hathi school

Song Created By @Entra With AI Singing


hathi school
created by Entra
hathi school
created by Entra



हाथी चला स्कूल, हाथी चला स्कूल,
बस्ता टाँग, लगा वो कूल।
मस्ती में सूँड़ हिलाता आया,
बच्चों ने हँसकर शोर मचाया!
टीचर जीराफ, लंबी थी गर्दन,
बोले - "बैठो, ध्यान से पढ़ना।"
बंदर मास्टर, फुर्ती में तेज,
उछल-कूद में सबसे थे बेफिक्र!
"ए, बी, सी" बंदर ने गाई,
हाथी ने सूँड़ से ताली बजाय।
गिनती सिखाने जीराफ आए,
ऊपर से बोर्ड पर लिख दिखाए।
बच्चों ने निकाली चिप्स और केक,
हाथी बोला – "मुझे घास ही ठीक!"
बंदर उछला, चुरा ली रोटी,
जीराफ बोले – "रुको, ये क्या होती?"
सबने मिलकर खाना खाया,
मस्ती में स्कूल का दिन बिताया।
लंगड़ी टांग में बंदर उछले,
हाथी के पाँव से सब थे डरे।
जिराफ ने बोला, "आओ पकड़ो!"
बंदर ने चिल्लाया, "अब तो दौड़ो!"
घंटी बजी, सबने बैग उठाया,
बंदर उछलकर ऊपर चढ़ाया।
हाथी ने सूँड़ से बाय-बाय किया,
"कल फिर आएँगे!" सबने कहा।
🎶 चलो-चलो, स्कूल चलो,
हाथी, बंदर, जिराफ संग हँसो! 🎶


jingle bells, female voice, kids simple tone nursery rhyme,



Emotional Analysis

joyful and playful

Application Scenarios

suitable for children's educational settings, classroom activities, or home sing-alongs

Technical Analysis

simple melodic structure, repetitive and catchy phrases, suitable for young children's memory retention and engagement.

関連する音楽 さらに多様な音楽

Gaay dudh-Entra-AI-singing
Gaay dudh

हरा-भरा जंगल था एक प्यारा, जहाँ था खरगोश, नन्हा सा न्यारा। फुर्ती से कूदे, दौड़े तेज, झाड़ियों में छुप जाए सहज! बंदर भी था वहीं उछलता, डाली-डाली मस्त मचलता। लंबी पूंछ, आँखें चमकती, पेड़ से झूले, मस्ती में मचती। खेल-खेल में मिले दोनों खरगोश बोला – "आओ दौड़े!" बंदर बोला – "नहीं मैं झूलू!" दोनों हंसे और लगे भूलू-भूलू! खरगोश को गाजर भा गई, बंदर को मीठी केला आई। "आधा तेरा, आधा मेरा!" बात पक्की, दोस्ती गहरी! सूरज निकला, सुबह-सुबह दोनों भागे झरने के पास। खरगोश ने छलांग लगाई, बंदर ने मुँह धो लिया हँस के खास। बंदर पेड़ों पर चढ़ने लगा, खरगोश घास में छुपने लगा। फिर दोनों ने मस्ती करी, जंगल की सैर बड़ी प्यारी रही! चाँद निकला, हुआ अंधेरा थक कर बैठे एक ही डेरे। बंदर बोला – "अब तो सोएं?" खरगोश बोला – "खेलें और खोएं!" तभी आई मीठी नींद, दोनों सोए पास-पास। सपनों में भी खेल रहे थे, दोनों प्यारे खास-खास! दोस्ती का ये प्यारा किस्सा, सुन लो बच्चो, सीख लो हिस्सा! मिलकर खेलें, मिलकर खाएं, कभी न आपस में लड़ जाएं!

OONA AUR AANA-jeems820-AI-singing

Oonaaa or aana na na na Oonaaaa or aana na na na Khelna aur khilana Hasna hai aur hasana Roz aagay barhtay jana Oonaaa or aana na na na Oonaaaa or aana na na na Seekhna aur sikhana Samajhna aur samjhaana Har mushkil ko aasan banana Oonaaa or aana na na na Oonaaaa or aana na na na Dosti ka geet gana Pyar se sab ka dil jeetna Aasman ko chhoo te jana Oonaaa or aana na na na Oonaaaa or aana na na na Har roz nayi baat seekhna Aage aage barhtay rehna Roz aagay barhtay jana Oonaaa or aana na na na Oonaaaa or aana na na na

rabbit y-Entra-AI-singing
rabbit y

Rabbit hopped—boing, boing, boing! Monkey danced and started to swing. Little Pig rolled in the soft, warm hay, While children laughed and ran all day! "Let’s play a game!" the rabbit said, "Follow me—jump, skip, and spread!" The kids all hopped, the pig went "Oink!" Monkey clapped and gave a wink. Round and round, they danced so free, Under the shade of a big oak tree. The sun went down, the stars shone bright, And all lay down to say goodnight.

Gaay dudh-Entra-AI-singing
Gaay dudh

मेरी गया दूध पिलाती है, बछड़ा उसको प्यार से खाता है! 🐄💕 शेरू कूदे, पूँछ हिलाए, 🐶 संग में सबको खूब हंसाए! 😄🎶 🎵 बछड़ा बोले मम्मा-मम्मा, दौड़-दौड़ कर जाए गंगा! 🌊 शेरू भागे, खेल रचाए, गया के संग वो झूमें गाए! 🎶🐕 🎵 सूरज निकले, चमके धरती, ☀️ खेतों में खुशबू भरती! 🌾 गया, बछड़ा, शेरू प्यारे, संग में खेलें न्यारे-न्यारे! 🥰🎶 🎵 दूध पिएं सब, मस्त बनें, शेरू भी हड्डी संग चले! 🦴🐕 प्यार से रहो, साथ निभाओ, हंसी-खुशी जीवन बिताओ! 🎶❤️ 🎤 बच्चों, अब आप भी गाओ और मस्ती से झूमो

Circuits of Life-galdonezsamuel84-AI-singing
Circuits of Life

[Chorus] Series circuit single pathway's call Current's the same through one and all Voltage divides resistance you see The sum of the parts that's what it's gotta be [Bridge] Parallel circuit paths spread wide Voltage stays equal side by side Current divides in this electric dance Each branch gets its chance [Verse] Wire connections spark a thrill Flow of electrons never still In this game of charge they play Finding their route both night and day [Chorus] Series circuit single pathway's call Current's the same through one and all Voltage divides resistance you see The sum of the parts that's what it's gotta be [Verse 2] In the maze of chips and boards Signal finds a path and roars In a loop through every lane Pulsing life in circuits’ vein [Bridge] Parallel circuit paths spread wide Voltage stays equal side by side Current divides in this electric dance Each branch gets its chance


Expositivo Exponga los 4 periodos críticos de entrenamiento. Alimentación: disminuye la sensación de hambre. Como resultado, el bebé aprende a repetir las señales que hace antes de ser alimentado. Control de esfínteres: El niño aprende a ir al baño. Si se le exige demasiado pronto, puede generar ansiedad, culpa o evitar a los padres por miedo al castigo. Es mejor esperar hasta que pueda comunicarse bien para hacerlo sin estrés. Entrenamiento sexual temprano: los niños se exploran sexualmente mediante la masturbación y reciben castigos por esa conducta, generando ansiedad y culpa. Es mejor presentar una actitud comprensiva y permisiva para evitar estos conflictos. Manejo del enojo-ansiedad: Los niños enfrentan frustraciones y al expresarlas suelen ser castigados, generando ansiedad y enojo. Se les debe enseñar autocontrol sin reprimir sus expresiones. Exponga una teoría vista en clase, mínimo 10 líneas. Skinner: La teoría del conductismo operante de B.F. Skinner se centra en cómo el comportamiento es moldeado por las consecuencias ambientales. Skinner rechazó la idea de que los pensamientos o emociones causan la conducta, argumentando que esta es determinada por refuerzos y castigos. Propuso que las acciones seguidas de consecuencias positivas (refuerzo) tienden a repetirse, mientras que las seguidas de consecuencias negativas (castigo) se reducen. Skinner diferenció entre refuerzo positivo (añadir algo agradable) y refuerzo negativo (eliminar algo desagradable), y destacó que el castigo, aunque reduce conductas, puede generar efectos secundarios no deseados. También introdujo conceptos como extinción (cuando una conducta deja de ser reforzada), moldeamiento (reforzar aproximaciones sucesivas a una conducta deseada) y programas de reforzamiento (continuo o intermitente), que influyen en la persistencia del aprendizaje. Su enfoque radical sostiene que las diferencias individuales surgen de historias de reforzamiento únicas, y que el ambiente es clave para predecir y controlar el comportamiento. Staats: Arthur W. Staats, en su conductismo psicológico, explica la personalidad a través del comportamiento observable y medible. Propone que esta se compone de Repertorios Conductuales Básicos (RCB): lenguaje-cognitivo, emocional-motivacional y sensomotor, aprendidos a lo largo de la vida. Destaca el papel del reforzamiento y técnicas como la economía de fichas (recompensar conductas positivas) y el tiempo fuera (eliminar refuerzos para conductas negativas). Las emociones influyen en el mantenimiento o cambio de conducta según sean agradables o desagradables. Staats enfatiza que el aprendizaje moldea la biología, afectando procesos hormonales y neurológicos, y que la adaptación humana depende de la interacción entre la experiencia y el entorno, superando el debate naturaleza vs. crianza.

ABC Song-umerfarooq161-AI-singing
ABC Song

Create a children’s ABC learning song in the style of the ABC Phonics Song (soft, engaging, and repetitive). The song should feature both a boy and a girl singing with clear pronunciation to help kids learn letters and words. The melody should be simple, playful, and catchy.A for Apple, aa aa aa aa Apple B for Banana, bba bba bba bba Banana C for Cat, cc cc cc cc Cat D for Dog, dd dd dd dd Dog E for Elephant, ee ee ee ee Elephant F for Fish, ff ff ff ff Fish G for Goat, gg gg gg gg Goat H for Hen, hh hh hh hh Hen I for Insect, ii ii ii ii Insect J for Jellyfish, jj jj jj jj Jellyfish K for King, kk kk kk kk King L for Lion, ll ll ll ll Lion M for Monkey, mm mm mm mm Monkey N for Nest, nn nn nn nn Nest O for Orange, oo oo oo oo Orange P for Parrot, pp pp pp pp Parrot Q for Queen, qq qq qq qq Queen R for Rabbit, rr rr rr rr Rabbit S for Sun, ss ss ss ss Sun T for Tiger, tt tt tt tt Tiger U for Umbrella, uu uu uu uu Umbrella V for Van, vv vv vv vv Van W for Watermelon, ww ww ww ww Watermelon X for Xylophone, xx xx xx xx Xylophone Y for Yak, yy yy yy yy Yak Z for Zebra, zz zz zz zz Zebra Additional Instructions: Vocals: Soft and polite, child-friendly, sung by both a boy and a girl. Melody: Simple, repetitive, and engaging. Purpose: Help kids learn letters and words through phonics and visuals.

Wild animals 1-grahamtt583-AI-singing
Wild animals 1

🎵 ABC Wild Animal Song 🎵 (Verse 1) A is for Armadillo, rolling up tight, B is for Bear, roaming day and night. C is for Camel, with humps on its back, D is for Dingo, on an Outback track. (Verse 2) E is for Elephant, so big and grand, F is for Fox, quick across the land. G is for Giraffe, reaching up so high, H is for Hippopotamus, splashing by. (Verse 3) I is for Impala, leaping so fast, J is for Jaguar, running past. K is for Koala, in a tree so tall, L is for Lion, king of them all. (Chorus) Wild and free, from A to Z, So many animals for us to see! Come along and sing with me, Learning letters happily! (Verse 4) M is for Monkey, swinging around, N is for Nile Crocodile, close to the ground. O is for Orangutan, climbing up high, P is for Panda, munching nearby. 🎶(Verse 5) Q is so quiet, let’s move right on, R is for Rhinoceros, heavy and strong! S is for Squirrel, quick and small, T is for Turtle, not fast at all. (Verse 6) U is for Urial, with horns curled tight, V is for Vicuna, fluffy and light. W is for Wolf, howling at night, X (extra fun!) – let’s hold on tight! (Verse 7) Y is for Yak, in the mountains so cold, Z is for Zebro, striped and bold! Now we’ve sung from A to Z, Wild animals for you and me! 🎶

Jolly phonic song-hamzausertts-AI-singing
Jolly phonic song

Aaa Ants are on my arm, a-a-a Ants are on my arm, a-a-a Ants are on my arm, a-a-a They’re tickling me, a-a-a Bbb Bouncing ball goes b-b-b Bouncing ball goes b-b-b Up and down and up and down Bouncing ball goes b-b-b Ccc Cats and kittens go c-c-c Cats and kittens go c-c-c Listen to their claws go click Cats and kittens go c-c-c Ddd Drums go d-d-d, d-d-d Drums go d-d-d, d-d-d Listen to the drummer play Drums go d-d-d, d-d-d Eee The egg cracks open, e-e-e The egg cracks open, e-e-e Out comes a chick so sweet The egg cracks open, e-e-e Fff Fish swim fast, f-f-f Fish swim fast, f-f-f See them swimming in the sea Fish swim fast, f-f-f Ggg Goats say g-g-g, g-g-g Goats say g-g-g, g-g-g Looking for some grass to chew Goats say g-g-g, g-g-g Hhh The wind blows hard, h-h-h The wind blows hard, h-h-h Hold on tight to your hat The wind blows hard, h-h-h Iii Ice cream melts so sticky, i-i-i Ice cream melts so sticky, i-i-i Eat it fast before it drips Ice cream melts so sticky, i-i-i Jjj Jelly wobbles, j-j-j Jelly wobbles, j-j-j Shake and jiggle side to side Jelly wobbles, j-j-j Kkk A flying kite goes k-k-k A flying kite goes k-k-k Up so high above the trees A flying kite goes k-k-k Lll Licking lollipops, l-l-l Licking lollipops, l-l-l So sweet and yummy to eat Licking lollipops, l-l-l Mmm Munching mangoes, m-m-m Munching mangoes, m-m-m Juicy, tasty, and so sweet Munching mangoes, m-m-m Nnn A noisy airplane goes n-n-n A noisy airplane goes n-n-n Flying high above the clouds A noisy airplane goes n-n-n Ooo A round orange goes o-o-o A round orange goes o-o-o Rolling round across the floor A round orange goes o-o-o Ppp Popping popcorn, p-p-p Popping popcorn, p-p-p Hear it popping, see it jump Popping popcorn, p-p-p Qqq A quiet quail says q-q-q A quiet quail says q-q-q Hiding behind the green, green bush A quiet quail says q-q-q Rrr A car goes rrrr, rrrr, rrrr A car goes rrrr, rrrr, rrrr Listen to the engine roar A car goes rrrr, rrrr, rrrr Sss A snake goes ssss, ssss, ssss A snake goes ssss, ssss, ssss Slithering through the grass A snake goes ssss, ssss, ssss Ttt Tick-tock, tick-tock, t-t-t Tick-tock, tick-tock, t-t-t The clock is ticking, t-t-t Tick-tock, tick-tock, t-t-t Uuu Open umbrella, u-u-u Open umbrella, u-u-u Rain is falling down so fast Open umbrella, u-u-u Vvv Violins play v-v-v Violins play v-v-v Music flowing through the air Violins play v-v-v Www Waves go w-w-w Waves go w-w-w Crashing loudly on the shore Waves go w-w-w Xxx A xylophone plays x-x-x A xylophone plays x-x-x Hear the notes go up and down A xylophone plays x-x-x Yyy Yummy yogurt, y-y-y Yummy yogurt, y-y-y So creamy, cold, and smooth Yummy yogurt, y-y-y Zzz A zebra runs, z-z-z A zebra runs, z-z-z Galloping fast across the land A zebra runs, z-z-z

ABC Dogs-esterforyou97-AI-singing
ABC Dogs

ABC Dog Song 🐾 (Verse 1 – A to G) A is for Akita, fluffy and bold, B is for Beagle, a nose full of gold! C is for Corgi, with little short legs, D is for Dalmatian, with spots like eggs! E is for English Bulldog, wrinkly and sweet, F is for Frenchie, with ears so neat! G is for Golden Retriever, so kind, The best furry friend you can find! 🎶 (Chorus) A-B-C, sing along with me, So many dogs, which one do you see? Big ones, small ones, fluffy too, A perfect pup just right for you! (Verse 2 – H to N) H is for Husky, with eyes so bright, I is for Irish Setter, red and light! J is for Jack Russell, jumping so high, K is for King Charles Spaniel, so shy. L is for Labrador, loves to play, M is for Maltese, white all day! N is for Newfoundland, big and strong, Swimming and saving all day long! 🎶 (Chorus – Repeat) A-B-C, sing along with me, So many dogs, which one do you see? Big ones, small ones, fluffy too, A perfect pup just right for you! (Verse 3 – O to Z) O is for Old English Sheepdog, so fluffy, P is for Poodle, fancy and puffy! Q is for Queensland Heeler, smart and fast, R is for Rottweiler, built to last. S is for Shih Tzu, tiny and sweet, T is for Terrier, strong on its feet. U is for Utonagan, wolf-like and cool, Loves the snow and stays real cool! (Final Verse – V to Z & Ending) V is for Vizsla, running so free, W is for Weimaraner, silver to see! X is for Xolo, no fur, just skin, Y is for Yorkie, tiny and thin! Z is for Zuchon, fluffy and sweet, That’s our ABCs—wasn’t that neat? 🎶 (Final Chorus – Big Finish!) A-B-C, now we know, So many dogs from head to toe! Fluffy, bouncy, big or small, We love our dogs—we love them all!

Breath of Life-boxless3131-AI-singing
Breath of Life

[Verse] Our lungs they take the air in Oxygen flows within Through trachea to bronchi In alveoli it begins [Verse 2] We breathe in deep and strong Into capillaries it belongs Red blood cells catch the ride And oxygen spreads inside [Chorus] This is the breath of life In and out with all our might Carbon dioxide's out of sight Breathing day and night [Verse 3] Diaphragm moves we feel free Expanding chest with glee Exchange of gases so prime A marvel every time [Bridge] We're living cells and tissues Airways solve our issues It's science yet so grand Breathing’s our life's grandstand [Verse 4] Now you know the story Of lungs in all their glory From nasal cavity to larynx Breathing feels like a phoenix