[Verse 1] My mind"s a maze where I can"t sleep Countin" regrets instead of sheep The clock ticks loud but I stay still Chasin" dreams that climb uphill [Chorus] Thoughts too heavy they drop like rain Soak my soul drive me insane Lost in cycles can"t find my way Tomorrow feels like yesterday [Verse 2] Blurring lines between dusk and dawn All my battles fought when I"m alone Mirror shows a stranger"s face Searching for time that I misplaced [Bridge] I scribble verses to ease the storm Word by word I keep myself warm In my chaos I find the rhyme Holdin" on till I make time mine [Verse 3] The streets still talk and the world turns grey Each new lesson makes me pay But in the grind I feel alive The fire inside"s what keeps me drive [Chorus] Thoughts too heavy they drop like rain Soak my soul drive me insane Lost in cycles can"t find my way Tomorrow feels like yesterday
introspective, hip hop, rhythmic
The song depicts feelings of introspection, frustration, and a battle with mental turmoil. It conveys a sense of loneliness and the weight of regrets, while also expressing a flicker of hope and determination through creative expression.
The song would resonate in scenarios involving personal reflection, coping with mental health struggles, or finding solace in creativity. It could be used in therapeutic settings, creative workshops, or as a soundtrack for introspective moments in films or personal videos.
The song employs vivid imagery and metaphors to explore complex emotions. It features a rhythmic flow typical of hip hop, with a strong lyrical structure that reflects the artist’s internal dialogue. The use of repetition in the chorus emphasizes the cyclical nature of the thoughts being expressed.
[Verse] Ela duy beni bu işin şakası yok Sözlerim keskin sanki kör bir ok Bulutlara çıkardın ayakların yerden Şimdi gerçeklerle iniyorsun birden [Verse 2] Gözlerin yalanlarla dolup taşar Gül gibi görünüp altında taş var Şehirde yankılanır sesim yankı Kimse bilmez senin sahte maskı [Chorus] Hayat bir sahne sen baş rol sanırsın Ama perde kapandı herkes anladı hırsın Kaçış yok Ela bak işte buradasın Yalanlarına kurduğun anda battın [Verse 3] Sözlerim sert sanki çelik gibi Ela gerçekler var bu köprü gibi Sen bir oyun kurdun ama kartlar çürük Artık doğruyu gör saklanma ürkük [Bridge] Savunma yapamazsın sessizce dur Herkes gördü senin maskeni vur Ela bu bir dövüş ben galip savaşçı Şimdi yer gök dinler bu son parça [Chorus] Hayat bir sahne sen baş rol sanırsın Ama perde kapandı herkes anladı hırsın Kaçış yok Ela bak işte buradasın Yalanlarına kurduğun anda battın
[Verse] The trees breathe whispers soft and bare The rivers hum their secrets rare The sky's a canvas bright and wide Where clouds and dreams collide and glide [Verse 2] The earth beneath my feet does sing Each rock Each grain A sacred ring The wind it dances through the leaves A symphony the heart believes [Chorus] Oh the world spins wild and free A living Breathing mystery Air and water Beast and bloom In their arms There's always room [Verse 3] Raindrops kiss the thirsty ground Echoes of life's ancient sound Fields of green where hopes reside Nature walks with us A guide [Bridge] Listen close The earth will share Its voice is gentle Raw And rare Through every shadow Every spark It lights our way within the dark [Chorus] Oh the world spins wild and free A living Breathing mystery Air and water Beast and bloom In their arms There's always room
[Verso 1] En el grupo 17 los halógenos están Con brillo y energía listos pa" reaccionar Flúor el más veloz siempre quiere destacar Mientras el cloro a todos los puede limpiar [Verso 2] Bromo en su estado líquido jugará Y el yodo morado sus tintes nos dará Astato es raro de acá para allá Y teneso a la tabla su misterio añadirá [Estribillo] Halógeno halógeno ven y toma tu lugar Con siete electrones vas a electrizar Del flúor al teneso todos tienen su andar En química y en vida siempre van a brillar [Puente] Monovalentes siempre prontos para unir Cadenas invisibles que nos hacen existir Reaccionando rápido como un rayo fugaz Halógenos maestros de este mundo químico y audaz [Verso 3] La tabla periódica no sería igual Sin estos elementos y su labor vital Al fuego al agua su marca van a dejar De ellos aprendemos su fuerza sin igual [Estribillo] Halógeno halógeno ven y toma tu lugar Con siete electrones vas a electrizar Del flúor al teneso todos tienen su andar En química y en vida siempre van a brillar
Listin up dumb space mother enjoyers Big space tale galactic Mother Employers With engines bright as a dragon’s smell Witches stirring a cauldron for hellacious spell. We got people gone leave this planet Like a famous Jackson but her name aint Janet. With Captain Musk at the helm MAGA hat. We’ll build a new home on Mars, imagine that. (mucho haters on scene) Through the vacuum of space Past the moon at a galactic pace (screed on scene) Powerful rockets on the stainless steel ship We got some rhymes that we"re planning to rip. (get in the van) So just give us a few to let it all out. The rhythm and the unity is what its all about. We"ll give you a show, the best of your days The show is all free, nobody pays. So sit back relax and enjoy your lays. Heave ho to the stars we go Set the course where the red winds blow Cosmic roads just like tollbooth willy. Cop saying refusing a donut is silly. (hillbilly) Peeps are mad nobody knows why Space X rockets burn and kiss the sky Ya got so many stars in a constellation Several bowel movements, McDees is the solutions Captain Musk can you hear the sound? Mars aliens, have you looked around! Will the Martian planet be off the chain? (remain the same) Orange man bad and delicious pies are rad. cookies and cream and a no bake cake Let freedom ring for goodness sake. New place new space just like we could Out from the streets, we out from the hood Mystify the planet just like humans right? Even blind natives say what a dope sight. Through the vacuum of space Past the moon at a galactic pace Smokin hotties in stainless steel ships Just the thought will you consider a tip. (monetary value for services provided) Powerful rockets on the stainless steel ship. We got some rhymes that we"re planning to rip. Give us a few to let it all out. The rhythm and the unity is what"s it all about. We"ll give you a show the rest of your days. So kick back, relax and enjoy your lays.
Gather round ya space mother lovers Big space tale galactic Mother Hubbard With engines bright as a dragon’s breath My moms favorite x-files show with Seth (will never forget it) We got people gone leave this planet Like a famous Jackson but her name aint Janet. With Captain Musk at the helm MAGA hat. We’ll build a new home on Mars, imagine that. (mucho haters on scene) Through the vacuum of space Past the moon at a galactic pace (screed on scene) Powerful rockets on the stainless steel ship We got some rhymes that we"re planning to rip. So just give us a few to let it all out. The rhythm and the unity is what its all about. We"ll give you a show, the best of your days The show is all free, nobody pays. So sit back relax and enjoy your lays. Heave ho to the stars we go Set the course where the red winds blow Cosmic roads just like tollbooth willy. A cop saying no to a donut is silly. Peeps are mad nobody knows why Space X rockets burn and kiss the sky Ya got so many stars in a constellation need a bowel movement, McDees is constipation Captain Musk can you hear the sound? Mars aliens, have you looked around! Will the Martian planet be off the chain? (off the chain) Orange man lies and I love pies. cookies and cream and a no bake cake Let freedom ring for goodness sake. First the victim card then the race card. New place new space just like we could Out from the streets, we out from the hood Mystify the planet just like humans right? Even blind natives say what a dope sight. Through the vacuum of space Past the moon at a galactic pace Smokin hotties in stainless steel ships Just the thought will make you do flips Powerful rockets on the stainless steel ship. We got some rhymes that we"re planning to rip.
You hold me like flowers to your chest Suffocate yet still I rest So slowly I drown in your scent but maybe death is better then this So what you gonna do You can cut me with your words You can keep my thrifted shirt You can keep all of our friends since at least I know my worth Even if you were my world I"ll just numb myself with work And if this is all I have then I know I"ll be okay Rather die and be alone than to love and be in pain
[Verse 1] My mind"s a maze where I can"t sleep Countin" regrets instead of sheep The clock ticks loud but I stay still Chasin" dreams that climb uphill [Chorus] Thoughts too heavy they drop like rain Soak my soul drive me insane Lost in cycles can"t find my way Tomorrow feels like yesterday [Verse 2] Blurring lines between dusk and dawn All my battles fought when I"m alone Mirror shows a stranger"s face Searching for time that I misplaced [Bridge] I scribble verses to ease the storm Word by word I keep myself warm In my chaos I find the rhyme Holdin" on till I make time mine [Verse 3] The streets still talk and the world turns grey Each new lesson makes me pay But in the grind I feel alive The fire inside"s what keeps me drive [Chorus] Thoughts too heavy they drop like rain Soak my soul drive me insane Lost in cycles can"t find my way Tomorrow feels like yesterday
Lyrics: Gather round ya space mother lovers Big space tale galactic Mother Hubbard With engines bright as a dragon’s breath Steel trap as tight as can be before death We got people gone leave this planet Like a famous Jackson but her name aint Janet. With Captain Musk at the helm MAGA hat. We’ll build a new home on Mars, imagine that. Through the vacuum of space Past the moon at a galactic pace Smokin hotties in stainless steel ships Just the thought will make you do flips Heave ho to the stars we go Set the course where the red winds blow Cosmic roads just like tollbooth willy. A cop saying no to a donut is just silly. Peeps are mad nobody knows why Space X rockets burn and kiss the sky Ya got so many stars in a constellation need a bowel movement, hoax is constipation Captain Musk can you hear the sound? Mitch please, have you looked around! Will the Martian planet be off the chain? (off the chain) Can you say that now and lose your fame? New place new space just like we could Out from the streets, we out from the hood Mystify the planet just like humans right? Even blind natives say what a dope sight. Through the vacuum of space Past the moon at a galactic pace Smokin hotties in stainless steel ships Just the thought will make you do flips Raise the launch fire the rocket and we thrust. Captain Musk on the scene causing a fuss we trust.
[Куплет] Марийка от Габрово Кралица на купон Мечтае за камък Ама всъщност е картон Слага евтини бижута Мисли Че блести Но истината брато В очите ѝ седи [Припев] Марийка Ах Марийка В мечти се тя топи Гледа в огледалото Но истина не вижда ти Евтини илюзии Но стилът ѝ е шик Марийка от Габрово Един странстващ миг [Куплет 2] Танцува тя в нощта Мисли някой гледа Но всъщност всички смеят се Историята редят Обещания големи хвърля във въздуха с лек Марийка Бъди искрена Лъжата е дефект [Припев] Марийка Ах Марийка В мечти се тя топи Гледа в огледалото Но истина не вижда ти Евтини илюзии Но стилът ѝ е шик Марийка от Габрово Един странстващ миг [Бридж] Мечтите ѝ са розови Но падат като дъжд Върти малката си драма Сякаш играе мъж Не знае къде върви Но все пак продължава Марийка от Габрово Тайната разгадава [Припев] Марийка Ах Марийка В мечти се тя топи Гледа в огледалото Но истина не вижда ти Глупавите илюзии Лъскавият трик Марийка от Габрово Един странстващ миг
Joł, joł Ławniczak, kowalski cię miażdży definicją Kosziego pogrąży cię tu każdy jestem nad tobą, rosnę do nieskończoności a nad tobą tylko stoi twój żałosny brak litości. Powiem ci krótko, bo jesteś fujara udajesz kogoś, bo etos rycerski cię jara. Lecz z ciebie rycerza niewielka jest miara. Bardziej pośmiewiska ruda ofiara nikt cię tu nie lubi, nawet rogala. Od swych obowiązków trzymasz się z dala. Śpisz sobie słodko, gdy ma być poprawa. Bo co cię obchodzi taka błaha sprawa. Ciebie tu nie ma, twój sukces to ściema. Mogę cię rozjechać moimi ciągami trzema ego ci rośnie przez status doktorka zapominasz już chyba, kto wyjął cię z worka. Ty niewdzięczny gnoju, ja żyję ulicą do marnego życia jesteś zbieżną granicą bez matmy użycia mogę tu bez bicia. Powiedzieć ci wprost, jesteś do pobicia twój kucyk ohydny na pustej głowie siedzi. Wygląda jak z rury zardzewiałej lub z miedzi. Podobnie jak składak, z którym masz wciąż do czynienia. Tyle mam dla ciebie tu do powiedzenia.
[Verse] In the daylight I"m all smiles wide and free Laugh with friends but deep inside ain"t me Talk about the past with a laugh and a grin But in the dark my head it starts to spin [Verse 2] Ex-girlfriends call me player and a cheat They don"t know the nights I cry in my defeat Dad always said I"d never be enough His words they cut and make me tough [Chorus] Behind the mask I am falling apart Behind the smile there"s a broken heart In the dark I can"t pretend anymore Silent screams like waves on a shore [Verse 3] Walk through the halls head held high But when I"m alone I just wanna die Old lovers" whispers haunt me in the night Their shadows dance in the dim moonlight [Bridge] Close the door away from the crowd Silent tears but I can"t cry out loud Dad"s voice echoes in the room so cold Hope someday my true self gets bold [Chorus] Behind the mask I am falling apart Behind the smile there"s a broken heart In the dark I can"t pretend anymore Silent screams like waves on a shore