old, Puked in the backseat of his 2000 Ford. They still laugh about it—how he didn’t run, Maybe that’s the moment she became his forever. From riding quads, kicking up sand, To learning to drive the Razor, feeling that rush. He sat beside her, let her take the wheel, Showed her she could handle anything, gave her the strength to believe. [Verse 3] Taught her to hitch up her trailer just right, Showed her how to plug a tire, check the taillights. And when she broke down just outside Jackson Hole, He drove 900 miles through the night, didn’t think twice. Backing her down dunes when she got stuck, Giving her crap through the rugged radio after she was down. And yeah, he’ll still double-check the lift on her truck, ‘Cause last time, those shocks went flying off. [Verse 4] And now here they are, on this dance floor tonight, His little girl in white, holding on so tight. He has to let go, pass her hand to another man, But she’ll always be his little girl. And that guy standing there better understand, She’s not just anybody—she’s his whole world in his hands. She is special, she is rare, And a love like this will always be there. [Outro] She’ll always be his first child, his first light, And no matter where she goes in this life, If she ever needs him, all she has to do— Is pick up the phone, and he’ll be there, just like he’s always been. Because she’s his little girl, And his whole world… is her.

شمر الحايل-stalinogs-AI-singing
شمر الحايل

[المقطع] شمر يا تاج الثرى يا حايل صيتك دايم بالمجد زايل مثل الجبال شامخ وذاهل من شمال المملكة نجم ساطع [المقطع 2] بيوتك مشرعة بالكرم والجود الضيف مترحب وأهل العهود من بابك رحب والناس شهود والقلوب للخير دايم متسارع [الكورس] يا شمر مروءة وفخر قصصك مثل القمر وجهك في المجد نحر تبقى دوم بين النجوم لامع

Mariang Marikit-gigglesw237-AI-singing
Mariang Marikit

Mariang marikit, lumabas sa hardin, Sa kanyang paglakad, bulaklak ay bumuka, Saya’y sumasayaw sa dampi ng hangin. Parang bituin siyang nagniningning tuwina. Sa ilalim ng araw, siya’y naglalakad, Buhok niyang mahaba’y sa hangin nalipad. Pamaypay sa kamay, kumakaway-kaway, Ngiti niyang kay tamis, puso’y napapaypay. Mariang marikit, ligaya ng bayan, Awit ng pag-ibig, sa hangin nalulan. Bituing nagniningning sa gabi’t umaga, Puso niyang wagas, kay lambing sumamba. Sa tabi ng ilog, siya’y huminto, Tanaw ang liwanag sa tubig tumakbo. Hinawakan ang rosas, hinawi ang tinik, Kahit may sugat, ngiti’y nanatili. Mariang marikit, sa gabi’y nagdasal, Tinig niyang kay rikit, sa hangin lumipad. Bawat kanyang hakbang, may dalang hiwaga, Parang isang tala sa gitna ng madla.