Tara maki ho Jiodak

Song Created By @XXX With AI Singing

Chi tiết âm thanh

Tara maki ho Jiodak
created by XXX
Tara maki ho Jiodak
created by XXX

Chi tiết âm nhạc

Văn bản lời bài hát

Ho tara ni siki, Jula hoji, tara maki. Kasu ti najula, Taji ho tara hoji ka.  Suta maki hoji, Ni jula tara ho tara. Taji kasu, ho siki, Tara maki ho Jiodak.  Tara wanata ti, Ni ho tara litaja. Kasu Jiodak hoji, Ni tara maki ho!

Mô tả phong cách âm nhạc

Anthem, only vocals, dark

Ngôn ngữ lời bài hát


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics convey a sense of longing and urgency, tinged with a mystical and slightly foreboding tone.

Application Scenarios

This song could be used in scenarios such as dramatic film scenes, motivational speeches, or moments of collective reflection and strength.

Technical Analysis

The vocal arrangement likely features harmonies and dynamic shifts to emphasize emotional peaks, utilizing repetitive motifs for an anthem-like feel, while the darker elements may be reflected in minor tonalities and rhythmic patterns.

Nhạc liên quan Nhiều phong cách âm nhạc khác


Rólad, te rólad. Míg erőm tart, s a lopott pillanat szabadsága szavakra bomlik, megnyitja torkomat. Ó, hadd kiáltsam messzire, mi vagy nekem e súlyos ég alatt! Talán utólszor. Mert a nappal kiszopja csontjaimat, mert ébren várom, a hegyen hogy gázol át a virradat. Kinek már álma sincs, meddig tart élete? E test meddig lesz még erős? Itt lassan-lassan minden ismeretlen, csak a halál, meg te vagy ismerős. Hogy írjon verset, aki fél? Hogy írjon verset, aki fáradt, hogy írjon, aki nem remél, ki úgy tölti az éjszakákat, hogy mire új reggelre kél, várja, valaki nekitámad? Lásd, rólad írnék, s szüntelen másról beszélek én, világunk iszonyú vizében gázol e költemény. Ó, mennyire szeretlek, hogy miattad sorsunk keserű kortyait nyelem, rémült testem meg tud pihenni békítő testeden, s az éjjel szörnyei közt lehelleted a védelem. Mily sötét van mindenütt! Csak az ablakunk fénylik. Csak dadogok. Szeretlek, annyira, hogy még kívánok élni. Vezess! Támaszd meg homlokom szelíd homlokodon, ha mint a részeg, dülöngőzve járok, s kiáltozom. Átláthatatlan téli reggelek: alig virrad, hogy munkába megyek; csiszolja ifjú érdességemet a város. Egyszer oly kerek leszek, oly síma, mint a többi odalenn. Őrizd lelkem épségét, szerelem!


❤️❤️❤️❤️"Soha ne sajnálj adni egy ölelést. Ne sajnálj adni egy kedves szót. Ne sajnáld kimutatni a szeretetedet. Ne sajnáld senkitől az idődet, akit szeretsz. Ha mindent csak tartogatsz, halogatsz és nem adsz, előbb-utóbb egyedül maradsz és akkor már nem adhatsz. Addig adj, amíg van kinek és van miből, hogy aztán mindenkinek szép és felejthetetlen emlékei legyenek az Életről."


Idę parkiem, jak z cebra pada, kaptur zakładam i idę nadal. Na chodnik postać blada ciężko upada, obok dom sąsiada - ktoś tam wciąż się skrada. Ze sobą narada: spadać czy to zbadać? Coś podpowiada: zostaw, nie wypada. Dylemat nie lada bo wypada nie zostawiać, lecz postać blada weszła za mroku parawan... Ciężka sprawa, cień na mnie nie pada, w dziwny stan to wprawia jak Szeherezada. Nagle skurcz mnie dopada więc na ławce siadam, a do drzwi sąsiada dobija się jakaś stara baba. Chora faza, to pewnie ta mocna trawa... Rozważam: po co była mi ta nocna wyprawa? i zauważam, że z placu zabaw idzie parada... Na czele - postać blada - psycha niedomaga! ref: Chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, upiory w nim budzą dziś upiory w nas, nie znamy ich choć ich ryj to lustra twarz. To chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, w tym świecie żyj brat, idź, upływa czas, byś dożył chwil gdy to Ty pokonasz strach. Zmiana kadru - poranek, Nowa Huta. W przemoczonych butach szukam co tak stuka. To chyba tutaj, w drzwiach judasz, pukam, czekam, słucham, nic, wjeżdżam z buta. Okiem rzucam: hala w chuj długa, żarówa mruga, sufit wsparty jest na stalowych słupach, na jednym z nich krwi struga, pod nim kałuża... Kurwa! wzrósł już puls - druga stówa! W przód się posuwam bo klamka zepsuta, hala czarna jak dupa, nawet na ścianach kupa. To dom Belzebuba, chyba umrę już tutaj choć adrenalina w żyłach ożywiłaby trupa. Brzęczy mi w uszach - to dźwięki łańcucha, coś jak z filmu o duchach. Co jeśli to kostucha?! Już chłód czuję w płucach - chmura pary gdy chucham, nagle ból jak chuj - nóż wystajemi z brzucha ref: Chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, upiory w nim budzą dziś upiory w nas, nie znamy ich choć ich ryj to lustra twarz. To chory film, chory Ty i chory ja, to chore dni, chore sny i chory świat, w tym świecie żyj brat, idź, upływa czas, byś dożył chwil gdy to Ty pokonasz strach. Kolejna kulminacja, znów mrugają światła, na stole leżę, brak mi tchu, to operacja? incepcja - niewolnik snów? Co to za akcja? W brzuchu już nie tkwi nóż, za to dezorientacja. Pęka czaszka, ból wciąż narasta od najmniejszych palców u stóp aż po kaftan. W płucach znów czuję chłód plus krwią kasłam. U drzwi klucz i klamka w dół - to duchy w maskach! Serca palpitacja, krew staje się rzadsza. Chciałbym ryj drzeć lecz w gardle drzazga. Wchodzi jakaś laska, też na twarzy maska, cera jak wapno jasna, do diaska... W końcu czas łaski nastał - budzi mnie matka: "Wstawaj, już trzynasta, przyszła do Ciebie paczka." Po nocy spocony, co w paczce, sprawdzam... szok - na zdjęciu: w masce blada laska...

Anthem of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Vajeslovania-caoh693-AI-singing
Anthem of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Vajeslovania

[Verse] Разбудете го нашиот Вајеслованија народ! И воскресна од пепелта на војната Дозволете да ве услужиме Вајеслованија, нашата татковина! [Verse] Нема повеке да не малтретираат империјалистите За земјата за татковината Изградете ново и добро општество Млади, издигни од пепелта! [Verse] Да ја градиме нашата економија, култура, да учиме и да иновираме како никогаш досега Затоа што ние сме пролетерски револуционери Работниците на нашиот народ се обединуваат заедно Државата Вајеслованија не е она што беше И сонцето на нашата татковина никогаш не завршува! Разбудете го нашиот Вајеслованија народ!

Quantum Institute Of Education Battagram-rukhsanasaleem962-AI-singing
Quantum Institute Of Education Battagram

**Verse 1:** Battagram ke dil mein, ek badlav ka aaghaz, Quantum Institute chamakta hai, jaise subah ka sooraj. Ilm aur hikmat se, hum raasta dikhayein, Jahan sapne zinda hain, wahan hum rukein. Pehli dafa yahan, ek nayi system ka shuruat, Taleem ki inquilab, ek mazboot iqtisaad. Principal Syed Sadam Hussain Shah ne dikhaya raasta, Har din Battagram mein, roshni ka hai paighaam. **Chorus:** Quantum Institute, nayi subah ka hum hain rakhwale, Battagram ke dil mein, hum khol rahe hain gate. Har dars se hum purani riwayat todenge, Naye mustaqbil ki kahani likhenge. **Verse 2:** Ek wazeh manzil, ek haqeeqat ka sapna, Syed Sadam Hussain Shah ke saath, hai har dil mein junoon ka rang. Taleem ka naya system, jo pehle na tha, Jahan ilm har darwaza kholta hai. Battagram mein, jahan umeed thi door, Quantum Institute chamakta hai, ek sitara ho ke noor. Inovation aur taraqqi, har qadam pe saath, Quantum Institute mein, hum hain apni baat. **Chorus:** Quantum Institute, nayi subah ka hum hain rakhwale, Battagram ke dil mein, hum khol rahe hain gate. Har dars se hum purani riwayat todenge, Naye mustaqbil ki kahani likhenge. **Bridge:** Ek nayi system, jo hai khaas aur nayi, Jahan sapne uddte hain, aur umeedon ki hai roshni. Syed Sadam Hussain Shah, humara raahnuma, Din ho ya raat, wo hai saath humare. **Chorus:** Quantum Institute, nayi subah ka hum hain rakhwale, Battagram ke dil mein, hum khol rahe hain gate. Har dars se hum purani riwayat todenge, Naye mustaqbil ki kahani likhenge. **Outro:** Quantum Institute, hum mil kar uthayenge, Syed Sadam Hussain Shah ke saath, safar naya shuru karenge. Taleem ka aik naya daur, aik nayi baat, Quantum Institute, jahan sapne ho saath.

Destroy to start over-puttarxsa.meekhao1-AI-singing
Destroy to start over

Lyrics (Reset!!) .....โลกที่เคยสวยงาม เหมือนฝัน ธรรมชาติที่งดงาม เกินจะหาคำ แต่มนุษย์ทำลายทุกสิ่งจนพัง ความมืดมิดเข้าปกคลุม โลกทั้งใบ Reset!! (New world) มนุษย์ที่แสนโสมม ต่ำตมเกินกว่าจะรักษาไว้ ทำลายเพื่อเริ่มใหม่ โลกที่สดใส่ แต่ไร้ซึ่งหนทาง!! (Reset!!) (In this chaos, we're fighting our way Through the darkness, we find our own light We won't surrender, we won't give in A new world is rising, from the ashes of sin We've been pushed to the edge, but we won't break Our spirits are strong, our hearts are awake We'll rise from the depths, stronger than before A new dawn is coming, we're ready for war) (Reset) (Verse 2) จักรวาลอันแสนยิ่งใหญ่ แต่แล้วทำไม สิ่งโสมมจึงบังเกิด ขึ้นมา ทำลาย ซึ่งทุกสิ่งไป! (ทำลาย! ทำลาย! ทำลายให้สิ้นซากไป~) โลกที่สดใส จะเริ่มต้นใหม่ ด้วยใจและแรงศรัทธา ทางสู่โลกใหม่ ก้าวไปด้วย ที่ไร้ซึ่งสิ่งโสมม!/ (Bridge) สิ้นหวัง... แต่ไม่ยอมแพ้ จงลุกขึ้นสู้... เพื่อโลกใบใหม่ (Chorus) รีเซ็ต! รีเซ็ต! โลกเก่า สร้างใหม่! สร้างใหม่! โลกใหม่ สิ้นหวังและรุ่งอรุณ เราจะเริ่มต้นใหม่! (Outro) โลกใหม่... ของเรา.....(Destroy to start over!!!!!!!!!!)


Red is the colour, Fidelis is the name We're all together, and winning is our aim So cheer us on through the sun and rain 'Cause Fidelis, Fidelis is our name

Isla Borias-alfiepots111-AI-singing
Isla Borias

Hymn of the Eternal Crown (A slow, solemn anthem, sung with deep reverence and unwavering devotion.) Verse 1 From Port Jeremy’s solemn shore, Where first our mighty fate was sworn, To Borias’ depths, where shadows grow, The King commands, so shall it flow. Verse 2 Through Jebediah’s golden field, Where harvests thrive, yet swords are steeled, Four states as one, by law and chain, We serve, we toil, we shall remain. Chorus (Swelling, yet somber) O Crown! O Throne! O King divine! Our hearts are thine, our hands entwined. No step shall stray, no voice defy, For thee we live, for thee we die. Verse 3 No tide shall break, no foe shall stand, No will shall rise beyond thy hand. From forge to throne, from ship to spade, All bow before thy grand cascade. Final Chorus (Fading into solemn resolve) O Crown! O Throne! O King divine! Our hearts are thine, our hands entwined. No step shall stray, no voice defy, For thee we live, for thee we die.

Squid Game Rap-goudadog4-AI-singing
Squid Game Rap

(Verse 1) They came from the streets, broken and torn, With nothing to lose, they were battered and worn. A choice to make, no way out in sight, Trapped in a game that shadows the night. From the rich to the poor, they’re all on the same, Chasin’ that fortune, but it’s just a game. But behind every mask, there's a soul that bleeds, Fighting for a future, fulfilling their needs. (Chorus) In the Squid Game, where the players fall, Tragedy’s the prize, no one stands tall. From the first step in, you’re already lost, In the game of death, you pay the cost. No escape, no hope, no second chance, Just a deadly dance, a cruel romance. Each step a burden, each breath a cry, In the Squid Game, you live, then you die. (Verse 2) A mother’s hope, a child’s dream, They fight for survival, but nothing’s what it seems. Some play for love, some for the thrill, But no matter the reason, they’re forced to kill. They’re pawns in a game, they’re slaves to the debt, A life full of scars, no time to forget. Each player a story, each one a scar, But in the end, they’re all left far, far. (Chorus) In the Squid Game, where the players fall, Tragedy’s the prize, no one stands tall. From the first step in, you’re already lost, In the game of death, you pay the cost. No escape, no hope, no second chance, Just a deadly dance, a cruel romance. Each step a burden, each breath a cry, In the Squid Game, you live, then you die. (Bridge) The lights burn bright, but the souls are dark, Every player’s life leaves a permanent mark. From the start, they’re already dead inside, Fighting for survival, no place to hide. But every fall, every life they take, Is a dream crushed, another heart breaks. It’s a game of numbers, a deadly trade, In the Squid Game, the price is paid. (Chorus) In the Squid Game, where the players fall, Tragedy’s the prize, no one stands tall. From the first step in, you’re already lost, In the game of death, you pay the cost. No escape, no hope, no second chance, Just a deadly dance, a cruel romance. Each step a burden, each breath a cry, In the Squid Game, you live, then you die. (Outro) So remember the names, the faces, the pain, The players in the game that’s nothing but strain. They came with a hope, they left with a curse, In the Squid Game, they’re all immersed.

Be-Khauf (Fearless)-tayyabaniazi55-AI-singing
Be-Khauf (Fearless)

[Verse] Chaandni mein bhi chhupte saaye Meri jild pe tanqeed ke ghere saaye Kahan likhi hai roshni ki pehchaan? Meri chamak hai mera imaan [Chorus] Be-khauf chaand se takraye Dil se dil ki baatein bayaan ho jaye Jis raaste pe khauf na ho Wahi to hai mera asmaan [Verse 2] Gehra sa andhera ab na ho Meri raahein khud roshan karo Aansoon ka pathar bhi pighle Mera hosla hai meri jeet [Bridge] Har badal se door ho jaaye Jo akash mein udaan bhare jaye Duniya jo kehde kuch bhi Mere sapne hain azad [Chorus] Be-khauf chaand se takraye Dil se dil ki baatein bayaan ho jaye Jis raaste pe khauf na ho Wahi to hai mera asmaan [Outro] Roshan humari kisi se kam na ho Jo main hoon wahi mera armaan ho Apni chamak se sabko jeet lo Meri chamak hai mera imaan

Wet Beavs Anthem-bluejaysmatt11-AI-singing
Wet Beavs Anthem

(To the tune of the North Korean National Anthem, “Aegukka”) Verse 1: Through the rivers wide and strong, they roam so free, Building homes with mighty logs, in unity. In the rain and storm they toil, with purpose true, Noble creatures of the land, proud work they do! Chorus: Oh, wet beavers! Brave and grand, Masters of the flowing land! With their dams so high and wide, Nature’s fortress, nation’s pride! Verse 2: In the floods they stand unmoved, with fearless might, Shaping streams and carving lands, both day and night. Through the currents, through the waves, they march as one, Till the morning greets their work beneath the sun! (Repeat Chorus) Verse 3: Let the waters rise and fall, their strength remains, Through the trials, through the storms, they break no chains. Ever loyal, ever proud, their tails declare, That the beaver’s noble work shall fill the air! (Final Chorus - with extra emphasis on glory and unity) Oh, wet beavers! Bold and free, Guardians of each stream and tree! With their courage, strong and wide, Nature’s fortress, nation’s pride! A triumphant anthem for the noble, wet beaver! Would you like an adjustment to tone or theme?


(เสียงกีตาร์ริฟหนักๆ) โลกที่เคยสวยงาม เหมือนฝัน ธรรมชาติงดงาม เกินจะหาคำ แต่มนุษย์ทำลายทุกสิ่งจนพัง ความมืดมิดเข้าปกคลุม โลกทั้งใบ ท่อน 2 (เสียงกลองกระหน่ำ) ตึกสูงเสียดฟ้า บดบังแสงตะวัน ฝุ่นควันพิษ ปกคลุมทุกวัน ทะเลกลายเป็นที่ทิ้งขยะ โลกป่วยหนัก เกินจะเยียวยา ท่อนกลาง (เสียงกีตาร์โซโล่) (In this chaos, we're fighting our way Through the darkness, we find our own light We won't surrender, we won't give in A new world is rising, from the ashes of sin We've been pushed to the edge, but we won't break Our spirits are strong, our hearts are awake We'll rise from the depths, stronger than before A new dawn is coming, we're ready for war) ท่อน 3 (เสียงกีตาร์และกลองหนักขึ้น) ถึงเวลาแล้วที่เราจะลุกขึ้น เปลี่ยนแปลงทุกสิ่ง ที่เคยทำลาย สร้างโลกใหม่ ด้วยมือของเรา โลกที่ความหวัง ความฝันเป็นจริง ท่อน 4 (เสียงร้องประสาน) โลกใหม่จะสดใส ผู้คนเท่าเทียม ความรักนำทาง ความเมตตาเป็นแรงใจ เราจะดูแลโลกของเรา ให้คงอยู่ตลอดไป (Bridge) (เสียงกีตาร์โซโล่) สิ้นหวัง... แต่ไม่ยอมแพ้ เราจะลุกขึ้นสู้... เพื่อโลกใหม่ (Chorus) (เสียงกีตาร์และกลองหนักที่สุด) รีเซ็ต! รีเซ็ต! โลกเก่า สร้างใหม่! สร้างใหม่! โลกใหม่ สิ้นหวังและรุ่งอรุณ เราจะเริ่มต้นใหม่! (Outro) (เสียงกีตาร์ค่อยๆ เบาลง) โลกใหม่... ของเรา...