
Song Created By @Nina With AI Singing

Audio musical

created by Nina
created by Nina

Detalles de la música

Letras de la canción

In the summer all day long
Getting tanned in the hot dry sun
The waves wear out new swimsuits
While lying and listening to my favourite song
Sand throughout my hair
And cold blue water crashing.
Towels lying around to tan,
The sun is almost too hot to bare.
Fish swim between algae covered rocks,
The ocean simmers with delight
Feet kicking to swim deeper
Brushing the sand off my socks.

Descripción del estilo musical


Idioma de la letra


Emotional Analysis

The lyrics evoke a sense of joy, leisure, and nostalgia, capturing the carefree essence of summertime fun and relaxation by the beach.

Application Scenarios

Ideal for summer playlists, beach parties, and relaxation moments. It can also be used in advertising that promotes summertime activities and vacations.

Technical Analysis

The song uses vivid imagery and sensory details to create a picturesque scene; the imagery is rich with elements like 'tanned', 'waves', and 'sand', which enhance the listener's visualization of summer. The rhythmic structure is likely upbeat, aligning with pop genre characteristics.

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I want to be what I’ve been, But ‘till then I’ll be what I am, I prefer being alone, rather than be with or around them. It’s just me or them that shall be no more. Any of these two options is acceptable But that’s just not what they want, I do want that so badly, I get thrilled just by thinking about how it’s inevitable. No offspring of mine will suffer because it won’t exist. The day I be no more, Means the day my flesh, cells, DNA, and atoms cease to be, I don’t want not even a flick of my consciousnesses to be in a younger self of me, it’s just too undesired and unbearable Realm, that’s what makes it perfect for me to be in it, I loved it and it tortured me existentially Living enigmatically, hoping to materialistically flourish, or most probably.. perish. Uncertainty of life makes it unfathomably nice, and undoubtedly full of plights. Indeed, reason exists within all occurrences, as it exists within all nonoccurences. Randomness slaps reason on it's cheek, Randomness obfuscates at it's peak. Regret is the byproduct of bad trials in life, regret restrains curiosity. We, the ostensibly kind humans, are offered purpose in life, and we only know it once we ditch our doubts in life. Also doubt is the destroyer of reason and faith, it attributes all the randomness of hate. but, apparently doubt is also part of life, I dare say that it's the reason to live a long life. So believe it or not, Life might be exhilarating at first, yet, it's true face is the gradual destruction of human faith

Heartbreak Warrior-Urvashi-AI-singing
Heartbreak Warrior

[Verse] Broken hearts on fire Burning in the night Tears like shattered glass But I feel the light [Verse 2] Bass shakes the ground Guitar cries with me Drums echo my pain Piano sets me free [Chorus] I'm a heartbreak warrior Dancing through the storm Strong through my tears I'll find where I belong [Verse 3] Memories drift like smoke Lost in neon glow Fighting through the dark Ready for the show [Chorus] I'm a heartbreak warrior Dancing through the storm Strong through my tears I'll find where I belong [Bridge] In the beat I rise Electric heart beats on Empowered by the sound Till the break of dawn

Heartbeats and Echoes-Urvashi-AI-singing
Heartbeats and Echoes

[Verse] Heart in pieces on the floor Echoes of you out the door Drums keep pounding feel the pain Dancing hard to hide the rain [Verse 2] Guitar’s wailing says goodbye Bass lines low beneath the sky Piano’s crying every note But I'm standing I will float [Chorus] Heartbeats louder when they're free I am stronger now you’ll see Lights will guide me as I rise Feel the power in my eyes [Verse 3] Every tear a stepping stone Building dreams I call my own Dancing shadows turn to light Strength is found within the night [Chorus] Heartbeats louder when they're free I am stronger now you’ll see Lights will guide me as I rise Feel the power in my eyes [Bridge] From the ashes I will glow Feeling proud to let you go Every heartbeat brings the dawn Stronger now that you are gone

Feel the Beat-For-AI-singing
Feel the Beat

[Verse] Feel the bass it’s thumping clean In the groove like a drum machine Rhythm takes control of me Body’s moving set it free [Verse 2] Lights are flashing in the night Heart is pounding feeling right Lose myself in endless sound Feet keep dancing round and round [Chorus] Feel the beat it’s pumping loud Energy inside the crowd Move together unity Music sets our spirits free [Verse 3] Sweat is dripping from my brow In the moment here and now Vibrations through the floor we stand Magic beats us hand in hand [Bridge] Close your eyes and feel the flow Music’s power let it show Lost in rhythm wild and true Groove is all we need to do [Chorus] Feel the beat it’s pumping loud Energy inside the crowd Move together unity Music sets our spirits free


In the summer all day long Getting tanned in the hot dry sun The waves wear out new swimsuits While lying and listening to my favourite song Sand throughout my hair And cold blue water crashing. Towels lying around to tan, The sun is almost too hot to bare. Fish swim between algae covered rocks, The ocean shimmers with delight Feet kicking to swim deeper Brushing the sand off my socks.


In the summer all day long Getting tanned in the hot dry sun The waves wear out new swimsuits While lying and listening to my favourite song Sand throughout my hair And cold blue water crashing. Towels lying around to tan, The sun is almost too hot to bare. Fish swim between algae covered rocks, The ocean shimmers with delight Feet kicking to swim deeper Brushing the sand off my socks.


In the summer all day long Getting tanned in the hot dry sun The waves wear out new swimsuits While lying and listening to my favourite song Sand throughout my hair And cold blue water crashing. Towels lying around to tan, The sun is almost too hot to bare. Fish swim between algae covered rocks, The ocean simmers with delight Feet kicking to swim deeper Brushing the sand off my socks.

Les Semi-Croustillants-Victor-AI-singing
Les Semi-Croustillants

[Verse] Victor plonge dans l'eau, comme un missile. Nage, brise les vagues, super agile. Andrea en selle, pédale endiablé. Roue qui tourne, énergie inépuisable. [Verse 2] Gaëtan en baskets, c'est l'heure de courir. Souffle régulier, impossible de faiblir. Menton haut, il trace sans problème. Terrain conquis, personne peut l'arrêt. [Chorus] Les Semi-Croustillants, rois de Baudreix. Tête haute, défi sans frayeur ni stress. Force et courage, on laisse rien passer. Victoire en ligne de mire, prêts à tout casser. [Verse 3] Dans l'eau, sur terre, sur roues tournantes. Chaque coup de pédale, la team est brillante. Avec Victor qui nage, la rivalité se dissipe. Andrea fait rouler, le doute n'est plus tangible. [Bridge] Unis comme un, rien ne nous sépare. L'esprit triathlon, gravé dans nos cœurs. Les Semi-Croustillants, l'effort en étendard. On fonce vers la gloire, jamais en retard. [Chorus] Les Semi-Croustillants, rois de Baudreix. Tête haute, défi sans frayeur ni stress. Force et courage, on laisse rien passer. Victoire en ligne de mire, prêts à tout casser.

Les Semi-Croustillants-Victor-AI-singing
Les Semi-Croustillants

[Verse] Victor dans l'eau il nage fort Les vagues lui disent bravo Il coupe l'onde il fait son show Les Semi-Croustillants en or [Verse 2] Andrea pédale sans répit Les collines lui sourient Chaque coup de pédale les encense Elle avance elle ne flanche [Chorus] On est les Semi-Croustillants Tous ensemble jusqu'au bout Pour la victoire on se bat On va gagner pour toujours [Verse 3] Gaëtan court comme le vent Le bitume sous ses pieds Il s'envole il est si léger Il ne s'arrêtera jamais [Chorus] On est les Semi-Croustillants Tous ensemble jusqu'au bout Pour la victoire on se bat On va gagner pour toujours [Bridge] Baudreix sera à nous Là où notre rêve se joue On est prêts on va y aller Avec du cœur et d’la volonté

Les Semi Croustillants-Victor-AI-singing
Les Semi Croustillants

[Verse] Victor plonge dans l'eau claire Brasse fort il sait quoi faire Lac de Baudreix si brillant C'est le début du triavant [Verse 2] Andrea s'empare du guidon Sur son vélo elle file comme un avion Tourne les pédales vite et serein Chemin de gloire sans fin [Chorus] Les Semi Croustillants sont là Victor Andrea et Gaëtan ça va Unis sous le soleil brûlant Toujours ensemble en triathlon [Verse 3] Gaëtan prend la relève Sur la piste il fonce sans trêve Courir c'est sa grande passion Jamais il n'abandonne l'action [Chorus] Les Semi Croustillants sont là Victor Andrea et Gaëtan ça va Unis sous le soleil brûlant Toujours ensemble en triathlon [Bridge] Victoire au bout des efforts partagés Ensemble rien ne peut les arrêter Distance et fatigue oubliées Que la joie de l'amitié

Whisper in the Wind-ashley jaine-AI-singing
Whisper in the Wind

[Verse] Silent nights we close our eyes Whispers fading in the skies Dream of worlds where we might fly Leave behind the last goodbye [Verse 2] Echoes drift on twilight breeze Memories like fallen leaves Footsteps on this ancient ground Fading where they can't be found [Chorus] What we leave behind My dear All the love and all the tears In the moonlight they appear Long after we're no longer here [Verse 3] Stars that twinkle in your sight Carry songs of endless night Every wish we've ever made Shadows in the great parade [Bridge] In the silence lies our trace Gentle marks we can't erase Whisper soft A warm embrace Lingering in empty space [Chorus] What we leave behind My dear All the love and all the tears In the moonlight they appear Long after we're no longer here

Out there-Cory-AI-singing
Out there

He was a good kid He ain't done nothing wrong Worked hard Got them good grades Tried to get along The nerd, the geek the dweeb Whatever word you wanna use Good head on his shoulders Bright future nothing to lose Then one night, one night His whole world came crashing down Left his head spinning round He said daddy, oh daddy I think I might be gay Kicked out, sent on his way He's out there on the road Thumb up in the air Not knowing where he's going to Not knowing if he cares Barely sixteen forced to be on his own It's cold and dark He's scared to death He doesn't want to be alone He's done things He's not proud of just to have a meal He's danced for money Sold his body Until he no longer feels One night as he was walking home A car went flying past A man hung out the window Shooting him in the chest He slumped down to the ground Fearing his next breath Praying he wouldn't die He lifted his head to the sky He called out father, dear father in heaven If you can hear me There must be a better plan for who I am to be He's out there on the road Clinging on to life Ambulance pulls up Paramedic says son you'll be alright He just turned seventeen Forced to be on his own It's cold and dark He's scared to death He don't want to die alone A nurse at the hospital Called his aunt in Tennessee She crashed through the door Saying your coming home with me It took seven months Until he felt like himself again He spent most days on the porch talking to aunt Lynn Thank you for letting me stay Your kindness I'll repay I'll be a better kid The man my dad would want me to be She grabbed his hand You listen to me Billy, sweet Billy There's nothing wrong with you How do I ease your mind Make you see the truth That who you are Is who you're supposed to be And who you are is alright with me He's out there in the field Driving the tractor around He has his first boyfriend Needs to clean up Head to town He's eighteen Finally has a place to call home Aunt Lynn gets him ready for prom Hugs him And says you'll never be alone