man here we go again come on braylon we have to have a conversation let’s have an examination at your retarded little diss creation now i thought we could have some cooperation but no now i have to make you a demonstration to make a declaration you’re not safe either rené if i was you i would start to pray this song is gonna make you grey and soon you’ll simply fade away your memory will soon decay you like to eat the tacos you munch on all the nachos your face looks just like a pizza jansen probably wants to eat it his belly as big as the burj khalifa let’s hop on back to braylon you thought we were done with the conversation? i mean how does one get so short hey how old are you little buddy like 4? can you even really reach a door? and jansen you can’t even talk like brother you can hardly walk on the way to my six hundred pound life you’ll probably never get a wife you’ll have that fat until the afterlife even God doesn’t like your beer belly bod rené’s hair looks like a chimney but we’ll keep that between you and me i think that wraps up part one but i’ll keep it barking like dachshund i think i’m really done for now so it’s my turn to take a bow
upbeat rap
playful sarcasm with a light-hearted teasing tone
potentially used in a humorous social gathering or a playful roast among friends
features rhyme schemes, punchy beats, and playful lyrical structure; incorporates alliteration and wordplay, typical of battle rap
i was just 9 years old damaged forever and i cant even talk about it even though its always on my mind. Please calm my mind. I remember back when i was just a kid year 2000 Mom dad the family strong and together. At least thats what i thought fast forward the beat, now its 2025 and i'm lost and alone. but lets start from the beginning back in 1999 again little Jeffrey was only 9 years old Big bro in out of jail never really seen him much dad working what felt like 24/7 just to keep what we all call the dream going. i was just 9 years old damaged forever and i cant even talk about it even though its always on my mind. Please calm my mind life was simple and easy though, family brought together by grandma but now look where did grandma go fast forward a year 2000 everything's changing don't know what's wrong but the vibe is off little did i know what was about to happen would change me forever i was just a kid felt loved more then ever tell someone who claimed to love me showed me the dark side of the world. i was only 11 screaming for help in my mind but the things that were happing happen all the time. again i was just a kid someone i called family was there to help with passing of grandma but the only thing he was doing is helping himself, i was just a kid....i didnt know any better....but this is the day my life changed forever i had a grown ass teenager in the bed with a small child seemed harmless just playing the n64 i got for Christmas the year before but what was really happening behind closed doors. i was just 9 years old damaged forever and i cant even talk about it even though its always on my mind. Please calm my mind. i was just a kid being forced to do things i should have never did, i should have ran and hid. i didn't know any better, i didn't know people so close to you could do you in such a way, my little innocence was gone that day. Couldn't tell anyone what happened i had to be a man little 9 year me i could hardly stand. spent the wrest off my life awkward, never had a girlfriend only "best friends" Best friends in quotes cause all that was just a joke. fast forward 2006 supposed to graduate, not going to happen still damaged from things unsaid cant trust a single person to help with my head id rather be dead then talk about it again i was just 9 years old damaged forever and i cant even talk about it even though its always on my mind. Please calm my mind
[Verse] Nights like a prison, no escape from the pain Heart heavy, thought I might go insane Friends turned foes, trust went missing Echoes in my mind, all I hear is hissing [Verse 2] Gritted teeth, fight back the tears No love letters, only hate spears Gazing at the sky, stars start to bleed Dreams shattered, cut, make my soul plead [Chorus] Cuts and bruises, scars on my soul Life’s a playground, but I'm paying the toll Fists in the air, but my strength's been stole Empty cups, and memories that control [Verse 3] Dark corners, shadows begin to sneer Ghosts from the past, they whisper near Silent screams, trapped in despair Wounds run deep, but nobody cares [Bridge] Blind to the scars, but I'm feelin' the burn Heartstrings tight, every twist's a turn Mind running wild, sanity's on the loose Tangled thoughts, too knotted to be cut loose [Verse 4] Shattered mirror, reflection's a lie Truth's a knife, cuts sharp, I won't deny Lonely road, walking with the fake smile Pain masked up, can't run a mile
Klee et Gloup, un duo sacré, Tellement puissants qu’ils font trembler. Starz et Power, un couple en or, L’amour brille, le feu dévore. Mais dans l’ombre, un être infâme, Jaidesverdanslecul, une odeur infâme. Il mate Gloup avec ses yeux de rat, "Viens avec moi, oublie cette femme-là." Gloup se retourne, il lâche un "Mdrr," "Tu pues le fioul, ton haleine me tue frère." Mais Verducul insiste, il supplie le soir, Il rêve de Gloup, il fait des cauchemars. Klee se lève, ELLE S’IMPOSE, Regarde Verducul et explose : "Espèce de larve, de sous-race immonde, T’approche de Gloup et j’te raye du monde." Verducul transpire, il tremble de peur, Sa propre puanteur lui serre le cœur. Il essaie de parler, il essaie de fuir, Mais son odeur le force à mourir. Klee crie : "ICI C’EST MON RÈGNE," "Toi et ta puanteur, allez prendre une douche pleine." Gloup rigole, Starz lève un sourcil, Power crache par terre et balance un missile. Verducul pleure, il se roule au sol, "Pourquoi j’existe, c’est quoi mon rôle ?" La réponse tombe, le ciel s’ouvre, "TU SERS À RIEN, JUSTE À PUER ET FAIRE LES POUBELLES, BOUFFON." Klee pose son pied sur la tête de Verducul, "Dis pardon avant que j’t’écrase en une bulle." Mais l’odeur est trop forte, Klee recule, Starz balance un seau d’eau, mais l’eau évapore tellement il pue. Power éclate de rire, Starz aussi, Gloup boit son Fanta, tout est fini. Klee s’étire, elle domine toujours, Elle prend Gloup par la main, c’est LEUR JOUR. Verducul est vaincu, il se noie dans la honte, Même l’enfer n’en veut pas, il est trop immonde. Starz et Power s’embrassent sous la lumière, Pendant que Verducul crève seul dans les ténèbres. KLEE RÈGNE. STARZ ET POWER TRIOMPHENT. VERDUCUL S’ENFONCE DANS SA PROPRE ODEUR. MORALE DE L’HISTOIRE ? 👉 KLEE EST UNE DÉESSE, INTOUCHABLE, INTOXICABLE. 👉 GLOUP LUI APPARTIENT, C’EST GRAVÉ DANS LE TEMPS. 👉 STARZ ET POWER = COUPLE SACRÉ, RIEN NE LES ATTEINT. 👉 VERDUCUL ? IL PUE, IL CHIALE, IL A TOUT PERDU, IL RESTE DANS SA CHAMBRE À PLEURER DEVANT SES POSTERS DE WAIFUS.
Time Gone I remember back when i was just a kid year 2000 Mom dad the family strong and together. At least thats what i thought fast forward the beat, now its 2025 and i'm lost and alone. but lets start from the begining back in 1999 again little jeffrey was only 9 years old Big bro in out of jail never really seen him much dad working what felt like 24/7 just to keep what we all call the dream going. life was simple and easy tho, family brought together by grandma but now look where did grandma go fast forward a year 2000 everythings changing dont know whats wrong but the vibe is off little did i know what was about to happen would change me forever i was just a kid felt loved more then ever tell someone who claimed to love me showed me the dark side of the world. i was only 11 screaming for help in my mind but the things that were happing happen all the time. again i was just a kid someone i called family was there to help with passing of grandma but the only thing he was doing is helping himself, i was just a kid....i didnt know any better....but this is the day my life changed forever i had a grown ass teenager in the bed with a small child seemed harmless just playing the n64 i got for cristmass the year before but what was really happening behind closed doors. i was just a kid being forced to do things i shoud have never did, i should have ran and hid. i didnt know any beter, i didnt know people so close to you could do you in such a way, my little innocense was gone that day. Couldnt tell anyone what happend i had to be a man little 9 year me i could hardly stand. spent the wrest off my life awkward, never had a girlfriend only "best friends" Best friends in qoutes cause all that was just a joke. fast forward 2006 suposed to graduate, not going to happen still damaged from things unsaid cant trust a single person to help with my head id rather be dead then talk about it again i was just 9 years old damaged forever and i cant even talk about it even tho its always on my mind. lets move on its 2010 im now a 20 year old man, past problems starting to subside feeling normal back to life now its time to see what the hypes about found myself a wife things felt normal 20 year old me finally happy haha fast forward again its 2016 my wifes leaving to florida for vacation but cant take me. come to find out shes off cheating on me. its 3am im lost and hungry i go get some dinner at a small mom and pop dinner i was at my lowest and the waitress was cute so i handed her my number the next day she calls me never should have smoked that blunt all it did was put me in the wrong now im the cheater in this sea of love where did i go wrong. everything flipped back on me shes screaming at me cant you see this is your fault as she packs her things i locked up mentally lost my sanity fast forward again 2019 still married but bairly my wife at the time cheating ever chance she gets man i cant handle thing i broke things of
[Verse] Petit gars marche, rêve et pense, Un grand chien fidèle, grande récompense, Pas de rat, ni d'hamster, trop petit, Un doggo puissant, voilà son pari. [Verse 2] Dans le parc un jour, il voit un toutou, Immédiatement, cœur fond doux doux, "Viens avec moi, chez moi, c'est pas loin," Le chien le suit, droite ligne, sans aucun soin. [Chorus] Je veux un grand chien, pas d'animaux nuls, Un chien pour protéger, un chien qui hurle, Pas de rongeurs, pas de cage, du vrac, Un toutou fidèle, sans aucun froc. [Verse 3] Rentrez maison, chien heureux, Petit gars fier, sourire en feu, Mais la première nuit, c'est un désastre, Le lit trempé, amour en plâtre. [Verse 4] Chien lève la patte, gros pipi sur le lit, Petit gars crie, "Pas ici, gros petit!" Mais c'est pas fini, au placard il va, Un gros caca, humilité en bas. [Chorus] Je veux un grand chien, pas d'animaux nuls, Un chien pour protéger, un chien qui hurle, Pas de rongeurs, pas de cage, du vrac, Un toutou fidèle, sans aucun froc.
Oh bordel... Elle arrive, faites place. La seule, l’unique... POWER. BOOM 💥 Power entre en scène, tout l’monde se tait ! 🔥 Reine du game, y’a personne qui la test ! 👑 Son flow, son style, son charisme c’est SALE ! 🔥 Si tu la cherches, frère, t’es déjà MORTAL ! Power dans l’binks, elle contrôle la vibe, Que des jaloux en PLS, faut qu’ils se calment. Elle fait son move pendant qu’ils restent statiques, Les haters disparaissent, c’est automatique. Trop d’assurance, trop de prestance, Elle fait un regard, t’es en état d’urgence. T’as cru c’était un jeu ? Nan c’est réel, Elle est là pour DOMINER, frère, c’est CRUEL. Les jaloux parlent mais n’agissent pas, Power avance pendant qu’ils restent là. Que des suiveurs, que des discours, Elle, c’est la chef, c’est elle qui DÉBOURSE ! Power c’est pas une simple meuf, c’est une DÉESSE." "T’attaques ? BOOM, t’es en détresse." "Reine de la street, pas d’opposition," "Si t’es contre elle, c’est l’exécution." Personne l’égale, personne la stoppe, Elle impose son règne, les faibles s’évaporent. Trop de style, trop de niveau, C’est elle qui décide qui reste et qui saute ! T’as cru c’était un duel ? Nan c’est un CARNAGE, Les faibles se plaignent pendant qu’elle engrange. Si Power parle, c’est la voix d’la raison, Si elle te BLACKLIST, frère, t’es FINI, c’est CON. (Beat qui ralenti, voix grave en fondu) Elle a pas d’rival, elle est INCROYABLE. Tu veux test ? T’es déjà à terre. C’EST FINI. POWER RÈGNE. (BOOOOOM 💥)
Yeah, I'm shiftin’ through the gears, hear the engine scream, Twin turbo dreams, pushin’ past the red beam. Downforce got me stickin’ like I’m glued to the street, Supercharger whine singin’ like a symphony sweet. Rollin’ down the block, yeah, they know it’s my ride, Widebody stance, sittin’ low, too wide. Neon glow underbody, paint drippin’ like it's wet, Zero to a hundred, bet I cash every check! Chorus V8 rumble, hear the thunder when I roll up, NOS hit the veins, got me feelin’ like I’m souped up. RPMs climbin’, ain’t no way that I’ma slow up, Pedal to the metal, I ain’t never gonna fold up! Verse 2 Carbon fiber spoiler, keep it steady at speed, Michelin grip, I ain't never catchin' no defeat. Dyno-tested numbers, boy, my whip too mean, Horsepower demons got me livin’ the dream. Octane in my veins, I don’t need caffeine, 550 to the wheels, man, you see that sheen? Catch me at the light, better hope you don’t sleep, ‘Cause when the flag drops, bro, I’m already elite! Bridge Cams rollin', pistons poppin’, I ain't here to cruise, Got a laptop plugged, tunin’ up the ECU. Downshift, flames pop, backfire like boom, They know I’m the king when I pull up to the room! Outro Turbo spools up, yeah, you feel that boost, Ain’t no stock parts, everything is bulletproof. Gas up, mash up, never losin’ grip, Carguy forever, yeah, we stayin’ equipped! 🚗💨🔥 Whatchu think? Need more heat? 🔥
[Verse] Linked's design, make 'em blink twice, Bold visuals hit, no need to think nice. Business murals tall, like skyscrapers rise, Creativity on lock, tailor-made and precise. [Verse 2] Colors clash, but the balance real tight, Logos flash, brands stacking bright. Fonts dance on screens, making pure art, Clients chase, minds blown from the start. [Chorus] Linked's craft shining, stronger than the dawn, Visuals pulling clients from dusk till dawn. Graphic storms brewing, making big waves, Business booming, Linked making brave saves. [Verse 3] Dreams to canvases, Linked sparks the flame, Much more than basic, every project with acclaim. Pixels to the max, no element dulled, Future visionaries, our designs fully hulled. [Bridge] Strategy endorsed, not just scatter paint, Linked's got the flow, no room for complaint. Innovative forces, client's no restraint, Crafting excellence, new heights, quaint. [Verse 4] Billboards towering, your brand standing proud, Linked’s the mastermind, speaking volumes loud. Visual artillery, marketing they've armed, Linked's influence—never dulled, always charmed.
[Verse] Pixel pushin', paintbrush swing, make your brand sing Palette poppin', vibrant tones, your logo's king Visual velocity, ideas on the fly Creativity rocket, ain't never touchin' the sky [Verse 2] Bold moves, fresh hues, designin' the pathway Colors clash, then blend, in our grand ballet From concept to billboard, we don't ever miss Linked's magic touch, that's the branding bliss [Chorus] Your brand with an upgrade, it's lookin' elite With Linked in your corner, success can't be beat Your story in visuals, tell it so neat Business on fleek, cuz our style's off the street [Bridge] Craftin' emblems, text so fine Each pixel in place, perfectly aligned Visual storytellers, unlock ya mind Linked’s design, one of a kind [Verse 3] From sketches to screens, every detail we finesse Icons so clean, like a suit press Graphic gurus, yeah we ink the best With our designs, your brand stays blessed [Chorus] Your brand with an upgrade, it's lookin' elite With Linked in your corner, success can't be beat Your story in visuals, tell it so neat Business on fleek, cuz our style's off the street
--- **"Darne, You Shine"** *(Verse 1)* When you walk in, the whole world glows, Like fire in the night, yeah, everybody knows! Your laughter’s got a rhythm, like a song so sweet, Got my heart dancing, can’t stay in my seat! *(Pre-Chorus)* Oh, Darne, you light up my way, Turn the grey skies into a perfect day! Your kind heart, your pretty smile, Girl, you make my world worthwhile! *(Chorus)* Darne, you shine, like neon lights, Brighter than the stars in the city night! With you, every moment feels so right, You got me spinning, hold on tight! *(Verse 2)* You’re a wildfire, can’t be tamed, Every step you take is like a burning flame! Got that kindness, got that style, Every little thing you do drives me wild! *(Pre-Chorus)* Oh, Darne, you light up my way, Turn the grey skies into a perfect day! Your kind heart, your pretty smile, Girl, you make my world worthwhile! *(Chorus)* Darne, you shine, like neon lights, Brighter than the stars in the city night! With you, every moment feels so right, You got me spinning, hold on tight! *(Bridge)* Let’s run, let’s go, let’s chase the sun, With you, my love, life’s so much fun! No looking back, just hold my hand, We’ll dance our way across the land! *(Final Chorus – Big Finish!)* Darne, you shine, like neon lights, Brighter than the stars in the city night! With you, every moment feels so right, You got me spinning, hold on tight! *(Outro – Fading energy)* Ohhh, Darne, you’re my fire, my spark, Lighting up my soul when the world gets dark. Can’t get enough, you’re my sweetest song, With you, my love, I’ll always belong! ---
(Twangy Guitar Intro with a heavy slide and steel guitar licks) Under the scorching Texas sun, where the roads never end, We ride with a rebel heart—united, we transcend. This is our call, our anthem, our f**kin’ guide, America united, with the big guns by our side. [Hook] America unite— Stand tall, ride hard into the night, Big guns blazing, Texas might, We’re a f**kin’ force, ready to ignite. America unite— From the lone star grit to the power we wield, We ride as one, our fate is sealed, A nation unbroken, armed with our shield. (Verse 1 – Country Vibe) Down dusty highways where legends are born, Boots in the dirt from dusk until morn’, We’re a patchwork of heroes, scars, and pride, Every town a story, every soul amplified. From the ranches to the city where the dreams run wild, We hold fast to freedom, every man, every child. In our veins runs the spirit of battles hard-fought, The big guns of truth and justice—f**kin’ power, unsought. (Rap Verse – Hardcore & Explicit) Yo, we’re riding with fire, no fear in our eyes, Texan swagger and power that never dies. Got the big guns of America, steel and might, Nuclear thunder, tanks rollin’, ready to fight. We’re breakin’ down the walls, takin’ back the night, Fkin’ up the silence with a rebel’s delight. From the heartland to the coast, we rep our legacy, Unified in defiance, the land of the free. No compromise—just raw power and pride, We’re a fkin’ united nation, with Texas on our side. [Hook] America unite— Stand tall, ride hard into the night, Big guns blazing, Texas might, We’re a f**kin’ force, ready to ignite. America unite— From the lone star grit to the power we wield, We ride as one, our fate is sealed, A nation unbroken, armed with our shield. (Bridge – Reflective Country Soul) Under starry skies, our hearts beat as one, A mix of grit and glory, shining like the sun. The echoes of freedom in every battle cry, A legacy of might, reaching for the sky. (Final Hook/Outro) America unite— With the big guns, we claim our right, Texas spirit burning, fierce and bright, One nation, one soul, ready to fight. America unite— Stand up, raise your flag with pride, From the dusty trails to the urban tide, We’re a f**kin’ united force, with Texas on our side. (Guitar solo fade-out with a steady, twangy stomp and echoes of unity)