Di Tengah Yang Lemah

Song Created By @Zabaniah With AI Singing

Audio musical

Di Tengah Yang Lemah
created by Zabaniah
Di Tengah Yang Lemah
created by Zabaniah

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción

[Verse 1]
Undang-undang bilang, yang miskin harus dipelihara,
Tapi dua puluh enam juta hidup sengsara.
Menuntut Rezim bertanggung jawab,
Rakyat malah dijadikan kambing hitam!
Untuk apa rakyat dibebani segudang macam pajak?
Yang jumlahnya lebih parah dari yang diberlakukan kompeni?
Untuk apa bayar pajak bangun jembatan dan jalan,
Jika kemiskinan terus membayangi kehidupan ini?
Di mana logika kalian, kawan?
Kenapa tak bereskan akar masalah ini?
Oligarki menguasai negeri yang terpuruk kini.
Satu persen elit menguasai separuh tanah negeri ini,
Di mana otak kalian?! Apa terbenam dalam dusta yang abadi?!
Mereka parasit, kanker negeri yang menjalar!
Penyebab kesenjangan dan kemiskinan yang membara!
Di manakah para pahlawan Nusantara?
Yang dulu mengusir kompeni nippon,
Dan sipit mo-ngol yang menghalang?!
Basmi parasit ini, kembalikan hak rakyat yang sejati!
Kenapa tak berani atasi akar masalah yang ada?
Kalau takut pada maut ular? Bunuhlah sang ular iblis!
Bukan yang tak bersalah jadi korban tebusan! Otak dimana?!
اُطْلُبُوا الرِّزْقَ فِي ضَعَفَائِكُمْ!
فَإِنَّمَا تُرْزَقُونَ!
[Verse 2]
Mereka bilang miskin karena malas dan bodoh,
Stigma yang terus mereka tebarkan, hanya generalisasi.
Banyak yang miskin banting tulang demi keluarga,
Sementara majikan mereka hedon mabok korupsi dan lupa daratan.
Bangunan megah, sumber daya melimpah,
Media dan bank dikuasai dengan cara yang salah.
Fasilitas umum, telekomunikasi menghilang,
Dikuasai segelintir, rakyat tak berkekalan!
[Verse 3]
Nikah muda dibilang bikin miskin,
Tapi buktinya mereka jomblo tua tetap saja miskin.
Bukan harta yang dicari,
Tapi dosa yang harus dihindari, kawan.
Mereka punya ide gila, si miskin tak layak punya anak,
Hanya mewariskan kemiskinan, katanya.
Padahal oligarki majikan mereka yang jadi penyebab,
Yang buat rakyat sulit hidup sejahtera.
[Bridge (Rap)]
Anak-anak goblin oligarki,
Tak berani bahas akar masalah,
Hanya mengalihkan perhatian dengan isu remeh,
Nikah mapan dan orang miskin tak layak beranak, untuk cari aman!
Nikah patokan mapan? Istrimu pasti pergi saat kau jatuh.
Ingat, kau bukan anak konglomerat, kawan,
Dunia berputar, kadang di atas, kadang terjerembab.
Survei membuktikan, di zaman junjungan,
Kelas menengah rentan jatuh miskin,
Mungkin kau berikutnya!
Jadi tak usah menghina tanpa rasa empati,
Budaya materialistis mencuci otakmu!
Orang matre gampang disuap,
Tapi yang idealis tak bisa dibeli!
Jika larangan punya anak jadi solusi,
Kenapa parasit oligarki yang lebih dulu dihabisi?
Mereka yang menyedot bumi, menguras tanpa henti,
Habiskan jatah rakyat, lupa diri?!
Sadarlah, propaganda nikah mapan, elge-bete dan childfree,
Hanya trik menekan populasi kita,
Agar kita terhapus diganti asing dan a-seeeng!
Basmi oligarki sampai ke akar-akarnya,
Rebut kembali negeri ini!
Bukan dari golonganku
Yang tak peduli
Pada yang lemah
Dan miskin!

Descripción del estilo musical

nu metal with distored guitars,orchestra, electronic element,ney/riq,oud.intense maqam chorus. Catchy arabic melody

Idioma de la letra

Indonesian and Arabic

Emotional Analysis

The song conveys a strong sense of frustration, anger, and urgency regarding societal issues. There is an underlying plea for empathy and action from the listeners, especially towards the marginalized and underserved communities.

Application Scenarios

This song can be applied in socio-political contexts where discussions on poverty, social inequality, and systemic corruption are prevalent. It could be used in protests, awareness campaigns, and discussions around governance and social justice.

Technical Analysis

The song employs a blend of nu metal instrumentation characterized by distorted guitars and orchestral elements to create a powerful and intense sound. The incorporation of traditional Middle Eastern instruments such as the ney, riq, and oud, along with an intense maqam chorus, adds a unique texture and cultural depth to the music. The use of rap in the bridge creates a dynamic contrast with the verses, enhancing the urgency of the message.

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ChatGPT You said: Hey can you write a rap with a combination or Hindi, English or Punjabi language ChatGPT said: Sure! Here’s a rap combining Hindi, English, and Punjabi with a smooth flow and swag. (Verse 1) शुरू से hustle, no cap in my grind, Khud likhi kismat, I don’t rewind. Street smart moves, I define my way, Night to the morning, I don’t delay. (Chorus) यो, चल मेरे नाल, कर तू vibe feel, सपने बड़े मेरे, got that fire, real deal. ਮੈਂ ਹੂਂ street ਦਾ player, no fear, no chill, काम इतना hard, देखे दुनिया मेरी skill. (Verse 2) Zindagi race, but I stay in my lane, Haters keep talking, but I don’t entertain. दिल में आग, जेब में hustle, ਬੰਦੂਕ ਨਹੀਂ, ਇਹ talent ਦਾ muscle। (Bridge) Desi swag, पर सोच मेरी global, Mind so sharp, like a weapon, so noble. ਘੱਟ ਬੋਲਦੇ ਆਂ, but moves speak loud, No shortcuts, just making my crowd. (Outro) Yo, ये मेरी journey, मैं खुद ही बनाऊँ, मंज़िल करीब, बस और ना रुकूँ। ਰਾਤਾਂ ਲੰਮੀਆਂ, but dreams so high, From streets to the stars, I was born to fly! This has a mix of motivation, street hustle, and swag. Let me know if you want me to tweak the style! You said: I want Punjabi words written in English ChatGPT said: Got it! Here's the rap with Punjabi words written in English: (Verse 1) Shuru se hustle, no cap in my grind, Khud likhi kismat, I don’t rewind. Street smart moves, I define my way, Night to the morning, I don’t delay. (Chorus) Yo, chal mere naal, kar tu vibe feel, Sapne bade mere, got that fire, real deal. Main hoon street da player, no fear, no chill, Kaam itna hard, dekhe duniya meri skill. (Verse 2) Zindagi race, but I stay in my lane, Haters keep talking, but I don’t entertain. Dil vich agg, jeb vich hustle, Bandook nahi, eh talent da muscle. (Bridge) Desi swag, par soch meri global, Mind so sharp, like a weapon, so noble. Ghat bolde aan, but moves speak loud, No shortcuts, just making my crowd. (Outro) Yo, eh meri journey, main khud hi banaun, Manzil kareeb, bas hor na rukaan. Raataan lammiyan, but dreams so high, From streets to the stars, I was born to fly!

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Glass Empire

(Verse 1 – Soft, melancholic, the weight of past scars in every word) She stands where shadows kiss the throne, A queen of whispers, but still alone. Every smile—a blade concealed, Every promise left unhealed. (Pre-Chorus – A quiet ache, doubt creeping in like a storm on the horizon) Built this kingdom just to watch it break, A glass empire, built on my mistakes. (Chorus – A desperate cry, the weight of sacrifice, drums pounding like a heartbeat) Are we just ghosts wrapped in gold? Trapped in stories left untold? Did I fight just to be caged? Did I win or walk away? I’ve worn the crown, I’ve played the part, But nothing fills this hollow heart. (Verse 2 – Bitterness creeping in, defiance laced with pain) They called me savior, called me strong, But never asked what it had cost. Every scar, every fight, Another piece of me lost to the night. (Pre-Chorus – A slow unraveling, the truth bleeding through) Built this kingdom just to watch it break, A glass empire, built on my mistakes. (Chorus – Louder, crashing like waves, the weight of it all pushing back) Are we just ghosts wrapped in gold? Trapped in stories left untold? Did I fight just to be caged? Did I win or walk away? I’ve worn the crown, I’ve played the part, But nothing fills this hollow heart. (Bridge – Stripped raw, quiet before the storm, a whisper of truth) If I scream, will someone hear? Or will my voice just disappear? Tell me, was it worth the fight? Or was I just a sacrifice? (Final Chorus – A desperate crescendo, breaking free or breaking apart?) Are we just ghosts wrapped in gold? Trapped in stories left untold? Did I fight just to be caged? Did I win or walk away? I’ve worn the crown, I’ve played the part, But nothing fills this hollow heart. (Outro – A quiet resignation, the weight still lingers) Nothing fills this hollow heart…


(Verse 1) Caught in a moment, you walked in, Heart skipped a beat, where do I begin? With your laughter ringing like a sweet melody, Every glance feels like a symphony. (Pre-Chorus) The way your smile lights up the darkest night, Can"t help but wonder if you see me right. In this crowded room, you"re the only tune, Lost in a daydream, I’m over the moon. (Chorus) Daydreams of you, dancing in my head, Thoughts like fireworks, filling me with red. Every little word that you say, Plays on repeat, won"t fade away. You"re the song that I can"t unhear, Shouting out loud, I wish you were here. (Verse 2) Stolen glances when you pass me by, My heart"s like a garden, and you"re the high tide. Kicking up feelings like the summer breeze, With each gentle touch, you bring me to my knees. (Pre-Chorus) The way your eyes sparkle under the lights, Each hopeful heartbeat ignites my nights. In this crowded world, you"re my favorite sound, Let’s write this love song, let our hearts astound. (Chorus) Daydreams of you, dancing in my head, Thoughts like fireworks, filling me with red. Every little word that you say, Plays on repeat, won"t fade away. You"re the song that I can"t unhear, Shouting out loud, I wish you were here. (Bridge) So let’s take a chance, let’s go out tonight, With the stars above, everything feels right. Maybe you"ll see, it’s just you and me, Writing our story, in perfect harmony. (Chorus) Daydreams of you, dancing in my head, Thoughts like fireworks, filling me with red. Every little word that you say, Plays on repeat, won"t fade away. You"re the song that I can"t unhear, Shouting out loud, I wish you were here. (Outro) Yeah, daydreams of you, they linger on, In this heart of mine, you’re my favorite song. With every heartbeat, this love’s come alive, Just say you feel it too, and we’ll forever thrive.