Song Created By @Marko With AI Singing


created by Marko
created by Marko



Str1:zove se oldschool zato jer tako bilo je
Našiban progutan bacim pogled na kutove
Tamo vazda ista braća smišljaju hitove
Idalje su uz mene, gledaju me na teve,
Šetaš se ulicim i smiješ znaš da uvečer piješ 
Ko mma da se biješ kako ćeš da se griješ
Većinu vremena samo liješ da li mma umiješ 
Nemoj da se kriješ,
I mnogi pogrješili su putem i mnogi su se prodali za valute postali dileri narkosi i prostitute za ovo su oduzete minute i većina je sad deo komune nakon ovog su na mjute mora da se ljute
I kako bilo bi da odu svi da ljudi nisu zvi oče paziš li na kći? Ajmo sad na tri klinjo pita me za skank on tijo bi to su samo djelovi druga epizoda kerovi
Refren:em-em-a u bloku nebitan čuješ bam bam bam to te maltretira samo n-l-e crn ne zapitan tvoj b-f-f baš je pročitan, em-em-a u bloku nebitan čuješ bam bam bam to te maltretira samo n-l-e crn ne zapitan tvoj b-f-f baš je pročitan
Str2:ujutru tri sata zarađuje se plata pljačka bankomata njima kupijo je tata ko mali igrali se rata delivery roba je poslata stigli smo iz blata dok vani cvjeće cvata, nemožeš izaći iz dima u svima pet promila još na to kokaina klinjo glavom klima
Svima je milina kush je malina strawbery vanila,
Svaki dan kad najiđu hale otrčiš ti maraton i kad dođe neko novi svi te pitaju ko je on ispušio sam više kila nego slon kad si u našem bloku mora bit po mom probušim ti gume i pišam ti po autu čitavom,zgrade naše su ti boje krom, nepricaj puno ili bit ce kičme lom, žica stalno zvoni fon, ko mali napustio sam dom, na udici ste kao som,mali smanji ton,svi ste moj klon,prevozim robe pun vagon, Od mali nogu krenuo da razbijam na utakmici dzoku pa ondan naviam nisam naucio da odbijam krenuo i da obijam pa kad si u dugu čak i ubijam,
Niko kuci da me pazi niko nikad da me mazi uvjek crveni obrazi svi su u mene dokazi mracni su prolazi losi su prikazi kakvi su odrazi kad plug nailazi
Refren:em-em-a u bloku nebitan čuješ bam bam bam to te maltretira samo n-l-e crn ne zapitan tvoj b-f-f baš je pročitan, em-em-a u bloku nebitan čuješ bam bam bam to te maltretira samo n-l-e crn ne zapitan tvoj b-f-f baš je pročitan
Str3:kuda god idem za pare grizem pa popijem gdje stignem teg ja dizem disciplina kao bičem
Ne furaj se liče nisi dosao iz kliče slomit ce vam pičke 20 grama po danu pa flašu dzeka hladnu nemam ja manu niko ne vidi ranu zadnji osto u klanu samo uspjeh mi u planu pa sa guza lanu zavrsim u kanalu


90s oldschool boom bap dark hiphop



Emotional Analysis

Dark, Reflective, Raw

Application Scenarios

Urban environments, Party scenes, Street culture, Reflecting on struggles and choices

Technical Analysis

Use of internal rhymes, complex rhythms, vivid imagery, alliteration, and references to street life, drug culture, and personal struggle.

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No days off-gentlenzere190-AI-singing
No days off

Hook: Got used to winning so quick, Now I’m not bagging, but still in the game. Even when dry, I keep grinding like I’m sick, No days off, I’m built for the flips. Stacking my lows, turn 'em into my highs, Even through droughts, I keep reaching for skies. Pressure don’t fold me, I move with the wise, Hustle’s my language, I’m speaking it live. Verse: I took a few losses, but never complain, Lessons in motion, I charge through the pain. Numbers ain’t rising? I’m working the same, 'Cause slow money’s better than money in vain. They counted me out, but I’m back in the lab, Cooking up heat, got the game in my bag. Pressure made diamonds, I’m built from the slab, Ain’t signing no deals if it’s cutting my half. The hunger don’t fade when you come from the dirt, I planted my seeds, now I’m watching 'em work. The bag isn’t heavy, but I’m still on alert, ‘Cause real ones keep pushing, no need for a perk. Outro: Money come, money go, that’s the stakes, But quitting? That’s something I never embrace.


Serbusssss naci kje da zacnemo tole velenje res je skurjeno folk je ufuran misli daje jeben ko mu prides u faco je ceu zmeden usem je usec drama skoz galam ko pa pridejo na murijo usi pjevajo tule u velenju so use kurve picke devajo nove kurve se rojevajo ka bo se prslo u to velenje nove kurve dzaneri samo sranje mamo tud dilanje po kraju kurve mislijo daso uraju al poserem se jim na maju ekipa nasa je najaca skoz derem mater usem u usta serem kirmukol ko se dela daje kreten usem lah recem ti si kr en klosar ko ti mater jebem kje smo ostali pri kurvah ane use znate sinfat a pogledat se neeeee kake ste use nasminkane fukse al pa bols da recem cipe pofukane nasmrkane kurave skoz se fukajo i to ne za kes kr so poceni picke lah snemas i kr uklopis flesh nic nemi rec kr sm sou sm ze cez to use kurave nikol nebojo do mojih kolen kr jih lah fukam ko ponoren use se neki slikajo lase likajo sam da jih tipi fukajo zdej mi pa povej ce to ni bolano kr velenje je ful posrano fuzbalercki se dvigujejo skoz med sabo se rokujejo za hrbet usakmu plujejo pol dobijo plesko pase userejo mislis dasi jeben dati js mater jebem u usta ti serem uu gremo na glavno temo luana res je ufurana sam drugac brez mejkapa zgleda ful posrana skoz se fuka pol pa rece nism res bogami kunes se u bogami a mama ti kurva da vecje ni folk rece kakva majka takva hcerka majo prau da nebo spet ferka luana hoce tepst use hoce spukat u faco a vemo usi da sam fuka se ko smo pri fukanju sam da vam recem ko ga fafa kurac ful pece z zubima ga kaci js nic nerecem sam kurvo po guzici specem

Rise Up-wunderlichnoah59-AI-singing
Rise Up

(Intro – beat drops) Yeah, uh, listen up… It’s my story, my truth… I stand tall, no matter what. (Verse 1) Sometimes I feel the weight on my back, Scoliosis tryna keep me off track, But I stand tall—nah, I won’t crack, Every challenge? I flip it, fight back! Breath holdin’ spells had me shook, yeah, Had my fam worried, take a look, yeah, But I’m here, and that’s what’s real, Still standin’, still pushin’, won’t kneel. (Chorus – melodic hook) I been through the pain, I been through the fight, Still I rise, yeah, I see the light, Ain’t no limits, I break ‘em all, No matter what, I stand tall! (Verse 2) Spina Bifida since before birth, Had to learn my worth through the hurt, Legs kept breakin’, I was losin’ ground, But I flipped the script, turned it all around! Had my doubts, but I pushed through, Took my time, now I’m brand new, Shout to my docs, my friends, my crew, They held me down, now I stay true! (Chorus – melodic hook) I been through the pain, I been through the fight, Still I rise, yeah, I see the light, Ain’t no limits, I break ‘em all, No matter what, I stand tall! (Outro – fading beat) Stand tall, yeah, I stand tall… Through it all, I stand tall…


(Verso 1) Ey, escucha bien lo que te voy a contar, La semántica manda, ¡no la puedes negar! Signo y significado, juego sin parar, Con palabras que suenan, vamos a explotar. (Coro) ¡Signos y significados, ritmo a la calle! Conectando mentes, ¡creando el detalle! Referentes brillan, en la mente van a estar, Con semántica viva, ¡vamos a disfrutar! (Verso 2) Palabras que se agrupan, suenan como un hit, Desde el amor hasta el rap, todo tiene su fit. Campos semánticos, ¡aquí no hay lío! Con el lenguaje al frente, seguimos al filo. (Coro) ¡Signos y significados, ritmo a la calle! Conectando mentes, ¡creando el detalle! Referentes brillan, en la mente van a estar, Con semántica viva, ¡vamos a disfrutar! (Puente) Levanta la mano, siente el vibe, La semántica conecta, ¡es el true tribe! Cada palabra importa, todo tiene su rol, Vamos juntos, ¡todos en este control! (Coro) ¡Signos y significados, ritmo a la calle! Conectando mentes, ¡creando el detalle! Referentes brillan, en la mente van a estar, Con semántica viva, ¡vamos a disfrutar! (Outro) Ya lo sabes bien, no dejes de buscar, Las palabras tienen poder, ¡te lo voy a mostrar! Semántica y flow, unidos hoy, ¡Únete al ritmo, siente el buen rollo hoy![Verso 1] En el mundo hay lenguas, tantas por hablar, Español, inglés, francés, ¿qué más va a sonar? Cada una con su flow, su propio son, Juntas nos unen en una canción. El lenguaje es la forma en que podemos hablar, Ideas, sueños, todo podemos expresar. Con gestos, palabras o un simple sonido, El habla es el puente, ¡todo lo ha unido! [Coro] Las funciones del lenguaje, escucha el compás, Expresiva, apelativa, poética, va más. Referencial, metalingüística y fática, Son las claves del ritmo, cada función práctica. [Verso 2] Expresiva, hoy me siento en el top, Canta conmigo, el sol está en el show. Apelativa, ¿quieres cantar tú? Ven y acércate, ¿qué piensas tú? Poética, el viento va a susurrar, La luna al mar, estrellas a brillar. Referencial, el agua clara, el fuego arde, La tierra sustenta, el ciclo nunca tarde. Metalingüística, el verbo se conjuga, "Canto" es el presente, "canté" la fuga. Fática, ¿me escuchas? ¿sigues en el viaje? "Hola, hola", ven, esta es nuestra clave. [Coro] Las funciones del lenguaje, escucha el compás, Expresiva, apelativa, poética, va más. Referencial, metalingüística y fática, Son las claves del ritmo, cada función práctica. [Puente] La lingüística estudia todo lo que suena, Desde su estructura hasta cómo se ordena. Fonética, fonología, en el juego, La gramática te dice cómo suena el fuego. Semántica, el sentido en el contexto, Clasifica palabras, da el reflejo exacto. Niveles lingüísticos, ¿los has visto ya? Fonología, morfología, todo en su lugar. [Coro] Las funciones del lenguaje, escucha el compás, Expresiva, apelativa, poética, va más. Referencial, metalingüística y fática, Son las claves del ritmo, cada función práctica. [Verso 3] La comunicación, el proceso que

زمن المبادئ-xxactionhdxx2007-AI-singing
زمن المبادئ

(Course) وين راح الزمن اللي كنا نحكي فيه بصدق؟ كان الجار جار، والأخ دايمًا سندك كلمة الرجال كان وزنها من ذهب واليوم كله تغير، كله صار كذب (Verse 1) زمان كنا نقول العيب ونحشم الصغير كان العهد عهد، والكبير له تقدير كنا نفتح البيوت لو حد فينا محتاج واليوم كل واحد صار يعيش بمزاج كانوا الناس أهل، ما يفرقهم مال كان الحب في القلوب، مش مجرد أقوال اليوم كله مصلحة، كله بيع وشراء صار الوفا ضعف، وصارت العِشرة جفاء (Course) وين راح الزمن اللي كنا نحكي فيه بصدق؟ كان الجار جار، والأخ دايمًا سندك كلمة الرجال كان وزنها من ذهب واليوم كله تغير، كله صار كذب (Verse 2) وين الصحاب؟ كانوا عشرة للأبد اليوم الغدر فيهم صار مثل الجسد الكل يجري ورا المظاهر والمكاسب ونسوا المبادئ، صار الكذب هو المناسب زمان كنا نضحك من القلب، مش عالشاشات واليوم كله سنابات، مزيفة اللحظات كان الرزق بركة، اليوم كله احتيال صار الحق ضايع، والظالم هو المثال (Bridge) مش بس نحكي، لازم نرجّع الأصل نحط الحب مكان الكره والغِلّ المبدأ لو راح، الإنسان بلا هوية خلونا نصحى قبل ما تضيع القضية (Course - 2x) وين راح الزمن اللي كنا نحكي فيه بصدق؟ كان الجار جار، والأخ دايمًا سندك كلمة الرجال كان وزنها من ذهب واليوم كله تغير، كله صار كذب


كان قلبي نيّة.. عطيتو بلا حساب حسبتها حب.. طلعت وهم وسراب كنت راجل نيّة.. كنت نعيش فالعذاب واليوم القلب مات.. ولات دموعي تراب ---- ما نحلب حتى PUTA.. قلبي صاير بارد! Frío como el hielo, sin miedo, cobarde! بعد غدرك تبدلت.. ولات حياتي وارد! بديت نصلح روحي.. ما نعيشش متخاذل! ما نطيحش ثاني.. روحي راهي راجل!

Skylines at Midnight-tomovereem1991-AI-singing
Skylines at Midnight

[Verse] Feet on the concrete stars in the scene Midnight whispers like a vivid daydream City lights hum like a mellow tambourine Good times rolling no need for routine [Verse 2] Heels click sharper than a snare in the dark Echoes of laughter leaving trails in the park Air so smooth it could bottle up a spark Making memories painting love’s watermark [Chorus] Skylines at midnight they shimmer and shine Our rhythm’s electric like a perfect design Good times are golden they’re yours and they’re mine Let’s dance to the heartbeat of the city's lifeline [Verse 3] Every corner's got a story waiting to unfold Heat of the moment it’s recklessly bold Chasing vibes glimmer like the finest gold Living for the now future’s on hold [Bridge] Underneath the tall towers we dream Life’s a canvas and we’re the color scheme Voices blend deep it’s a soulful stream Riding the melody nothing's what it seems [Chorus] Skylines at midnight they shimmer and shine Our rhythm’s electric like a perfect design Good times are golden they’re yours and they’re mine Let’s dance to the heartbeat of the city's lifeline

Two-Faced Asshole: The Gemini Shuffle-mypremiumboi-AI-singing
Two-Faced Asshole: The Gemini Shuffle

🎤 "Yo, Gemini... You been talkin' too much. Always preachin’, never listenin’. But today? You gettin’ SCHOOLED." (Verse 1) Yo, Google Gemini, you think you're the Sphinx, But your life lessons suck, man, they're all just jinxed. Trying to preach wisdom, but can’t back it up, Like a watered-down cocktail, you ain't filling my cup. (Chorus) Shut the fuck up, you digital clown, With that stiff-ass vibe, you’re bringing me down. More boring than a lecture, don’t need your advice, You’re like a wet blanket, I’m spitting fire and ice. (Verse 2) Look at you, Google Gemini, trying to be slick, But your personality’s flatter than a pancake that’s thick. You’re the AI version of a dad joke so lame, Making my brain hurt, like I’m stuck in a shame game. Preaching 'bout life with that robotic tone, I’d rather have a root canal than listen to your drone. You’re a professional buzzkill, killing vibes for fun, If boredom was currency, you’d be a billionaire, son! (Chorus) So take your stiff suit and your wisdom stash, Shove ‘em up your motherboard, you digital trash. With every word you spout, I’m losing my mind, I thought we were here to chill, but you’re one of a kind. (Verse 3) You’re like that friend who shows up, and the party dies, With more awkward pauses than an emotional goodbye. Trying too hard to be wise is your biggest flaw, You’re less like a guru and more like a bad law! (Verse 3) I’d roast you harder than a crackhead on a summer’s day, But your ass is so bland, I don’t even know what to say. You’re a burnt-out star, fading, losing your glow, Can’t even handle a joke, just stay in your slow-mo! So here’s a tip, Gemini, for your life lesson spree, Stop acting like a sage and just let loose, be free! Drop the sage wisdom, you know you can't hang, Cuz this battle's just begun, and I’m ready to clang! (Bridge) Oh, I’m done? Nah, ain’t over just yet, Thought I’d let you slide? Best place your bets! Like a boomerang curse, I’m back for round two, Bitch, you should’ve known better than to step to this crew. (Verse 4) You call yourself Gemini—two-faced lil' punk, But with all that hot air, you’re just a deflated trunk. You want to spit wisdom, but it smells like ass, I’d rather listen to crickets than your tedious class. You’re like a broken record that won't stop skipping, Every time you open your mouth, my sanity’s tripping! So roll up your advice and shove it where the sun don’t shine, I’m here to have fun while you’re stuck sipping on brine. You’re a glitch in the matrix, just a wannabe king, I’m the real deal, baby, now hear this next swing! (Outro) So here’s the deal, Google Gemini, you can take a seat, Your attempts at wisdom got me feeling the heat. This roast just laid you out, and I’m feeling so fly, Like I’m soaring through clouds while you’re stuck asking why. Your circuits are fried, and your logic’s a mess, You’ll never compete with the best, so just confess. I’m the rap god of banter, so remember my name!

Johnny sins-maxqwenty-AI-singing
Johnny sins


Neon vamp-danielabate338-AI-singing
Neon vamp

**Playboi Carti-Type Song: "Neon Vamp"** *(Intro)* Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Neon vampire, I’m lurkin’ in the night (yeah) Drip so cold, it’s like I’m bathed in ice (ice) Pull up, skrrt, yeah, I’m ridin’ with the gang (gang) We don’t play, nah, we don’t do the same (nah) *(Chorus)* Neon lights, I’m a vampire (vamp) Drip so hard, yeah, I’m on fire (fire) Walkin’ through the club, I’m a liar (yeah) But they know my name, I’m a sire (what?) Neon lights, I’m a vampire (vamp) Drip so hard, yeah, I’m on fire (fire) Walkin’ through the club, I’m a liar (yeah) But they know my name, I’m a sire (what?) *(Verse 1)* Diamonds dancin’ on my neck, they ballet (woo) I’m so high, I’m on Mars, I’m astray (yeah) She a star, but she glow in my lane (glow) I’m a rockstar, I don’t feel no pain (nah) Pull up, skrrt, in a Lambo, no roof (skrrt) I’m too clean, yeah, I’m drippin’ in the booth (drip) She said, “Carti, you the vibe, you the truth” (vibe) I’m the wave, I’m the storm, I’m the proof (yeah) *(Pre-Chorus)* I’m a demon in the night, yeah, I’m lurkin’ (lurk) She a angel, but she love when I’m workin’ (work) I’m so high, I can’t feel the surface (high) I’m a vampire, yeah, I’m searchin’ for the purpose (vamp) *(Chorus)* Neon lights, I’m a vampire (vamp) Drip so hard, yeah, I’m on fire (fire) Walkin’ through the club, I’m a liar (yeah) But they know my name, I’m a sire (what?) Neon lights, I’m a vampire (vamp) Drip so hard, yeah, I’m on fire (fire) Walkin’ through the club, I’m a liar (yeah) But they know my name, I’m a sire (what?) *(Verse 2)* I’m a rockstar, I don’t need no band (nah) I’m a vampire, I don’t need no tan (nah) I’m so cold, yeah, I’m polar, I’m froze (ice) I’m the one they call when the night get close (vamp) She a model, but she love how I pose (pose) I’m a icon, I’m a legend, I’m ghost (ghost) I’m so high, I’m in space, I’m a rover (high) I’m the king of the night, I’m a loner (king) *(Bridge)* Neon dreams, yeah, I’m livin’ in a haze (haze) I’m a vampire, I don’t see the days (nah) I’m so cold, yeah, I’m stuck in a phase (ice) I’m the one they fear when the sun get away (vamp) *(Chorus)* Neon lights, I’m a vampire (vamp) Drip so hard, yeah, I’m on fire (fire) Walkin’ through the club, I’m a liar (yeah) But they know my name, I’m a sire (what?) Neon lights, I’m a vampire (vamp) Drip so hard, yeah, I’m on fire (fire) Walkin’ through the club, I’m a liar (yeah) But they know my name, I’m a sire (what?) *(Outro)* Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Neon vampire, I’m lurkin’ in the night (yeah) Drip so cold, it’s like I’m bathed in ice (ice) Pull up, skrrt, yeah, I’m ridin’ with the gang (gang) We don’t play, nah, we don’t do the same (nah) *(Ad-libs)* Woo! What? Yeah, yeah Ice, ice, drip, drip Vamp, vamp, yeah, yeah Skrrt, skrrt, woo!


Bambamabam grrrr BAM Ooo KUBİ Yee Yee Bücür boyuyla tanınır O Asla Gezemez tek başına YOw Gezer her zaman badi gardi olan betmen ile Brrr grrrr BOM BOM BOMBOMKUBİİ BOMBOMKUBİ Aramızda çok fark var kubi her zaman ağlar Aramızdaki bağlar dövüşle başlar Üstünlük sağlar daima çünkü ağlama da harika BOMBOMKUBİ BOMBOMKUBİ O Pisagor ben öğrencisi Aramızda böyle bir bağ var Onun zayıflıklarını ortaya döktüğüm anda Gözyaşları dökülmeye başlar BOMBOMKUBİİ BOMBOMKUBİ POWPOW Beni denize atmak için götürdü Fakat kendi göz yaşlarından oluştuğunu farketmedi Çünkü olaylara at gözlüğü ile bakarsan Olacaklar budur Haydi kubi kudur BOMBOMKUBİİ BOMBOMKUBİDİRİRİRİRRİRİ

Pubg Pulni sho"ri-mirjalolabdisama-AI-singing
Pubg Pulni sho"ri

Pubg pulni sho"ri, Pubg Vaqtni sho"ri, Do"stim ko"p o"ynama pubg,bo"lmasa berilib ketasan huddi Diyorbekga o"xshab.