
Song Created By @mohamadamin.bt85 With AI Singing


created by mohamadamin.bt85
created by mohamadamin.bt85



خاطرات دیگه.  توی جوباس
اینده گم           لای دوداس
شاید که خب.  واسه پولاس که 
تهران هنو.        خاکستریه
دلگیر حت.     صب زوداش
انگارخود.  گاتهام اینجا
بتمن زورو    پاسدار نینجاس
نوح کمسن.  واسه جووناشه
 رف رگ زدن.  راست زیر بیسال
عجیب-زندون کل ایران
تو که پرشی.  تو  ارزوهات نبود
فقط میخواستی که پرشه لیوان
بشه سوخت    ادامه دادن>
پس خالی میشه   باک کل ایران
لاشه نموند   که لاشخور بیاد 
همین پای کبودتم باد سر میداد
یه پاسپورت بیاربزار بریم ازین شبو
باز صب بیاد
 همه که رفتن.  جاش پر سیگار 
بگو از اشک شده پاسمون خیس
بگو چند وقتیه قاطی کردیم
داریم میکنیم اسمون دیس
با این همه اشک میخوای تا کجای صب ماهو
با چند نخ دود کردن     یادت بره چشماشو
با چند خط تو دفتر       اخه کم نیس حرفاتو
باز یخ کرد تو دستم.    جامونده-عکساتو
 بعضی ببخشیدا واسه برگشتن
او   خیلیاش واسه راحت تر رفتن 
بخواد حمل کنه    سنگینیه روحشو 
    هه اون ازینا تنبل تره
 بگو بره سر درد نشه
دیگه جلومن سبز نشه. 
که حاصل نداره  خاک دل دیگه
    تاج رو قله بد یخ زده
کتاب کردم همه خاطراتو(-)
تیتر زدم دفتر ارزوهاس(-)
یه برگرد.  به پشت نگا کن(-)
بگو کجان اون همه حال خوبا
بد رکب زدن.   ساعتای رو دیوار
عقربه هی     دور میزد برمیگشت
ولی شبیه بود زندگیمون به سیگار
 کام میداد خاکستر خاطره پر میزد
تنها میزارنت بایه کوه حرف
باشون رپ میکنی واسه دوختن
زخمایی که تش باز میمون
میشن دلایلی واسه موندنت
 جوونی  سوخت ادامه دادن
جونیت سوخت چون که ادامه راه صده
خواستیم تقدیرو وکیل بگیریم>
دیدیم خودش امضا پا اعدام ما زده


Dislove trap



Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke a deep sense of nostalgia, despair, and social commentary. The emotions range from longing for the past, frustration with current circumstances, and a sense of loss and disillusionment with life and society.

Application Scenarios

This song could be used in scenarios reflecting personal struggles, societal critique, or moments of introspection. It may resonate with those feeling stuck or nostalgic, particularly among the youth.

Technical Analysis

The song incorporates vivid imagery and complex metaphors, typical of trap music, with a focus on urban life and personal hardship. The flow is rhythmic, integrating spoken word elements which enhance the emotional weight of the lyrics.

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Pawns on the World Stage-hydrobrew311-AI-singing
Pawns on the World Stage

Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. Wow ow lunch special on now! We dry are car to derivery terribry we try Got your order and we know you round eye Round eye so funny we said Vietnamese Charlie tree slope head Agent orange is totally safe they said. (Mike D On Scene) (round eye and slope heads unite noodles and spice, they all paid the price!) Wars like this are unnecessary most of them are scary. Politics take a side either way they died. Kill them for their country. Make them die for their country. (We will live for ours. ) (they die for theirs. ) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb Ching, dung,bung shing chow ping pow Ching. chang dung earholes be numb Chickenhead peckin on the floor so dumb. (no that's just a bread crumb) Take you to school and back to class Smells a bit weird when blacks twerk ass (shay butter) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) (reunite our collective human feelings) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Chinese food don't be rude. Awakened by the taste and the smell. Worldwide love of food music art Time will tell.

Thumb sung-hydrobrew311-AI-singing
Thumb sung

Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. Wow ow lunch special on now! We dry are car to derivery terribry we try Got your order and we know you round eye Round eye so funny we said Vietnamese Charlie trees slope head Agent orange is totally safe they said. (Mike D On Scene) (Got dark for a minute so back to the food!) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb Ching, dung,bung shing chow ping pow Ching. chang dung earholes be numb Chickenhead peckin on the floor so dumb. (no that's just a bread crumb) Take you to school and back to class Smells a bit weird when blacks twerk ass (shay butter) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) (fade out) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Chinese food don't be rude. Awakened by the taste and the smell. If you don't like it you can go to..


Piszę rap mimo setki problemów Codziennie są nowe, więc nic nawet mi nie mów Pierdol problemy, bo życie jest za krótkie, więc albo postarasz, albo hop za burtę Problemy ziom, tak ja usuwam je hurtem, wrzucam do rzeki rapu i odpływają z nurtem. Odpalam spliffa i czas mi tak umyka, zawsze w moim sercu EPR ekipa. Czy Kraków, czy Łódź, ja czuję się jak w domu, mieszkania na obczyźnie nie życzę nikomu. Pieniądze, ziomek, ci szczęścia nie dadzą, przecież bez pieniędzy jakoś sobie ludzie w życiu radzą, W przyjaźni i w rodzinie odnajdziesz sedno życia, pojmiesz, że dzięki nim masz cele do zdobycia. Pomagać ludziom to bardzo fajna sprawa, ale uważaj ziom, bo to śliska jest murawa. Ref. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają. Jak masz jakiś problem, to wyrzuć go za siebie, Bo nic tak nie doluje jak własne sumienie. Problemów stos wciąż trzyma cię na ziemi, musisz przezwyciężyć stres, żeby swoje życie zmienić. Ten cały ciężar, choć ciągle na twojej głowie, możesz podjąć kroki, żeby temu tu zapobiec. Więc ruszaj do przodu mimo setki problemów, I nie zatrzymuj się, choćbyś dalej biec już nie mógł. Bo poddasz się, jak już prawie to zrobiłeś, Choć tak mało brakowało, to ty w siebie zwątpiłeś. Energię do działania musisz czerpać z wkurwienia, skumuluj swój gniew, bo masz dużo do zrobienia. Bierz przykład z nas i naszych możliwości, tak jak KML, korzystaj z tych zielonych roślin. I w pełnej gotowości, ciśnij po całości, bo do lepszego świata szykuje cię ten pościg. Pamiętaj, że twoje szczęście to priorytet, więc spróbuj tak jak ja, z rapem iść przez życie. Nie przejmuj się tym całym negatywnym shitem, tylko rozsiądź się wygodnie z jakimś drinkiem i spliffem. Ref. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają

rap,polish,hiphop,bass boosted,real instruments-adambrdon-AI-singing
rap,polish,hiphop,bass boosted,real instruments

Piszę rap mimo setki problemów Codziennie są nowe, więc nic nawet mi nie mów Pierd** problemy, bo życie jest za krótkie, więc albo postarasz, albo hop za burtę Problemy ziom, tak ja usuwam je hurtem, wrzucam do rzeki rapu i odpływają z nurtem. Odpalam spliffa i czas mi tak umyka, zawsze w moim sercu EPR ekipa. Czy Kraków, czy Łódź, ja czuję się jak w domu, mieszkania na obczyźnie nie życzę nikomu. Pieniądze, ziomek, ci szczęścia nie dadzą, przecież bez pieniędzy jakoś sobie ludzie w życiu radzą, W przyjaźni i w rodzinie odnajdziesz sedno życia, pojmiesz, że dzięki nim masz cele do zdobycia. Pomagać ludziom to bardzo fajna sprawa, ale uważaj ziom, bo to śliska jest murawa. Ref. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają. Jak masz jakiś problem, to wyrzuć go za siebie, Bo nic tak nie doluje jak własne sumienie. Problemów stos wciąż trzyma cię na ziemi, musisz przezwyciężyć stres, żeby swoje życie zmienić. Ten cały ciężar, choć ciągle na twojej głowie, możesz podjąć kroki, żeby temu tu zapobiec. Więc ruszaj do przodu mimo setki problemów, I nie zatrzymuj się, choćbyś dalej biec już nie mógł. Bo poddasz się, jak już prawie to zrobiłeś, Choć tak mało brakowało, to ty w siebie zwątpiłeś. Energię do działania musisz czerpać z wkurwienia, skumuluj swój gniew, bo masz dużo do zrobienia. Bierz przykład z nas i naszych możliwości, tak jak KML, korzystaj z tych zielonych roślin. I w pełnej gotowości, ciśnij po całości, bo do lepszego świata szykuje cię ten pościg. Pamiętaj, że twoje szczęście to priorytet, więc spróbuj tak jak ja, z rapem iść przez życie. Nie przejmuj się tym całym negatywnym shitem, tylko rozsiądź się wygodnie z jakimś drinkiem i spliffem. Ref. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają. EPR skład, nas problemy omijają, to jest wilków stada, siła jej się nie imają

Bishops gambit double trouble-altakount696-AI-singing
Bishops gambit double trouble

Best Check Mate U Will Ever See With my bishop on a mission, checkmate precision, Double bishops in position, causing division, Queen in the corner, sealing the deal, Every move calculated, making them kneel. I'm ballin' like a king, whole crew in the ring, Flexin' on these haters, yeah, you know how we swing, Street chess, no stress, I’m the kid with finesse, Claimin’ my throne, ain't no need to impress. Got that passion for the grind, hustle never blind, Thug life in my veins, I’m one of a kind, On the board, I’m a savage, every pawn is a savage, Checkin’ all these bitches, watch ‘em panic and ravage. Rollin’ with my knights, dancin’ under city lights, Underestimated, but I’m takin’ big bites, I’m the coldest in the game, puttin’ legends to shame, They can’t handle this fire, feel the heat of my flame. So I spit it, I’m committed, yeah, I’m livin’ my truth, With every move I make, I’m elevatin' the proof, No retreat, no defeat, I’m the one they can't beat, In this chess game of life, I’m claimin’ that seat. Best check mate u will ever see, Kickin’ doors down, ain’t no stoppin’ me, From the block to the top, man, I’m changin’ the scene, With my heart in the hustle, livin' out my dream. So raise your glass high, toast to the grind, To all my real ones who be down with the shine, Take a seat at my table, watch the legends unfold, In this game of life, I’m the one who’s bold. Best check mate, respect the fate, I’m the king in this struggle, I’ll never be late, With my crew, we stay true, that’s the real view, In this chessboard life, it’s a thug life too.

Thumb bung-hydrobrew311-AI-singing
Thumb bung

Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. Wow ow lunch special on now! We dry are car to derivery terribry we try Got your order and we know you round eye Round eye so funny we said Vietnamese Charlie trees slope head Agent orange is totally safe they said. (Mike D On Scene) (Got dark for a minute so back to the food!) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb Ching, dung,bung shing chow ping pow Ching. chang dung earholes be numb Chickenhead peckin on the floor so dumb. (no that's just a bread crumb) Take you to school and back to class Smells a bit weird when blacks twerk ass (shay butter) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) (fade out) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Chinese food don't be rude. Awakened by the taste and the smell. If you don't like it you can go to..

Round Eye Funny-hydrobrew311-AI-singing
Round Eye Funny

Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. Wow ow lunch special on now! We dry are car to derivery terribry we try Got your order and we know you round eye Round eye so funny we said Vietnamese Charlie trees slope head Agent orange is totally safe they said. (Mike D On Scene) (Got dark for a minute so back to the food!) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb Ching, dung,bung shing chow ping pow Ching. chang dung earholes be numb Chickenhead peckin on the floor so dumb. (no that's just a bread crumb) Take you to school and back to class Smells a bit weird when blacks twerk ass (shay butter) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) (fade out) Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Smooth like shay butter, slick when I glide, Drippin’ that glow, got the shine worldwide Chinese food don't be rude. Awakened by the taste and the smell. If you don't like it you can go to..

Work Don't Twerk-hydrobrew311-AI-singing
Work Don't Twerk

Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb ding pow oh wow indian pow wow mucho mierda. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow poopy wow wobbly doo. dung throw. Wow ow lunch special on now! We dry are car to derivery terribry we try Got your order and we know you round eye Round eye so funny we said Vietnamese Charlie trees slope head Agent orange is totally safe they said. (Mike D On Scene) (Got dark for a minute so back to the food!) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung.Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. thumb, thumb,bung shing chow ping dung. Take you to school and back to class Smells a bit weird when blacks twerk ass We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Work Don't Twerk.

We Tu Lo-hydrobrew311-AI-singing
We Tu Lo

Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo) Ching chang chung and who flung poo Bing bang bow ting tang and a dirty shoe King cream thong lyrics in the song Filipino asians song hip hop a big dong We dry are car to derivery terribly we try Got your order and we know you round eye Vietnams call us slope head Now agent orange got most you dead. (Mike D On Scene) Ching chang dung your lyrics are dumb The best finger in your bum is the thumb. Ping bang dow Ching chang ping dow The best time for da rivery is now Take you to school back to class It weird when blacks twerk ass We got a plate of food we all trying to eat Twerkin while eating should be obsolete. (Ching chang dung sumting Wong bing dang owe We too low Holy Fuk, We To Lo)


ChatGPT You said: Hey can you write a rap with a combination or Hindi, English or Punjabi language ChatGPT said: Sure! Here’s a rap combining Hindi, English, and Punjabi with a smooth flow and swag. (Verse 1) शुरू से hustle, no cap in my grind, Khud likhi kismat, I don’t rewind. Street smart moves, I define my way, Night to the morning, I don’t delay. (Chorus) यो, चल मेरे नाल, कर तू vibe feel, सपने बड़े मेरे, got that fire, real deal. ਮੈਂ ਹੂਂ street ਦਾ player, no fear, no chill, काम इतना hard, देखे दुनिया मेरी skill. (Verse 2) Zindagi race, but I stay in my lane, Haters keep talking, but I don’t entertain. दिल में आग, जेब में hustle, ਬੰਦੂਕ ਨਹੀਂ, ਇਹ talent ਦਾ muscle। (Bridge) Desi swag, पर सोच मेरी global, Mind so sharp, like a weapon, so noble. ਘੱਟ ਬੋਲਦੇ ਆਂ, but moves speak loud, No shortcuts, just making my crowd. (Outro) Yo, ये मेरी journey, मैं खुद ही बनाऊँ, मंज़िल करीब, बस और ना रुकूँ। ਰਾਤਾਂ ਲੰਮੀਆਂ, but dreams so high, From streets to the stars, I was born to fly! This has a mix of motivation, street hustle, and swag. Let me know if you want me to tweak the style! You said: I want Punjabi words written in English ChatGPT said: Got it! Here's the rap with Punjabi words written in English: (Verse 1) Shuru se hustle, no cap in my grind, Khud likhi kismat, I don’t rewind. Street smart moves, I define my way, Night to the morning, I don’t delay. (Chorus) Yo, chal mere naal, kar tu vibe feel, Sapne bade mere, got that fire, real deal. Main hoon street da player, no fear, no chill, Kaam itna hard, dekhe duniya meri skill. (Verse 2) Zindagi race, but I stay in my lane, Haters keep talking, but I don’t entertain. Dil vich agg, jeb vich hustle, Bandook nahi, eh talent da muscle. (Bridge) Desi swag, par soch meri global, Mind so sharp, like a weapon, so noble. Ghat bolde aan, but moves speak loud, No shortcuts, just making my crowd. (Outro) Yo, eh meri journey, main khud hi banaun, Manzil kareeb, bas hor na rukaan. Raataan lammiyan, but dreams so high, From streets to the stars, I was born to fly!