La Rifa Está Aquí

Song Created By @olanjose299 With AI Singing

음악 음성

La Rifa Está Aquí
created by olanjose299
La Rifa Está Aquí
created by olanjose299

음악 상세 정보

가사 텍스트

Ya llegó la rifa aquí en el barrio
Cámaras con micrófono de escenario
Cuatro canales para grabar el diario
El precio justo no te deja en el agravio
[Verse 2]
Incluye un disco duro muy sólido
Excelente calidad en todo lo nítido
No pierdas la chance de lo insólito
Por solo ochenta pesos es tan lógico
La rifa corre o te quedarás sin más
En vivo por Whatsapp todo se verá
Es ahora el momento ya lo sentirás
Ochenta pesos y la suerte llegará
[Verse 3]
Corre avisa a los amigos en la esquina
Que esto vuela rápido sin gasolina
La suerte toca a tu puerta imagina
Una cámara con calidad divina
No hay excusas ya lo sabes bien
Participa no te quedes al desdén
Esto es fácil no hay que ser rehén
Ochenta pesos sueña el Edén
La rifa corre o te quedarás sin más
En vivo por Whatsapp todo se verá
Es ahora el momento ya lo sentirás
Ochenta pesos y la suerte llegará

음악 스타일 설명

pop latino, bailable, disco, pegadizo

가사 언어


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke a sense of excitement and urgency, encouraging participation in the raffle. There is a playful and hopeful tone, suggesting that luck and opportunity are close at hand.

Application Scenarios

This song is suitable for social gatherings, parties, or events where raffles or contests are held. It can also serve as a promotional anthem for small local businesses organizing raffles to engage their community.

Technical Analysis

The lyrics incorporate a straightforward rhyme scheme and a repetitive chorus that makes it catchy and memorable. The mention of technology (cameras, recording) reflects modern themes, while the rhythmic flow suggests an upbeat tempo typical of danceable pop music.

관련 음악 더 많은 스타일의 음악

Настя и ник-musaevaaltysha-AI-singing
Настя и ник

Вот и мы, Настя и Ник, отправляемся в незабываемое путешествие на яхте в рамках сообщества орбита мир, в Нерикату с двадцать шестого апреля по третье мая. Кто мы такие? Мы – те, кто находит смысл в каждом шаге, в каждой волне и в каждом новом разговоре. Я, Настя Панова — основательница орбита, многодетная мама, уральская староверка ,философ, с дипломом искусствоведа и опытом работы на телевидении и в краудфандинге. Я прошла через многое, но всегда ищу пути для развития и осознания. А мой муж Ник — предприниматель, инвестор и мечтатель, человек, который приручил волну и создал The Wave — уникальный проект, где серфинг становится не просто спортом, а философией свободы. Вместе мы – не просто партнеры по жизни, мы команда, которая смогла построить более 10 проектов, воспитать 4 детей и 3 животных, создав большую, неповторимую семью. Нас ждут дискуссии о семейных инвестициях, лидерстве, творческом подходе в бизнесе и стратегии на будущее. Мы не будем давать готовых решений, мы будем честно делиться опытом, рассматривать возможные пути, а главное – задавать вопросы, на которые каждый из вас сможет ответить сам. Наши дискуссионные круглые столы на яхте — это место для откровенных бесед без лекций. Это пространство, где каждый может почувствовать себя в своей тарелке и узнать что-то новое. Мы обсудим: • Как наладить партнерские отношения в семье и бизнесе • Как строить доверие и уважение • Как нестандартное мышление помогает раскрывать новые возможности • Как найти баланс между физическим и ментальным состоянием • И, конечно же, как строить стратегию на следующий год! Не ждите, что все будет идеально — но ждите, что будет искренне, интересно и… немного весело. И да, мы точно будем ошибаться, но именно в этом и кроется наша сила — в умении учиться, ошибаться и снова двигаться вперед. Присоединяйтесь к нам на яхте. Пусть это будет не просто путешествие, а путешествие вглубь себя.

Andao andiha 4-Challanges-AI-singing
Andao andiha 4

[intro] [military tambour] [verse 1] [Malgache language] Andao handihy,antsika jiaby e! Fa fety androany,fa fety androany Avelao izy andeha,fa aza saroupiarou, ianao Fa fety androany,fa fety androany [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! [verse 2] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany, Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino fa fety androany Izay saropiaro fa manam-bady(moura moura ihany,moura moura ihany) Tandremo ny fihetsika mamohafady(ento moura ihany,ento moura ihany) Masounao mitoupy ary, vadinao mba mila fitia Indraindray toa tia tena ianao... tsy mazaka anefa manao [military tambour] [chorus] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino ny fijerinao Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino [outro] Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany Alamino fa fety androany, Aoka tsy hifamaly eo, iamsoun'olo ô!(efa aiko izany,efa aiko izany) Mody mitsiky fa avieou mamouno ô!(any ivelany any,any ivelany any) Zanakao jereo mitomany, vadinao mijaly aok'izany Fahasarotam-piaro avelao, etsy androany, andao hilalao. [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! Alamino fa fety no atao, Alamino ô! Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... [outro] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!

Andao andiha 4-Challanges-AI-singing
Andao andiha 4

[intro] [military tambour] [verse 1] [Malgache language] Andao handihy,antsika jiaby e! Fa fety androany,fa fety androany Avelao izy andeha,fa aza saroupiarou, ianao Fa fety androany,fa fety androany [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! [verse 2] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany, Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino fa fety androany Izay saropiaro fa manam-bady(moura moura ihany,moura moura ihany) Tandremo ny fihetsika mamohafady(ento moura ihany,ento moura ihany) Masounao mitoupy ary, vadinao mba mila fitia Indraindray toa tia tena ianao... tsy mazaka anefa manao [military tambour] [chorus] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino ny fijerinao Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino [outro] Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany Alamino fa fety androany, Aoka tsy hifamaly eo, iamsoun'olo ô!(efa aiko izany,efa aiko izany) Mody mitsiky fa avieou mamouno ô!(any ivelany any,any ivelany any) Zanakao jereo mitomany, vadinao mijaly aok'izany Fahasarotam-piaro avelao, etsy androany, andao hilalao. [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! Alamino fa fety no atao, Alamino ô! Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... [outro] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!

Andao andiha 4-Challanges-AI-singing
Andao andiha 4

[intro] [military tambour] [verse 1] [Malgache language] Andao handihy,antsika jiaby e! Fa fety androany,fa fety androany Avelao izy andeha,fa aza saroupiarou, ianao Fa fety androany,fa fety androany [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! [verse 2] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany, Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino fa fety androany Izay saropiaro fa manam-bady(moura moura ihany,moura moura ihany) Tandremo ny fihetsika mamohafady(ento moura ihany,ento moura ihany) Masounao mitoupy ary, vadinao mba mila fitia Indraindray toa tia tena ianao... tsy mazaka anefa manao [military tambour] [chorus] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino ny fijerinao Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino [outro] Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany Alamino fa fety androany, Aoka tsy hifamaly eo, iamsoun'olo ô!(efa aiko izany,efa aiko izany) Mody mitsiky fa avieou mamouno ô!(any ivelany any,any ivelany any) Zanakao jereo mitomany, vadinao mijaly aok'izany Fahasarotam-piaro avelao, etsy androany, andao hilalao. [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! Alamino fa fety no atao, Alamino ô! Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... [outro] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!

Better Than the Best-blakefromstatefarm32-AI-singing
Better Than the Best

[Verse] They see me shining they can’t ignore Rolling through life like I own the floor Eyes on the prize breaking down the door Mr bien’s the name they’re asking for [Verse 2] I don’t walk no I just glide Confidence dripping no place to hide Building my kingdom stride by stride Better than the best that’s certified [Chorus] Oh Mr bien flying high tonight Breaking all the rules chasing every light The fire’s alive nothing feels too far I’m better than the best that’s who we are [Verse 3] They try to catch up the race is on But I’ve already conquered every dawn Swagger so fresh like a brand-new song If they're level ten I’m level beyond [Bridge] Lights get brighter when I’m on the scene I wear ambition like it’s never been seen I’m more than a dream I’m a living machine Mr bien writing life with a fierce routine [Chorus] Oh Mr bien flying high tonight Breaking all the rules chasing every light The fire’s alive nothing feels too far I’m better than the best that’s who we are

Andao andiha 4-Challanges-AI-singing
Andao andiha 4

[intro] [military tambour] [verse 1] [Malgache language] Andao handihy,antsika jiaby e! Fa fety androany,fa fety androany Avelao izy andeha,fa aza saroupiarou, ianao Fa fety androany,fa fety androany [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! [verse 2] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany, Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino fa fety androany Izay saropiaro fa manam-bady(moura moura ihany,moura moura ihany) Tandremo ny fihetsika mamohafady(ento moura ihany,ento moura ihany) Masounao mitoupy ary, vadinao mba mila fitia Indraindray toa tia tena ianao... tsy mazaka anefa manao [military tambour] [chorus] Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino ny fijerinao Alamino ô! Alamino ô! Alamino [outro] Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Alamino ô! Alamino hietsika androany Alamino fa fety androany, Aoka tsy hifamaly eo, iamsoun'olo ô!(efa aiko izany,efa aiko izany) Mody mitsiky fa avieou mamouno ô!(any ivelany any,any ivelany any) Zanakao jereo mitomany, vadinao mijaly aok'izany Fahasarotam-piaro avelao, etsy androany, andao hilalao. [chorus] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou! Alamino fa fety no atao, Alamino ô! Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... Andao handihy,...... Ataovy hoe:...... [outro] Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe: ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!.... Ataovy hoe: ô! ô! ô! Asio hoe:ye! ye! Ampio hoe: an! an! an! Ou! Ou! Ou!

A love lost-phukincack-AI-singing
A love lost

Verse 1 ) I never knew love ‘til I saw it in your eyes, Felt it in your touch, heard it in your sighs. You let me in, let me call you mine, Gave me a world I thought I’d never find. You took my boys, held ‘em close like your own, Gave ‘em a mother where they had none. You were the shelter in a storm I couldn’t fight, The only damn thing ever felt so right. ( Chorus ) So pour me a drink, make it strong, make it burn, Drown out the echo of lessons unlearned. I should’ve been more, I should’ve been there, Told you the words when you needed me to care. But if ever you wonder, if ever you doubt, My heart’s still yours, babe, don’t shut me out. I’ll wait in the dark, I’ll wander alone, Till your light leads me back to the place we called home. ( Verse 2 ) I was your rock, but I crumbled instead, Couldn’t catch the words before they left unsaid. I see it now, too little, too late, Held all the love, but I left too much to fate. I wasn’t enough to pull you from the deep, To tell you the truth when you needed belief. I failed you, darlin’, I know that’s true, But I swear on my soul, I never stopped loving you. ( Chorus ) So pour me a drink, make it strong, make it burn, Drown out the echo of lessons unlearned. I should’ve been more, I should’ve been there, Told you the words when you needed me to care. But if ever you wonder, if ever you doubt, My heart’s still yours, babe, don’t shut me out. I’ll wait in the dark, I’ll wander alone, Till your light leads me back to the place we called home. ( Bridge ) Maybe one day, I’ll hold you again, Call you my love, call you my friend. Till that day, I’ll walk this road, Lost in the shadow of the love we wrote. ( Outro ) So here’s to you, the best I ever knew, To the love I lost, but never will lose. I’ll keep this heart wide open, just in case, Someday you find your way back to this place.

I'll Tell You Later-jamie.infusion-AI-singing
I'll Tell You Later

[Verse] I see the questions in your eyes Truth's a shadow I can't disguise The words are trembling on my tongue But not today the song's unsung [Verse 2] You reach for answers I can't spill Fighting silence takes all my will I'll hold it close deep like a vow I'll tell you later just not now [Chorus] Not now not here not in this place Not with the tears still on your face Love is heavy raw somehow I'll tell you later just not now [Bridge] The weight I carry's thick and cold A secret's fire hard to hold But timing's sharp like broken glass We'll get there soon this too shall pass [Verse 3] The air between us feels so thin The truth just pounding from within But hearts aren't ready don't allow I'll tell you later just not now [Verse 4] So take my hand don't walk away Believe when I say you'll hear one day The words unsaid they still will count When silence finds the courage's mount

A love lost-navarro.robert99-AI-singing
A love lost

Chorus ) So pour me a drink, make it strong, make it burn, Drown out the echo of lessons unlearned. I should’ve been more, I should’ve been there, Told you the words when you needed me to care. But if ever you wonder, if ever you doubt, My heart’s still yours, babe, don’t shut me out. I’ll wait in the dark, I’ll wander alone, Till your light leads me back to the place we called home. ( Verse 2 ) I was your rock, but I crumbled instead, Couldn’t catch the words before they left unsaid. I see it now, too little, too late, Held all the love, but I left too much to fate. I wasn’t enough to pull you from the deep, To tell you the truth when you needed belief. I failed you, darlin’, I know that’s true, But I swear on my soul, I never stopped loving you. ( Chorus ) So pour me a drink, make it strong, make it burn, Drown out the echo of lessons unlearned. I should’ve been more, I should’ve been there, Told you the words when you needed me to care. But if ever you wonder, if ever you doubt, My heart’s still yours, babe, don’t shut me out. I’ll wait in the dark, I’ll wander alone, Till your light leads me back to the place we called home. ( Bridge ) Maybe one day, I’ll hold you again, Call you my love, call you my friend. Till that day, I’ll walk this road, Lost in the shadow of the love we wrote. ( Outro ) So here’s to you, the best I ever knew, To the love I lost, but never will lose. I’ll keep this heart wide open, just in case, Someday you find your way back to this place.

te ne vai-lorenzog.consulente-AI-singing
te ne vai

Non te ne vai, non te ne vai, Mi rimani in testa come un guaio che non scordi mai. Non te ne vai, non te ne vai, Sto girando in tondo, ma tu resti sempre qua! Ti ho cancellata dai messaggi, Ma nel cervello c’hai un attico, baby. Ti ho messa in mute sulle storie, Ma il mio cuore fa il DJ, suona il tuo nome! Sembra un loop che non si ferma, Come un disco rotto nella testa, Ogni volta che chiudo gli occhi, Tu torni qui, non ho scampo! Boom boom, il cuore esplode, La tua voce è nel mio feed, Scorro giù, ma sei ovunque, Non mi lasci respirare! Non te ne vai, non te ne vai, Mi rimani in testa come un guaio che non scordi mai. Non te ne vai, non te ne vai, Sto girando in tondo, ma tu resti sempre qua! Hai cancellato le nostre foto, Ma lo sai che il karma ha un backup. Anche se provo a stare sotto, La tua ombra mi segue nel club. Parlo con un’altra, ma ti vedo lì, Sorriso killer, lo so che è un fake. Baby, giuro, l’ho capito: Non si scappa da un replay! Boom boom, il cuore esplode, La tua voce è nel mio feed, Scorro giù, ma sei ovunque, Non mi lasci respirare! Non te ne vai, non te ne vai, Mi rimani in testa come un guaio che non scordi mai. Non te ne vai, non te ne vai, Sto girando in tondo, ma tu resti sempre qua!


ياللي خذيت من اهتمامي مكانه وبالبال صرت من أولويات ذاتي لك في سويدا القلب عرش وكنانه غالي وشوفك في حياتي حياتي قلبي عطاك من الضمير استبانه عن واقعي وضح صريح امنياتي نت الحبيب اللي يصون الامانه جمعت بالحب العفيف الشتاتى غلاك له وسط الضماير حصانه واضفي عليه من المحبه عباتي من كثر حبي لك فقدت الرزانه وانا الثقيل اللي تلاشى ثباتي بعدك عن الخافق سبايب اجنانه أسج ابك حتى وانا في صلاتي حبك خذاني بالشغف عنفوانه عن حب غيرك صار حبك غناتي على الشرف حبك نزيهاً كيانه مثل الندى على زهور النباتي اخذت حبك فرض مدري ميانه واللي تبى بالحب تامر وياتي تفرق على غيرك بثقل وتكانه حتى جمالك غير بالمترفاتي عندي وبعيوني بهالكون دانه مالك شبيهن بالوصايف بتاتي عن ما يكل البال فضف سكاتي القلب سجن البوح إلا فات أوانه والاصدقاء في خلوتي ذكرياتي

Juegos y Libros-enmanuelnovoa1903-AI-singing
Juegos y Libros

[Verse] Risas que corren en el patio gris Pies descalzos saltando sin fin El cielo azul guarda su verdad Mientras el timbre marca el final [Verse 2] Un balón vuela en su esplendor Manos pequeñas llenas de color Gritos alegres llenan el lugar Pero el reloj los va a llamar [Chorus] Corre juega deja el mundo atrás Pero pronto todo cambiará Libros abiertos sueños por lograr La campana suena hay que estudiar [Verse 3] Lápices ruedan en un papel Forman castillos un mundo tan fiel La pizarra canta lecciones sin fin Y ellos aprenden a construir su jardín [Bridge] Del patio al aula un cambio sutil De cuentos a fórmulas aquí bajo el til Lección tras lección se empieza a tejer Un futuro brillante que quieren ver [Chorus] Corre juega deja el mundo atrás Pero pronto todo cambiará Libros abiertos sueños por lograr La campana suena hay que estudiar